
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Dressed to Chill


Sorry, I'm just a little uncomfortable with the extreme close-up of my face.

Except for models, I'm not sure I know many women who are comfortable being photographed up close...

There.  That's better.  Now I can get a good look at you.

Susan wanted you to see my in all my finery. Check out my mink-trimmed hat and that special dress clip she added to the brim...

And my favorite part of my new look?

Well...probably the crystal pom-pom on the end of my hat...

Though I do like the ruffles on my scarf too.

I've never had a makeover before and it was quite a thrill.  Well...except for the nose job.

It hurt quite a bit when Susan attached my nose with that big, barbed needle. has its price.

Today it's snowing in Maryland so I'm looking forward to the snowman party that is sure-to-be in my future.   For the first time ever, I'm properly dressed.

Let it snow!


  1. Hello my friend!! Susan, she is just delightful!! So sweet and such personality. Much like yourself!! Glad you have her all ready for the snow. Hope she has fur-lined long johns too. for the long cold winter ahead...

  2. How fun!! Love her and all her finery!

  3. So cute! So creative as always! Stay warm! I hope you don't get the frigid temps that we've been having in Colorado.

  4. Oh she is so lovely...what a cutie.

  5. What a happy little sweetie.

    Another loving creation.

    Have a wonderful Christmas holiday season.


  6. He is adorable Susan!

  7. What a cute and frosty little fashionista, Susan, It's been chilly here, too; our first icy weather for a couple of years. I am sure there will be lots to do in the garden next spring....

  8. Susan he's absolutely adorable!! What character in his face!!

  9. a wonderful snowlady so well dressed,

  10. Very cute. So much detail.

  11. Oh my goodness….ain't you sumpin' !! Adorable…

    Stay warm !!

  12. Beautiful Snowlady! Well dressed and ready to party. Ouch that barbed needle told me the story. Susan you have created such a lovely Snowlady. Is her hat and scarf made of silk ties? I love what you have created. December Delights Dear...

  13. And very fine finery it is too! Delightful!

  14. what a cheerful little fellow, hes just so lovely!

  15. Very cute. I want you to know I sewed up 23 cozies! I start handing them out tomorrow!


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Have a wonder-filled life!