
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Pants Pants Revolution -- Part One

Sunday was a very exciting day at my house.

Remember those nine nieces I'm always talking about? Well, I invited them all here to my house on Sunday afternoon to decorate jeans with fabric....

I called it Pants Pants Revolution which is a play on words for the very popular video game called Dance Dance Revolution...

I had no idea what to expect for this day. I put together a slideshow of ideas that I'd collected from Flickr and Etsy and showed it to them first thing. I also had blank jean templates so that they could design on paper if they wanted to.

After seeing the slideshow and all of the great fabric, the girls got right to work. The older ones, ages 8 and up, designed and decorated their jeans for over five hours. I can't wait to show you some of the creative ideas they came up with! It was inspiring for me to be around them!

Peace signs were, by far, the most popular theme and they made them in every color and size... also popular was Day-of-the-Dead sugar skulls, cupcakes, tropical hibiscus flowers, mod girl fabric, music, and big dots...

The three younger ones, came up with a plan, picked out their fabrics and went off to play. They were only good for an hour or so which is what I expected.

The older girls cut out the fabric shapes and pinned them to their pants...

I was inspired to do this party by a Sewing Stash Contest issued by Kaari Meng at French General. The main rule is that you can't buy anything new and you must use items from your stash. So all the fabric came out of my closet and exploded into piles and piles of fabric profusion!!

We made a big, beautiful mess!

I had plans on making myself a pair of jeans to enter into the contest (this will be the only pair I send in...) but then thought I would use a lot more fabric if I included all the girls. It was just beyond fun!! The contest ends on January 31 so I need to get sewing!!

The next phase of Pants Pants Revolution comes when they are all finished and we wear them out to a photo shoot and lunch together in either Ellicott City or the Mall. We're having tea again this year on Friday but, with company here, there's no way I can finish them by then so it will probably take me a few weeks.

Plus, I need to spend time with Jack this week before he goes back to school. He was a great help at the party by watching the littlest while the rest of the girls created.


  1. What a fun idea, Susan! Looks like your dad helped too? I'll bet those pants will be a cherished wardrobe item when finished! And how neat to top it off with a lunch date! You are a great auntie!

  2. You are a very special kind of person. O, I can comment on this great idea and say a hundred things about it. But in the end, the most important thing is how your neices felt to be invited for this event. Their feelings of love for you and being loved by you and their sense of accomplishment and self value after completing the project. This post is a bright spot in my day. A new "who I am" for you....Mentor.

  3. You are the coolest Aunt ever! What great fun!

  4. I love that you do whatever you can to foster creativity with these girls. It will be a gift that lasts a lifetime. Bravo!

  5. You bring honor and glory to Auntdom!

    How are you going to finish the pants?

    It was really fun seeing your stash, too.... ;-)

  6. I wish I had an Aunt like you!
    The Pants Aunt!!! How fun! No wonder you haven't been swimming...You've been having too much fun! Camilla

  7. Oh, YOU are SO LUCKY to have NINE NIECES! I would die of sheer glee to have nine gals to inflict my crafting hobbies upon, LOL! I love crafting with the extended fam! What a great idea! Can't wait to see Part Two! :)

  8. You are the COOLEST Aunt Ever!!!
    What fun, and what wonderful memories you all created! love it!!!

  9. What a fun day! I'm going to share this one with my DD1 (age 14) I'm sure she would love to have a go at this!

  10. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Susan, what fun!! Look at the memories you are creating with these girls. Creative minds, creative hearts!!Debbie (Maine)

  11. I want to jump in and play too! I love the jeans so far and can't wait to see the pix!

  12. You win Aunt of the Year with this one. It's fun seeing all of your great gift ideas. I may do the boxers next year--that's a great idea.

    Happy New Year!

  13. What a great idea! It looks like the girls had a lot of fun. I love seeing all the creative things you come up with. :)

  14. this is one of the cleverest ideas i've seen for both sharing crafts across generations and spending time with kids in a positive setting. bravo for figuring it out, and thank you for sharing it with us!

  15. What an aunt! You are truly amazing susan - a lovely idea.

  16. You are absolutely the COOLEST aunt!!! Wow do I wish I had had an aunt like you and, even more, I wish I could BE an aunt like you!

  17. What an awesome idea...your nieces must love you to bits! Such fun teaching them a bit of creative recycling and kindling a love of stitching and colour.

    My first visit to your blog (found you via Camilla) and have loved reading through your posts. Those denim jackets look fantastic too - love the Amy Butler fabrics!!!

  18. What a fun day for everyone, especially Aunt! You gave me some great ideas for doing a pair for myself! Thanks!


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Have a wonder-filled life!