
Monday, August 2, 2010

In and Out of the Nest

I've been in and out of the nest a lot in the past 10 days, having gone to the beach for the good part of a week. Before I left last weekend, the baby bluebirds looked like this...

Since they're facing in opposite directions this time, it reminded me of the yin yang symbol. Yin Yang is used to describe how polar or seemingly contrary forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world -- Like the point at which the birds are most fully in their nest is also the point at which they must depart and the nest empties again.

When I returned home to my nest, they had fledged from theirs.

I finished embroidering my bluebird heart in their honor, wanting to keep it simple since my plan is to be able to wash this skirt. I have to admit that it was tempting to try to make the little birds three-dimensional...but I resisted.

Now I think they need a nest to sleep that's what I'll stitch next.

If there's anyone interested in stitching this little bluebird heart, here's the pattern. I'll leave it up on this post for about a week, at the end of which, the pattern will go away.

Looking forward to catching up with you on my blog reader. I feel a bit "out of it" even though I've read lots of books, taken a couple of classes and attended to many tasks on the homefront -- I have really missed all of you. Give me a few days and I'll make it around~!

Happy nesting!


  1. Welcome back! I hope you had a nice week. And thanks for the pattern...might try it as I've some leftover furry yarn. :)

  2. That's so cute, Susan!!

  3. The birds are so sweet - all 4 of them!

  4. Very precious photo of the baby bluebirds. I adore your embroidered heart to honor them. Thank you for sharing. Happy creating...

  5. i will have to show megan the bluebird pix, show her how they grow, thank you!!

    and, susan, thank you for the uplifting words. you made this rock feel more like pumice...but not as scratchy of course!!!

  6. Love it! You never cease to amaze me! I am really enjoying the book!!

  7. Glad you're back. Have missed reading your blog. Thanks so much for the pattern. Will keep it in my pattern box for a future project.Your photos are wonderful. Loved the baby bluebirds!! Lise

  8. Nice to see you are back in the nest :)
    Love to see the photos of the happy family at the beach though.
    I never thought the birds are real blue! We don't have such a colorful birds here exept the woodpicker.

  9. And we miss you, but understand that you need to spend time tending to your nest and nuturing your nestling.

    The bluebird heart is great.

  10. Welcome back - hope you had a great time at the beach!

  11. I think the story of the little birds is beautiful and your design in honour of them is cute. Thanks for sharing this.

  12. Thank you for the pattern ;)

  13. What a fabulous shot of those dear babies!!!!! Thanks for the pattern you are such a generous heart!!!!

  14. Thanks for the pattern... hope your beach visit was super relaxing. ;0)

  15. Glad you're back and I saved the pattern...This would be great beaded also... Hugs Ger....

  16. Thank you,thank you,thank you,thank you,thank you,thank you,thank you!

  17. So lovely! it a little sad that you returned to find the birds are gone, but I'm glad you captured their image in the nest.

  18. Thank you for the pattern. Those birds so sweet. I have been out of the loop and I'm sorry I haven't gotten by sooner. I think a lot of us are taking some little breaks.

  19. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful work and inspiration. I've been blessed by reading your blog!

  20. Hey. I just discoverd your blog. I think was searching for circle pins in google images. We have a lot in common. I love the bluebird pics and the patter. We ae especially partial to bluebirds here. Can't wait to have another cuppa and check out your stuff.

  21. Came across your blog while doing a google image search for circle pins...we have a lot in common, including a love for family fun and bluebirds. Can't wait to sit down with a cuppa and have peek at the rest of your blog.

  22. Hope you are continuing to have a fabulous summer with your family! Thanks so much for sharing your bluebird design! I stitched it on my green bag and posted pics on my blog this morning! Love it!


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!