
Monday, December 9, 2013

Iced In


  1. Stunning photography! Too cold for me. Our high is 32F and low is 8F. We have lots of snow and ice covering all the roads. Brrrr...
    I am thankful we are not minus with wind chill. Stay warm and cozy dear...

  2. ice is so treacherous but creates such beauty in nature. stay warm and cozy. we're just above the freezing point here in Austin, TX.

  3. Oh, it is so beautiful. My sister in northern VA said while they had ice it was not so bad as it came on top of snow and was pretty easy to remove, and crunchy so walking wasn't too treacherous. I hope yours was the same. And I am very late in letting you know I have received my tweed! Although your photos were beautiful and very color true, it's still even more lovely in person. I will let you know what I make from it!

  4. Wonderful photos! Looks like you had more ice than we did. Round two of the weather coming tomorrow ~ stay warm and safe!

  5. Amazing photos!!

    Brrr, keep warm!

  6. Beautiful! beautiful! There's nothing like nature's beauty!

  7. fantastic photos, never seen ice like that before, must not grumble when it gets a bit cold here s it is never that cold!

  8. Beautiful! And exquisite photography to show off the beauty!

    Stay safe and warm! Seems like a great time to stay at home and stitch!

  9. I had to put on my sweater to read your post today!...beautiful...

  10. Gorgeous, especially the third, looking like silver filigree baubles!

  11. Anonymous5:52 AM

    stunning photography!

  12. Those photos make me cold just looking at wait we have ice here too! Just not the great photographer!

  13. Que fotos tan bonitas reflejan estas mañanas tan frías. Es que esta llegando el invierno Besos

  14. Your pictures are worth a thousand words!!!! You are getting the worst of this weather. Here in Mass. we only got a dusting. Hope you thaw soon.

  15. Great photos, Susan. It's finally warming up here a bit. I know there will be lots of work in the garden come spring.

  16. Oh my, thanks for posting, amazing photos - dont see those sights where I live!

  17. Exquisite photos!!

  18. Anonymous12:47 AM

    These are stunningly beautiful. Thank you so much for posting.

  19. No one can beat the artistry of Mother Nature! Our ice in DFW area of Texas was caused by 2+ inches of sleet last Thur evening and is finally thawing enough for schools to open again.

  20. Leave it to you Susan, to find the beauty in an ice storm. Such lovely pictures. I hope life has been treating you well. My life has taken a turn for the busy. I barely have time to sit still this year.

    Wishing you many blessings at Christmas,


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Have a wonder-filled life!