
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Crazy Quilt Barbie?

A Barbie catalogue landed in my mailbox yesterday. Go figure.

Now, it's not like this is breaking news because...this doll, The Generations of Dreams Barbie, came out in February 2009 to honor Barbie's 50th Anniversary, I just hadn't seen it yet. So, It's new to me.

I think her patchwork dress is just so cool...very crazy-quilt-ish, don't you think?

The dress includes images of Barbie from every decade starting from 1959.

A little pop culture for those of you locked in your sewing room towers with only bread and water, starving for any news at all, however dated, from the outside world...

Just thought I'd share in case it makes you smile too. *grin*


  1. Thanks for sharing. I had to push my bread and water away from the computer to really appreciate Barbie in all her glory :-) When I saw the first picture I thought someone had embellished a picture of Barbie with cutouts of her earlier images. It makes for a clever doll costume. I especially like the bead embellishment.

    I've totally lost touch with Barbie trends and products since my daughter's grown up, but we have quite a collection of Barbie goods up in the attic.

  2. What a fitting tribute to this ageless beauty!
    Food and water would be pretty nice for this sewing room inmate right around now! But smiles are even better sustenance....

  3. Barbie...well...I wasn't allowed to have a Barbie when I was growing up. No, not the self image thing but the fact that she had Mother believed that little girls shouldn't be allowed to have a doll that had "anatomy parts" like breast! Boy did she get mad when she found out I was going to friends' houses TO PLAY BARBIE. So anything Barbie makes me think about my childhood. As for this picture, didn't it remind you of the Pink Artist doll from last year with all the squares. Another Barbie note...they make great templates for altered dolls!

  4. I had not seen this doll. I am crazy for CQ and I love the dress.

    I wasn't a big Barbie fan, but I loved the Bratz when they came out. So much, that my husband bought be one in a leopard outfit. (Leopard print is another of my passions!)

    Thanks for sharing your mail with us!!

  5. Barbie just seems to be right there into all the cool stuff, doesn't she? I used to collect the anniversary Barbies, but gave it up when they really didn't appreciate in value much after 20 years, LOL. However, I've loved her since I was a little girl, even though she is a bit Over The Top in her top, hehe. And that waist - give me a break!! But that "CQ" dress is verrrrry nice. Thanks for sharing. Now back to the dungeon (I wanna know who gets a sewing room in the tower?!?).... Hugs, Cathy

  6. That Barbie knows a good dress when she sees one, doesn't she? Hello from Chicago where things are quite lively but not too cold.

  7. What fun! I am a Barbie fan from way back but having boys, I never got to indulge as an adult. Wish that catalogue had ended up in my mailbox. Thank you again for continuing to be a source of inspiration and delight. You blog is one of my favourites!


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