
Thursday, July 2, 2009

I'm on...

Just wanted to let you know that I'm heading to the beach today with my family to celebrate the Fourth! Then, Team Elliott will be staying there for another week for vacation so I'll be returning to blogging on Tuesday, July 14.

I will have internet access so I hope to catch up on all of my blog reading and see what you've all been up to... I may be able to post a few times but I'm not sure that I have that capability yet so we'll see...

I hope to finish my May BJP which I've started. It's kind of fun to work on it right now because, even though it was inspired by the Liberty to Liberty Triathlon in May, the theme works pretty perfectly right now. I'm feeling very patriotic these days.

Oh, and did you hear?

The crown of the Statue of Liberty is re-opening this Saturday to small, specially-ticketed groups guided by a park ranger. It's been closed since Sept. 11, 2001 and, according to Interior Secretary Ken Salaza, reopening the crown "would proclaim to the world — both figuratively and literally — that the path to the light of liberty is open to all." I'm just glad to see her open again.

Happy Fourth of July to my U.S. friends and Happy Weekend to everyone else in the world. See you in a little over a week, if not before.


  1. Have a wonderful vacation, Susan! I'll miss you but I know that vacation time is very important. God Bless America! I LOVE saying that!

  2. Happy 4th, Susan. I hope team Elliot enjoy their time at the beach. Have a great vacation.

    From Oxford, where the sun has BLAZED down all week but where rain if forecast for the weekend!


  3. I love the beads you chose for the crown, perfect!

  4. Happy Fourth, Susan. We're back in Chicago and will be home in Seattle on the 7th. Take care and have fun.

  5. Hi Susan!
    So great to hear from you again! I am looking forward to catching up on your posts this weekend as well. Have a wonderful holiday at the beach! I will stay in Boulder and create more fairy worlds...
    Much love,

  6. Have a wonderful vacation and family time. Hope to hear in between, but if not we understand. Family time is best.

  7. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Happy 4 July. enjoy your break! and thanks to you Im humming 'oh, and did you hear.....' to the tune of the Star Spangled Banner :)

  8. Happy 4th of July to you and yours! Enjoy your break! :)

  9. Happy Holiday and have a great time away.


  10. Have a wonderful week with your family!

  11. nonni ru9:38 AM

    Loved the kids & their shorts! Great photo's too...Enjoy your vacation......

  12. nonni ru9:39 AM

    Loved the kids & their shorts! Great photo's too...Enjoy your vacation......


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!