
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Once in a Million Years

My friends asked me the other day why I have never shown my sewing room on my blog. Hmmm. I had to think about that...

Maybe it's because it's my private to show it to you would be like showing you my underwear...

Though I'm not sure that that's completely honest. If you force truth serum down my throat, the real reason would come out...and the real reason is...

That it is always a complete mess. Stuff is everywhere and there is ne'er a clear space on any surface...

Until today.

Today, I'm finally revealing what's usually behind closed doors for the sole reason that I don't think it will ever be like this in another million years.

It's like the planets have aligned in a pattern that is only going to happen once in my lifetime. And I am compelled to honor the occasion.

What happened? Why did I finally decide to spend the last five days organizing, filing, and cleaning up the crazy mess?

It's all because I cannot find those blasted little #@!&! brass charms that I want to paint for my bead journal project. I looked everywhere and couldn't find them. Finally, I had no choice but to clean the place up, certain that I would find my little lost lambs.

Of course, they weren't really lambs I was looking for but small, brass musical notes...And I still haven't found the little buggers...

Which makes me wonder if I ever bought them in the first place? Perhaps they were just part of a dream? Perhaps this really isn't my sewing room at all and I'm dreaming right now?

Ah well, here's the view from the door as I sleepwalk in from the hallway...

And here is where I sit most of the time when I'm stitching.

I tend to listen to lots of audiobooks, so the TV is more for my men who tend to come in here at night and join me. Jim sits at my desk and Jack sits on the floor. They like this space as much as I do (and they don't seem to mind at all that it's messy)...which is kind of cute.

Today, this is the cleanest room in the house.

And you're very good to humor me by witnessing this accomplishment, which for most of you, is probably just part of your regular household cleaning routine. God bless you. I want to be more like you in my next life.

I really love the idea of me being an organized, tidy person...but I can't ever seem to pull it off.

But, watch out Mrs. Cleaver, today I've made it happen. And I must admit that it feels really amazing to have it this way. It's like trying on a knockout dress in a size 8 and having it look like a million bucks! It feels that amazing!

Which is why I just had to tell you about it.

So, if it feels so incredibly great...

Why then do I only do it once in a million years?

Send in the psychiatrist.

I have room for her to sit down...but only for one day.

Tomorrow all bets are off.


  1. Susan you are a gal after my own heart. A friend dropped in today and came in my sewing room here in Florida (which acts as a guest room with a wall with cupboards on either side of a Murphy bed)and she said how does it all get down here and I said UPS loves me.. I opened the cupboard to get something and stacked in there where all the storage bins plus all the ones I haven't unpacked still on the floor. A bookcase that needs cleaning out and a television that sits here unplugged because I never watch it. I put it in for company. That is why I hate 1 night company. I feel I have to get everything organized to open the darn bed and the next day wash all the twels and sheets and put it all away so I can sit and sew.

    I love all your little hidey hole places and your wood cabinets. It does look comfortable. My daughter said today that Bauer who is a huge labrador dog likes to sit in her sewing room with or without her. Maybe he wants to learn.

    You also have 2 nice windows for plenty of light. Have fun in there.



  2. 1. Cleaning is overrated unless you have a cleaning lady and then she's worth every dime - like the super wonderful Lisa that takes care of my house.
    2. You have a wonderful space! Treasures everywhere you look.

  3. I love your studio. It is very warm and welcoming. I always say that if my space is too organized then I lose my creativity, but lately I have not been able to find things and will have to organize some. It's great that Jim and Jack like to spend time in there with you.

    I hope you find the brass charms!


  4. Hmm. All that for brass charms! I have to tell you Susan, that your cleaned and arranged studio does not look like a studio at all, but resembles one of my favorite collectible consignment shops called Hearts Desire. All of your little cha-chees have been put in their place and your walls and shelves are filled with the treasures you love. They are what catches my eye and I don't even realize there are supplies there until I look real hard.

    I would never show my room, even cleaned an organized. I may give a shot of this or that but not the whole room. It is my private place to be. My bestest furry friend, Jack, is always laying near and Cor sometimes pulls up a chair to sit near me while he does homework. Its almost always organized, catch how I didn't say NEAT.

    Thanks for showing us your spot. Funny, it looks exactly how I would expect it to.

  5. I fit my calligraphy and sewing space into my loungeroom, with resulting .... coziness.
    Check out
    I sew on the maroon couch, up in the corner against the wall.

    I love your knick-knacks. The bronze (?) swallow with the broken blue egg.

    There is a pink vase with white bobbly bits on it in one of the first photos. I adore it. What would you call such style of china, so I can try and find some on Ebay?

  6. Specifically,

  7. I love your craft room, it looks like a place I would love to hang out in too! I get nervous in rooms that are too organized and tidy!

  8. Wow wow WOW!!! What a fantastic space. It looks so inviting. Little brass charms can go hiding anywhere. They are sneaky little critters! Good luck finding them.

  9. My thought is that cleaning our studios is for taking pictures. I can really WORK when the chaos lovingly surrounds me, LOL!! Of course, FINDING things becomes problematic.... Loved your crystal paperweight (I collect paperweights and still want a cut crystal one). Loved your Mom vignette (111), too!!! Hugs, Cathy

  10. Boy, if you could see my studio (the Southern one), you'd have no qualms about any mess made in yours. It's either create stuff OR clean. The cleaning gets done when, like what happened for you, something cannot be found OR there's no space left to work on or in OR I just cannot stand it one more minute.

  11. Your space is wonderful. Next time one of my family tells me I have too much, I'm gonna show them your stuff - naw, maybe not. They would then get on my case as to how neat and tidy your stuff is.
    BTW, I guess there are quite a few of us out there that can't find things and have to search all over, only to be disappointed 'cause it just isn't there.

  12. I want to come and play!

  13. What a fantastic space!! Thanks for the exclusive tour...the photos look straight out of a magazine!

  14. What a lovely room, Susan -- now when are the CQers going to be invited upstairs to see it in person?

  15. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful space with us. I could imagine having a good time in there, just browsing and not really getting on with work but that's me.

  16. one word...BRAVE...I could never show my work space because it is ALWAYS a mess. I think I need to get my maid...aka, Chris to clean it but then I WOULD NEVER FIND A THING.

  17. Susan, You did a wonderfull job.. I would love to come over and just stare at all the little trinkets and treasures hidden. I wouldn't touch a thing and mess it up: promissed.

  18. Your space is filled with loads of beautiful creative energy! I had to laugh ~ I tend to only clean my space when I can't find something as well! Love that your family joins you while you're working! Thanks for sharing your private space with us! Loved seeing it!

  19. Maybe that cleanliness bug is a side effect of that flu you had? Whatever your creativity room looks like a wonderful spot and surely must be if it attracts the family males! Hope you find those charms and that you're feeling 100 % again.

  20. Maureen4:43 PM

    As someone who has had the privilege of actually being in this room, believe me when I say it is a WONDERFUL room. There is so much to look at and although Susan doesn't agree, it is really very well organized. Lots of wonderful and creative storage containers - I especially love all the jars and such.
    As someone says - being neat if totally overrated. This room is organized - just a little difficult to find brass charms that's all.
    You did a great job Susan and I hope you and the family have recovered from the flu.

  21. What a great room. I have to agree cleaning is over-rated, but I love your room and it looks great with everything all in their places. Hope you find the charms and they don't turn out to be a senior moment type of thing.


  22. If you are sleep walking through the door, you have the sweetest dreams. No wonder you are so creative, you have surrounded ourself with a treasure trove of beauty and inspiration.

    I spotted your Hanazume on the wall. I like the idea of the egg timer on your desk, much nicer that keep glancing up at the clock when I try to fit in some stitching before work.

    How nice that the men come and join you in your space ... and that your Mum is always there with you :-)

  23. I do declare, all that's missing is the fainting couch! Nice work space Susan!

  24. Thanks for the peek in your room and your story make me smile :)
    No wonder that your "men" like it in there, such a warm atmosphere.
    ( I hope you can find all your stuff after the cleaning, I never find something until it is the same mess again ;-)

  25. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Wonderful room. What a place to be. Enjoying!!

  26. How fun!
    You know, when I was staying with you for almost a week I never even had a peek in there. So I am very glad to see it now. It looks beautiful.

  27. Love your craft room...theres nothing quite like a freshly organized creative space! and how wonderful that the guys like to join you in there...justin almost never sets foot in craft room...but then again, i do most of my creating in the living room :)

  28. Thank you for opening up this very private place so that we can see where the magic is created. I have to say, I was sort of suprised. I didn't know you had your own room. For some reason, I thought you worked in your living room! Probably because you are so family oriented. But when you said that your men come to you...then it was all clear!! Such a wonderful place to be. I love it.

  29. Keep Calm and Carry On, I love it. Congratulations on completing such a monumental task. I am in the midst of working on a 2 month and counting change to put all of my collections in one room. It involved getting rid of a guest bedroom (I guess there is always the hotel). It is so nice to envision one place in the house that is my escape and sanctuary.

  30. OH! I love what you have now tho - it's fabulous. I guess you could take pictures so you always remember it the way it is now.

    Mine is organized (although not as lovely as yours) and I'm afraid to work in it.

    Do you feel that way? :) Maybe a bit messy is good.


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!