
Monday, July 6, 2009

Shorts and Shenanigans

Every year, our extended family heads to the beach to celebrate the Fourth of July. And every year, we have created an article of wearable art that will showcase our spirit for the day.

This year, the kids decided to decorate shorts.

We used fabric spray paint over star stencils and fabric markers...a very simple technique for all ages.

We had two stages of painting and drying for the fronts and the backs of the shorts and hung them on hangers in the closet to dry...

And here's how they turned out...

One of my favorite things is to see them all together and how each one made their own creative choices. love that.

Jack didn't want to make shorts with the girls so he hung out on the sidelines and watched. That was until I pulled him into a picture and asked everybody to salute The Flag...

And they asked if I would be the photographer and try to catch them all jumping in mid-air...this was too many kids to catch them all at once...

And this was our best shot of the night...

But this froggy position of my niece, Shannon, in the middle just cracks me up. Hope it makes you smile too.

She's the same one who added dreadlocks to her hat last year...very cool...

And, though the littler ones couldn't jump like the big dogs,they could be on the top of the pyramid...

And, like all good pyramids, they must fall...

I wish I could show you more pics of the beach and other zaniness but they are locked inside my other camera and evidently my husband's laptop doesn't speak the same language.

See you next week, unless I decide to post again. No promises...because there are no plans on vacation...and it's time to play with my two favorite men since everyone else has left.


  1. Sounds like you all had a great Fourth! We did, too. Have a good day; it's our last one here as we're headed home tomorrow. And then, I can finally update my blog.

  2. Another fab memory for their stash and they did a great job on their shorts.

    Have fun with your 2 men :-)


  3. What fun!!

    Is Jack and the boy in black shorts the only boys in the group? Bet all that girl chatter is a little overwhelming for him. He sure is a good sport.

    Love the post Susan.
    I know you're having a great time.

  4. Such fabulous friendships these cousins are forming during their childhoods...they will last their whole lives, too. So sweet!

    And I never heard of fabric spray paint but I sure like the concept....

  5. You have the best ideas for fun of all ages!! Thanks for sharing your photos. I'm still smiling!

  6. Anonymous3:09 PM

    you know i always feel a bit sorry for Jack with all those girl cousins - but he seems to be having a great time! what a great weekend that looks. enjoy your time with your men.

  7. What fun! It's so nice to see cousins so close. I don't think that happens so much anymore.

  8. what a fabulous tradition! looks like the kids had a great time, and they looked stylish too!
    you can never have a family gathering without posing for a pyramid photo! :)
    keep laughing and enjoying that vacation!

  9. Hi Susan,

    Love the decorated shorts! I can appreciate how much fun you had working with the girls as I have one of my own (and a DS) and let a Girl Scout troop for all of their school years plus other activities. :-)

    Is your son the only guy in the clan for his generation? Oh my!

    The weather looked to be gorgeous this past weekend Downy Ocean. Up here in Central Maryland it was loverly. I still can't believe that I was wearing a jacket when outside at night on July 4 and 5th! Definitely not typical Maryland weather. LOL!

    Windy Meadow

  10. You seem to have a lot of fun!
    The picture with the little model is priceless, she looks so serious :-)

  11. O Susan, I'd love to be part of your family - you have so much FUN !!! I know how your son feels, I was one girl in a family of one brother and 4 boy cousins - No wonder I can always relate to men so easily! I know you are having a wonderful vacation - can't wait to hear about it!

  12. You and your extended family have the BEST gatherings! What a fun time for all! Such fabulous memories in the making for all these cousins! Enjoy the rest of your vacation!

  13. Susan...I feel like I'm part of your family! Thank you for sharing all the smiles and laughter (if you look at the pictures really close, you can hear the laughter!) and family together time and foggy positions!! Enjoy those two men of yours...although I check the computer every day to see if you've posted, those guys need that undivided attention too!!

  14. What a happy family ! I certainly smiled at all these lovely pictures. Where do you find all these fun ideas ?

  15. Boy it's fun to be a kid in your family. Enjoy your vacation.

  16. Susan, I love that your family does craft projects together! My family does too! It looks like everyone had a great time making those cute shorts!

  17. Your vacation pics are fantastic! I love the one of the girls jumping, too fun! (I've tried to snap one of my 4 boys jumping in the air and I never seem to get them all at the same time) Great shots, and looks like a fun time! :-)


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Have a wonder-filled life!