
Monday, April 12, 2010

The Beauty of Spring Break

(Warning: This is a picture-laden post...)

Jim, Jack and I just returned from a visit to my father in Naples, Florida for Spring Break and it couldn't have been a better week.

Spring was in full-bloom and all of the trees and shrubs were putting forth their best show.

During my last visit, I spent time on the beach studying the details of the treasures washed in from the sea. This time, I took my camera out to photograph the flowers...

I've been thinking of how things grow...and how much more we see when we look more closely.

Like these Bismarck Palm trees... they've always caught my eye because of their silver-blue color...

But looking more closely, I see movement and symmetry and beautifully pleated fabric...

And the woven pattern on the trunk of this Cabbage Palm tree is just awesome...

And the star of this show is the pistil of a common hibiscus...

And I had no idea that the shading on the back of this flower was so much more stunning than the front...It made me think of the importance of all "sides" of our work...

In Florida, it is always amazing how green everything is...and how things will grow anywhere. Like this litte fern growing out of the bark of a reminded me of the plants in Alice in Wonderland...

And this air plant looks like a crown for a queen!

And while I was walking around, getting up-close-and-personal with the plants, the local wildlife made itself known when this baby alligator walked across my path...

And mama is never too far away...

And speaking of wildlife, check out these tree monkeys...

This is where Jack spent most of his time all week. It's nice to know that in the age of the video game, boys can still spend their days jumping off of trees into the river...

We've been going to visit Florida for about 11 years or so. And I often try to repeat this same picture of Jim and Jack walking on the boardwalk through the mangroves to the beach. Here they are when Jack was about 3 years old...

And here they were last week now that Jack is 13. He's finally as tall as his father.

Thanks Dad for another great trip to La-la Land.

And thanks to all of you for your comments and support regarding my Alice project for DMC -- you are a wonderful group of blogging friends.

I couldn't think of a greater group with whom to travel to Wonderland.

See you tomorrow!


  1. Jack and the hat is still going strong! I love the last 2 photos, because even though the other ones are beautiful, I think that love is even more so.
    Hugs, Susan

  2. OMGosh,I am so glad you are back. You were very missed!!

    There is something so special in catching a dad/son bonding in a picture. I got one myself this weekend, not as good as yours, but still caught the moment.

    Love that jumpin in the river shot. I have never been to Florida but I can tell you I would be too unnerved by even a baby alligator crossing MY path! ~lol~

    Now, the flower pics. The color is amazing. I have always absolutely loved Bird of Paradise and have several silk ones in my room. Goes well with my leopard print!

    Funny, so many people never look at the textures and shading in nature. I love to get up close and personal with my flowers....and frogs and toads. They are all amazing.

    Your dad looks great. Makes me miss mine. Love the flower on your jacket too!

    Have a great Monday and try to get back in the groove at home.

    xx, Carol

  3. What can I say - a wonderful, colourful post. Now that you have rejuvenated yourself, go have fun sewing. BTW, you don't go for small brooches do you? ;-)

  4. Lovely to see all those textures in the flowers - delicate as tissue paper, strong and waxy, dull surfaces and shiny.
    Being a hayfever sufferer, I'm inclined to dodge flowers, so thank you for allowing me to study them vicariously!

  5. So glad to see you back! I was thinking about you this morning and missing your posts. Your pictures are magical. It is amazing the things we miss by not getting "up close and personal."

    I bet the progression of pictures on the boardwalk is wonderful to look at. A true window on time.

  6. WOW, those flowers are so inspiring! And the babygator is kind of cute. However, I would not enjoy crossing his mama's path...
    Those dad/son pictures are a treasure.

  7. Great photos, Susan, especially the ones of Jack and his dad, and the one of you and your dad. The love shines forth!

    We were in Shark Valley once on a tour and a momma gator lunged at the wheel of our bus because she felt her babies had been threatened. Those big gators can really move fast when they want to!

    I'm anxious to see where you go in Wonderland......

  8. Those pictures of a Boy and his Dad are perfect... it will be cool to have them grouped together somehow. Sounds like a wonderful spring in Florida... awesome pic of you and your Dad.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Ah, Susan! What marvelous pictures you have taken and how they do make me want to take a spring break in Florida! Here I am looking all the green stubs out of the bare ground...

    I can relate to your: all "sides" of our work. I have been thinking about the back of my BJP pieces and of how much they are a part of the proces, of the work and of the story behind what you see. I used to let a bouquet of flowers that was over its point of beauty stand in my living room for just a few days longer, just to see the beauty that can be hidden in decay too. I will post about it soon...

    Glad you have had a wonderfull trip and visit with your dad. You take after him! Aren't dads just wonderfull? The pictures of Jack and Jim are sooo sweet. My 10 year old daughter is so proud of the fact that as of late she is just a few millimeters taller then I am (with my meagre 5"4). My youngest still believes that if I finish my plate I will grow...

  11. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Gorgeous photos Susan - the last one of Jack and his Dad is very touching - as beautiful as all of the flowers are - the people photos are my favourite.

    Luv Shell x

  12. Wow, those colours are incredible. I was out for an Easter weekend with the family and some of the azaleas were already flowering. Fabulous colours, but nothing like you get in the florida sunshine. It just seems to make them even more vibrant

  13. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Your blog is relatively new to me, but I missed you! A lot! Your photography is stunning. I would frame any one of them. Can't wait to see what you will inspire us with next.

  14. Beautiful photos! What type of camera do you use?

    We have a similar tradiion in a couple of places we vacation - where I always try to recreate pics of the boys!

  15. You are só right Susan when we take the time to look what nature makes. It looks all wonderful! Love the photo of Jack with his dad on the bridge. Jack with the hat ;-)

  16. Thanks for sharing your latest adventure in Fl, Susan. I too enjoyed all the photos and especially loved your "corsage". Welcome home.

  17. Welcome back, Susan. Glad you had a lovely holiday but I missed you. Pleased to see Jack is still liking the hat and that he's not too big to put his arm around his Dad :-)

    Loved all the pics but the one of you and your Dad is my favourite. There is so much love in your eyes.

  18. Your photos are simply extraordinary!! Still wish I could figure out how to post larger photos myself.

  19. Oh how in the world did I miss this amazing but so deserved fabulous news!!!!!?????? Youa re the perfect person to do such a wonderful project. i am so excited for you and so thrilled taht you can tell us about it as you go along!!!! lucky us!!!!!!
    I ahd this very same Alice figurine when I was little- it came with a Disney character watch- I wisht ath i knew what happened to it???
    must ask the Mum!!
    Now about your Spring Break- lucky you and your lucky Dad to have YOU!!!Your flower pictures are lucious, you and I are such detail people and that is what makes your stitching projects so very exquisite!!! I ahve several favorite pictures of family members , taken from behind- they ahve sucha secret intimacy to them because the subjects are unaware that they are being photographed. Jim is leaning on Jacks shoulder in such a tender way, such a treasured moment you have caught!!

  20. Oh, this was the most ueber beautiful post!! I just LOVE the father/son photos at the end - my son is 12 and almost as tall as me, and I, too, love taking photos of him from the back, walking with his dad because they are so alike! Everything about this post was just so perfect!!

  21. Welcome home, Susan!

    Gorgeous - absolutely GORGEOUS - photos. The flowers are stunning - the palms are perfection in lines. But the one that takes the cake is the baby alligator. It's terrific!!


  22. Anonymous1:44 PM

    What a beautiful post, nature and family.

    Thought you might like this... Your blog into a book.


  23. Tears came to my eyes when I read this post. All the love you have in your family and the closeness. You really have your priorities straight. I agree with you...boys-to-tree-monkeys for a week is refreshing and renews my faith in these troubled times. Your upclose flower pictures are wonderful. Flowers and plants are my favorite thing to take pictures of but rarely are mine as good as yours! Sadly though, I sometimes forget to take pictures of where I am! So I just have to remember that the Enzian was photographed in Engtal and the edelweiss at a garden in Pertisau etc. etc!!

  24. I am sure your dad is so proud of you and so happy you take the time to go visit him. He is adorable! Meghan (my 16 year old) happens to be in Naples right now-having been invited to spend the spring break with her best friend and her family. I can't wait to see her pictures when she returns. She is very creative and takes the most interesting pictures.

    I find nature to be the most 'wonder'-ous source of inspiration. Especially in spring - oh everyday is a new delight!

  25. Loving all your blogs so much,I just found the site and every one read I enjoy it so much and then i find another one. You are so artisitic and creative Love getting to know your family and its nice to know that you know you are blessed.


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!