
Monday, August 16, 2010

I've Been Beached

I know it's been quiet on this blog lately.

I've been away on vacation at the beach with my extended family and I did not have internet access. Ahhhh!

While we were away, Jack turned 14.

And we repeated our trip to Splash Mountain in Ocean City, Maryland with all of his cousins.

The absolute best (aka scariest) ride in the park is called the Stealth Half-Pipe. It's where you climb up 45 feet and drop straight down on an inner tube.

It's quite a rush for some of us... I said...some of us....

Anyway, we've been making the most out of Summer around here, knowing that school starts in about two weeks.

The surf was great last week and all the kids like to swim...

And to jump from the lifeguard chairs...

This was the first year that the littlest was big enough to jump from the chair. You can see how petrified she was...

My brother bought this smiley-face flag and placed it in the sand so the kids could locate our "camp" easily on the beach.

They decided to run with it and spread happiness up and down the entire beach.

And this is their version of Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima...

I was definitely playing...

Just not with needles.


  1. Welcome home! I got cooled off just looking at your photos. It's been hot (for us) here, so we headed to Mt. Rainier to find some snow..... While you've been away, Susan created a decision portrait of me and my student; she contacted me after reading my comment on your blog! I've been needling in the car....GK projects mostly. David started KGN. today and Sophia turns 3 on Weds. Me, I am feeling old...

  2. Sounds like a wonderful vacation!

  3. It looks like so much fun. Memorable times for the whole family.

  4. How wonderful to hear from you (I've missed you) and what a lovely photographic essay - especially since i'm sitting here with a comforter and woolly slippers etc.

    And ConGraTuLationS Jack!

  5. What great photos. It looks like a really fun vacation.

  6. What a delighted bunch of kids and your smiling face fits so well :))

  7. You have such a wonderful family. It's so nice that you get to do such fun things! Wonderful pics - thanks for sharing!

  8. Lovely to see you (and the kids) hard at play :-)

    Love what you did with the raising the flag pic, with the kids in colour against a blank and white background.

  9. What GREAT photos!! Thanks for sharing your wonderful holiday with us! And belated Happy Birthday to Jack - looks like his foot is well healed.

  10. Welcome home! Looks like your vacation in OC was great!

  11. It is always such fun to read your family adventures! Thank you for sharing.

  12. What fabulous phtots and what a fabulous Happy time you have all had!!! Our beach trip in July seems so very long ago!! It really is necessary for me to figure out how to ahve better access!!
    Certainly can't tell that those little girls are related to you!!!! Gorgeous all of yOU!@@@

  13. I just don't think there is anything as much fun as watching a bunch of kids play together, especially at the beach.

    I could almost smell the cool breeze blowing my way.

    xx, Carol

  14. Sometimes I forget there are oceans you can swim in without a wetsuit...thanks for the reminder, lol!

  15. Wonderful photos! So great to see your smiling face too...

  16. what a blast..and im glad to see you got in one of the photos :) as the photographer, that happens so rarely! the photos from this trip are really have a great eye! what did you have your camera set on for those water shots...the lighting is perfect too!

  17. you don't necessarily need to have needles to have a great deal of fun! Glad you all enjoyed your vacation!

  18. Your family radiates happiness!
    Happy birthday to Jack!


  19. leilani10:06 AM

    What a wonderful family! But you have been missed. I'm feeling quite bereft of your wonderful inspiration.

  20. I love seeing photos of your family get-togethers. There always is so much laughter and love.
    It's great to have a break from the internet, don't you think?

  21. How wonderful! I loved your photos and all the joy!

  22. Wonderful photos...My blogging has transformed my life as well. so I know what you mean.

  23. Amazing photos Susan. Real award winners! Funny funny video. Thanks for sharing. I'm looking into the online photog classes now, thanks to you!

  24. Oh Susan what a treat it was to share in your ocean holiday! I'm sitting here smiling from ear to ear. Those nieces of yours are just adorable! Are you still recovering from the bungee ride? Is that why I didn't see any pics of you on the stealth half-pipe??! Welcome home my friend :)


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!