
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Brief Breathing Space

When we woke up this morning, the ice of yesterday had melted away and a heavy snow had taken its place...

And the gift went way beyond the beauty that was outside our window....

Everything was canceled.

Thanks to Mother Nature, a breathing space opened up for us in what is otherwise a very busy season...

And all too soon, the snow grew heavy and melted away.

It was the best kind of cleanse.


  1. A good friend of mine who teaches high school calls a snow day (when school is cancelled) a "gift from God". I think of her on every snow day... Hope you could slow down and enjoy your gift from God today!

  2. it looks beautiful and love the poem you have quoted

  3. Beautiful words to represent the beautiful ethereal snow. Ours won't melt at all! Too cold here!!
    It does cleanse and it is blissful. Stay safe and warm...

  4. It is summer here - and it never snows this far north anyway! Thank you for the exquisite photos.

  5. Beautiful pictures....

  6. We had that same type of day!! Much needed I must say!

  7. A nice way to think of a snow day. Most are so busy, they never take a day to just enjoy a quiet moment. With two new puppies, I relish a quiet moment ~lol~ But I must say, glad the snow went north of here and over your way!
    xx, Carol

  8. It sounds truly blissful!

  9. I love Snow Days! Hope you all enjoyed yours.

  10. What a beautiful way of looking at it Susan... truly, the silver lining.
    The pictures from this post and the previous one are just wonderful, and beautifully show how "special" these past few days were...

  11. Fabulous photos! That spark of red amongst the snow is stunning!


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Have a wonder-filled life!