
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Glitter, Glue and the Flu

This week, H1N1 Flu came home with Jack and landed on me by the end of this week. Evidently 20% of Jack's 8th grade class was out sick this past week, which tends to lend some credence to all the flu-mania in the news...

I'm happy to report that we're on the mend so I thought I'd post a quick update. Not too much progress on my bead journal piece but I did decide to add a little more dimension below the tulle that I placed over my musical, painted fabric I made the other day.

First, I used the very fine ArtGlitters from Barbara Trombley as well as JoSonja's textile medium. I painted the glue very lightly -- taking most of the medium off of the brush by brushing it on a paper towel before applying it to the fabric. It doesn't take much at all to make the glitter stick.

I then sprinkled the glitter over the fabric much in the same way that you dust sprinkles over sugar cookies -- trying not to glump the sugar in any one spot.

I loved how the glitter shone through on this rainy, gray Fall day.

And I loved how it gave just a little more dimension to my overall background.

Now, I guess I better get beading. I really don't have any idea how I am going to do that...but I know I'm looking forward to figuring it out...

Thank you all for your ideas for painting charms. Now I just have to find those blasted charms...they are around here somewhere.

And if you'd like to see another example where I used glitter, you can check out my experiment here and it's result here.


  1. I enjoyed this post SO much! O, yes this page is shaping up nicely, but looking back on old posts that were posted before I met you was cool. I like that you test techniques before you jump. I'm a fly by the seat of my pants crafter....NO PRACTICE.. in any thing I do. That's why I could never learn to tole paint ~ lol. Those tea party girls were so so cute.

    Sorry you have the flu. Its hit hard in our area. One of the hardest hit in the country they say. One school nearby had to close. 3 children in the 11-14 age group have died from complications. Corey's school, as of friday, were 7 more children absent from flu and they would close for 2 weeks, to be made up in the summer. Football games have been cancelled because teams are sick. They are saying it hits the younger kids and older people do better with it.

    I hope you get over the bug quickly. Take good care. You don't want that bug bouncing around your house all winter.

    XX, Carol

  2. Oh, no, flu! It puts such a damper on the fun. It's nice to see you're up to some creativity anyway. This project looks promising.

  3. Ah, the healing powers of glitter! I hope you are all feeling better soon.

  4. oooo I do hope you are feeling better!
    love how this is shaping up, can't wait to see it done!

  5. Hope this finds you feeling much better, Susan. And Jack, too! Like this version of the music...same song, right? Looks like another fabulous BJP coming up!

  6. Hope you are on the mend now. Just wanted to say how gorgeous those pictures are...I love the bokeh of the pretty :o)

  7. Prayers that you and Jack are feeling better!

    Love all the new techniques that you continually share with all of us! Looking forward to seeing how this progresses!


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Have a wonder-filled life!