
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Warm and Cozy Holiday

Cozy love...

A Cozy is a perfect companion on a cold, snowy winter day.  It keeps your bed warm at night and it makes you smile just to hold one.

We've been making these microwaveable corn bags as a family for a few years now.   Cozies can get dirty over time and the corn can scorch after hundreds of heatings so almost everyone needs to make new ones.  

Plus they make perfect gifts.

We've honed our assembly line over the years so that we've become fairly efficient Cozy makers.

I was on the sewing machine...

My brother was the corner and thread clipper...

And the girls cut the flannel and ironed...

Filling the bags with feed corn is easier with two people...

One person holds the bag open while the other fills it...

I sewed over 40 Cozies in two days.  Nice flannel is getting harder to find.  I bought that snowman flannel over ten years ago thinking I would make us all flannel pajama bottoms for Christmas...

Oh well.  Now it's being put to good use keeping our friends and family warm.

I found the snowmen worked really well with this tartan flannel I found this year at Equilter.  I just can't seem to get Scotland off my brain.  

I'm eager to get back to my book once all of the Christmas crafting is through.

And this Christmas top hat?

I made that with my friend Marian at The Queen's Ink...a great scrapbooking store in Savage Mill, Maryland.  It's a cardboard hat that's painted black and embellished with "snow" and trimmings.

There's still lots of baking and making to be done so I'll post again when I can.

A Happy and Cozy Holiday to you all.

P.S.  Here's a tip sheet from making your own Cozies in case you missed it last time...from my house to yours...


  1. My goodness, that's an efficient production line you've got going there!

  2. What a fun family project!!! Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas!!!

  3. Lovely idea! I have a different sort of "cozy" for my younger cat, Pookie. She has adopted the left sleeve of my bed jacket. I refer to it as her "cozy" and she knows exactly what I mean. She nuzzles into that sleeve...and eventually the purring stops, because she is asleep...

  4. I love your family!! You all have the greatest traditions and oh so much fun!! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  5. I used a canning funnel for the corn filling. Worked well with just me making them. Only three left to hand out!

  6. I adore how Cozy making is a family affair. These this year are very dapper and so is the Top Hat. Warm and snuggly during this Winter weather. Merry Christmas Bliss...

  7. Love those cozies! I've had to fill mine with rice because I can only find whole kernal feed corn online and shipping is a little too expensive. This year my husband has also begun to appreciate them so I've had to make a few extra!

  8. you have a real conveyor belt working so well together and certainly made lots and lots

  9. The family that "cozies" together stays together! Love the fabric combos and it is true...flannel, just ain't what it used to be.
    Enjoy the season, Merry Christmas!

  10. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I do love your blog and so enjoy all your Scottish plugs. Although I am Canadian my family heritage is Scottish and I love everything about it.

    I tried to connect to the Queens Ink blog but it says it has been suspended. I would love to make Frosty's Hat.

    Christine at

  11. Anonymous5:56 AM

    What a good team effort, they are lovely, HAPPY CHRISTMAS!

  12. Wonderful, love these! Would it be possible to open one end, remove the corn feed, wash the fabric and fill with new feed?

  13. Merry Christmas Susan!

  14. Happy New Year, Susan!

  15. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Love the cozy project! And your fabric choices are great. I am ALWAYS cold and have to make me one. Thanks for the tips.

  16. Carol9:37 AM

    I hope you & your family are well. Please post something! I'm in withdrawal. :-)


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Have a wonder-filled life!