
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I Want Candy

I don't normally start out a post with a YouTube video...but please humor me and click play...It will provide the musical backdrop and give you a reference point for my post today...

OK. The scenes from the movie Marie Antoinette have never left me...

I gobble down every image and drink in all of the costumes...textiles...passementerie...foppery and fun. And, if you were to walk into my sewing room on any given day...I continuously play the movie so I can see the visual delight over and over again.

I'm planning to make a quilt one day inspired by this movie...So I began collecting the materials I would need for it about three years ago. (I know...I'm a little late to the Marie Antoinette party...maybe by the time I finish the quilt, Marie will be "in" again?)

In looking for sumptuous fabrics to use, I have had great luck finding silks but less luck finding vibrant and beautiful velvets I need at a price I can afford.

Enter my blogging friend Chris at Shady Grove Studios who began dyeing rayon/silk velvet a few months ago...

Appropriately enough, her Etsy store is titled Dye Candy...and, oh baby, this is the type of candy I love to devour.

She custom colored these velvets for me and they are perfect -- heading straight for my "Marie Antoinette" collection box...

But first their making a stop in my Easter basket...

There is tons of ribbonwork showcased in the Marie movie so I will be sharpening my ribbon skills at Maureen Greeson's workshop with Candace Kling in November.

Her work looks like candy to me too...!

Now, I bet after seeing all of these yummy pics and listening to BowWowWow, you're wanting some candy too!

Go's the perfect week for it!


  1. What a fun post! I can't wait to see what you come up with!!

  2. Proof Positive that Candy does NOT have to be chocolate!!!

    Thanks for the bright interuption to as stressful day.

    Happy Easter, too!!

  3. Those velvets are "to dye for"! I was just reading Candace's book last night. You and your workshops -- totally jealous!!!

  4. How fun! i can't wait to see what you come up with, Susan. Sounds like you're going to take an interesting class to add to your already impressive embroidery prowess? Where do you suppose that gold and redhaired model got her nylons? They are quite amazing!

  5. I have just discovered that drooling on my cat is a good way to get her off my computer desk.
    Those velvets are GORGEOUS. Thanks for the link: I've bookmarked it for later use.

  6. Beautiful colors! So vibrant and lush looking!I think I would like some of that velvet...and some of the petifours in the clip!

  7. Oh, that was great!
    I've just collapsed in front of the pooter after my carer and I spent 2 hours cleaning my lounge room (I have all my embroidery and calligraphy, houseplants, and occupied by 2 cats .... hasn't had a proper clean in 5 years. I just did the gentle stuff, of course)
    and sat down to watch the vid and read your post!
    I've never seen that vid! How great! I favourited it, tho it probably went into your name. Too buggered to log in now - I'll remember it!
    That passameterie! I'm off to her shop!
    Did I tell you (well I didn't) that I wore my new dress (as appears in my blog) on Sunday to my b'day lunch. It was a success (both the dress - much admiration) and the lunch!
    Thanks for the post,

  8. I would so love to make ribbon look like that-- especially the beaded flowered one... Now I am in trouble- thanks! No, really, Thanks!

  9. This post had my mouth watering! The colors are FANTASTIC. I can hardly wait to see this quilt when you finish it -- please don't make us wait toooo long!!

  10. Ooh, Your new fabric is looking right at home. What a fun post and wonderful eye candy!! Thanks so much for mentioning my shop in your post.

  11. I love that movie!


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