
Friday, April 2, 2010

Wonder Full

I am full of wonder these days.

Wonder for the beauty of Spring...Wonder for the range of creativity that exists in this world...Wonder for the friends and connections I have made through this blog......And wonder for the opportunities that these connections have created.

I can honestly say that this blog has transformed my life.

It is such a joy to share your creative journeys and to have all of you share mine. Honestly, it's incredible...this modern age...this internet...

And it was this blog and this internet, that led me to my next project.

Which, most appropriately, is themed from Alice in Wonderland. It ought to be called Susan in Wonderland because that's how I feel today.

And it's all because a Marketing Manager from DMC (you know that gi-normous company that makes all of the beautiful threads) contacted me the other day after seeing my blog and asked if I would design a crazy quilt piece for the TNNA show in June.

Me? In fact, I almost didn't pick up the phone when the caller i.d. said "Dollfus Mieg & Cie" -- who would have thought that was what DMC stood for??

My piece is due on April 26 so I'll be immersed in Wonderland for the next three weeks or so...And I'm allowed to blog about it!

So I start, as I usually do, with a collection box ~ pulling together bits of this and bits of that to set the stage...I have re-read the book, seen the movie (and we'll re-see it again next week) and I'm settling down to a color palette...

The bottom right colors will be the fabrics for the pieced block-- lots of tints of blue and grey, shades of white...and all of the bright colors for the embellishments. Next week, I'll be taking a blogging break to spend Spring Break with Jack so I won't be back here until April 12.

I won't have much time to piece or sew next week so I'll be sketching out ideas for various blocks and finalizing the one. Right now, there are about 10 different ideas rattling around in my brain and working them out on paper will help me refine my ideas down to one.

The Mad Tea Party is at the top of the list...

But this picture is not the actual tea party from the movie, it's a publicity still showing all of the characters...they never really all have tea together...

Even though the tea party is at the top of my list, I am extremely captivated by the Mad Hatter.

And no, it's not just because he's played by Johnny Depp...It's because he actually works as a hatter -- he gets captured by the Red Queen and is forced to make hats for her unusually large head -- there are so many great scenes that revolve around the Hatter-- plus, his hat takes on a magical role in the movie that doesn't show up in the original books. It's kind of cool...And the cheshire cat spends the movie coveting the hat, repeatedly crooning, "I want that hat..."

And then there are others images like the topiaries, the flower faces, the blue caterpillar, the rabbit hole, oh...and the white rabbit!a How I love the white rabbit and his issues with time...

And the Mad Hare and his imprisonment by Time...

And the tiny doormouse who has the biggest dose of courage...

And the mushrooms...*sigh The mushrooms in this movie are great...

Well, I'll see you April 12. Maybe you'll get a chance to see the movie before I come back...

Have a wonder full week!


  1. I can't wait to see this project of yours. Wow, what an honor, what an experience.


  2. Oh Susan, HOW exciting!! I can't wait to see what you do with this.. such fun! I have yet to see the movie, but it's on my list for the coming week...
    Have a great week with Jack!

  3. You're perfect for the job! I can't wait to see what you come up with. Have a wonder-full holiday!

  4. What a great project!!!! I can't wait to see it. I love the subject of Alice in Wonderland. Haven't seen the movie yet but plan to. I would love to get back to doing crazy quilt as that is my favorite media,so this might just make me do so. You are right for the job . Lise

  5. I will be watching the clock until your return. Have a great Spring Break with your son. I will look forward to seeing your quilt in person in Columbus. The Easter Bunny is bringing me tickets to see Alice in Wonderland. How fun is that! Great timing, don't you think?

  6. I wish you a happy and blessed Easter! xx Gypsy Purple

  7. How wonderful! I can't wait to see what you come up with. Alice is my favorite!

  8. how wonder-full. i'll be watching eagerly and you've inspired me to go see the movie also. |<.

  9. Congratulations!
    How exciting!

  10. Wonderful! Quite the feather in your cap...err...hat! I can't wait to see what you come up with, I know that whatever it is, it will be fantastic! Enjoy your spring break!

  11. That's brilliant! Now I really can't wait to see what you're going to come up with. I made my mom Wonderland table runner for her birthday (I know, I know, I really need to take a picture)using the fabric with the original Tenniel illustrations. She's a big fan of the book so I took her to see the movie the day it opened. Just remember, speak in French when you can't think of the English for thing!

  12. What a terrific honor! They couldn't have asked a better person! So excited for you! Can't wait to see what you create, especially after seeing all these inspirational images you've posted! Have a great spring break with Jack!

  13. Fantastic, Susan! You are going to have so much fun, and so are we, watching what you create... Have a fabulous spring break and soak up a little extra sunshine for us; it's in the low forties and very windy at the moment. Oh, and don't forget the Queen of Hearts wonderful rose trees!

  14. How will you sleep with such a FABULOUS project in the works? I can hardly wait to see what you come up with. In your free time, check out the Mad Hatter tea sets at www dot cardewdesigns dot com. Very fun.

  15. Happy Susan, errrr Easter! Oops!

    I can see those colors popping now. If anyone can transform the movie cinemontolgy to real life, you can.

    Will miss you. Enjoy Jack. Happy drawing. And wow, you get to play with ALL THAT THREAD!!
    XX, Carol

  16. Congratulations! What an exciting opportunity, and I know you're going to do something super-spectacular.

  17. If anyone can do this well it will be you Susan. I can hardly wait to see what your mind designs. I still haven't seen it and want to. Must start recruiting neighbours to find someone to go with.

    Have a great Spring break with Jack and see you when you return.



  18. Hopefully, I will be obliged a 2nd comment.
    Loved the Marie Antoinette YouTube clip. I have never seen the movie. Just ordered it. You are a gracious/wonderful enabler. I have been enjoying the "I Want Candy" song all day. Your stitching is definitely: Eye Candy!

  19. Even though we'll miss you, go ahead and enjoy your holiday. :) Thank you Susan for leaving us a most wonderful post to revel in while you're away. So many ideas girl, so little time. I, for one, am very proud of your accomplishments, it is clear your craft springs from your heart. Looking forward to your upcoming debut as crazy quilter extraordinaire! Congratulations!

  20. Sounds like great fun - I'm looking forward to seeing what you do!

  21. How exciting! What an adventure there is ahead for you ... and us. Woo Hoo!

  22. Wow! Congratulations! This seems like quite the underaking, but I have no doubt that you will produce something spectacular! How fun that you get to share your journey on this with us!!

  23. Wow, wow, WOW. How great you have been asked to do this. Fame at last ;-)
    Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.


  24. How exiting Susan.What a great challenge to make just one piece of all those opportunities you have. You need a fabric book ! Not one piece. LOL
    Good luck!

  25. Wow -- how exciting! What an honor! I can't wait to hear/see what you come up with!

  26. Congratulations! And what fun you're going to have (a bonus to the honor). After following your blog and seeing all the wonderous creations you've made in the past I figure DMC (who knew what that stood for) chose the absolutely very best person for the job. Whoops did I say 'job', I meant 'joy'!!

  27. Ahhh, Susan... couldn't happen to a better person... soooo cool! I'm so very excited for you to have such a wonderful opportunity! Spread those wings, lady, and fly!

  28. Wow, Susan ... I am so impressed! Of course you create such beautiful pieces its no wonder that DMC contacted you! I'm eager to see what you come up with. It's great finding you again! ~ Liz

  29. Yeah! I'm going to see alice 3d next week!

  30. What a wonderful honor!! Congratulations!

    And I agree, I would never have associated that long name with DMC. Good thing you were compelled to pick up!

    Love your color spots - the ones in the bottom right are scrumptious. Your musings and photos of the movie are so intriguing - you've enticed me to see it.

  31. How exciting for you!!!! I love the colors and can't wait to see what you do!

  32. Really looking forward to being able to experience your magic! Your photos remind me that I can't even remember much about Alice in Wonderland at all!! Pretty sad

  33. D.M.C.....O.M.G....that is the bee's knee's loaded with pollen!

  34. Well, the laugh's on me. Here it is Friday and I thought you blogged about this today but no, as I read, you mentioned you would be taking a week's break to be back on the 12th. I'm here now and I want to say a big CONGRATULATIONS! What an honour to have DMC request your wonderful talent. I can't wait to see what a gorgeous project you come up with.

  35. Well it looks like your week away is coming to a close, wonder what you'll have in store for us to enjoy? Hope you had a nice time.

  36. Wow look forward to seeing more post on how you are getting on. What a beautiful and wonderful experience

  37. ... as I am counting down the days to seeing Alice... I have in the meantime nominated you for the Kreative Blogger Award that was passed on to me by Lisa Criswell. You deserve it! You can read about it on my blog.

  38. How wonderful!!! I am not at all surprised and look forward to reading all about this wonderful adventure! Congratulations Susan. I couldn't be happier for you.

  39. Congratulations, Miz Susan in Wonderland!!!! I love your start for the CQ and the colors, the way you'll be using the colors for the embellishments. It may have a simple start, but I'd be willing to put my entire savings on a bet that it won't stay that way. I don't know when Alice will come to our little island, but when it does, thanks to you, I WILL be there! Hope you're had fun in Boston and a good time with Jack.

    Hugs, Robin A.


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!