
Sunday, December 28, 2008

Cross Street Market

Yesterday, as part of a yearly family tradition, we all headed down to Cross Street Market in Federal Hill, a neighborhood in South Baltimore.

We go every year after Christmas to eat raw oysters and steamed shrimp.

It's a great old market with a mix of locals and visitors but the food is downright delicious.

My Dad used to play basketball on the second floor (upstairs) of the market when he was a kid and tells us how the locker room used to smell like fish.

It's just a great tradition and I look forward to it every year.

It's also nice to have this niece of mine home from her semester abroad in Belgium.

And, she brought me lots of beautiful bobbin lace...what a gal!!


  1. The one trip I try to make each fortnight is to the local market.

    It's mostly Asian (given the area) - lots of strange things on display and for sale.

    But I love picking out my own fresh fruit and veg, fish and meat. We went just before Christmas, even tho I was sick, because I couldn't possibly miss the opportunity to say "Merry Christmas" to all the stall holders that I visit regularly. (I have my favourites)

    Pity they don't serve oysters on the spot. (they do have lots for sale). They do have a good Chinese restaurant - I usually come away with some take away. Spring rolls wrapped in lettuce and mint and picked vegies is my favourite.

  2. What an awesome tradition...though i think id pass on the oysters, and stick with the Rolling Rock :)
    Great pictures...thanks for sharing! Looks like everyone had a blast!

  3. What a fun family tradition! Okay, I hope we get to see the belgian lace your sweet niece brought you! She sounds like a sharp gal studying abroad and all. :)

  4. What a fun tradition! I love the way you capture the moments with your lens. (how about showing off that bobbin lace sometime??)

  5. The family resemblance is unmistakable!

    I know you coached your niece--now show us how well she did!

  6. Fun! I'd have to pass on the oysters though. Your mkt. sounds a bit like our Pike Place Market, but somehow, I'll bet your shrimp is better. Maybe your niece is trying to lure you to Brussels? Very clever girl! Between the lace and her stories, how can you resist?

  7. What a special tradition. The photos make it feel like a moment out of time. I can just smell, taste, and hear the atmosphere. It brings me close to the sea. Feels very different from Colorado...Happy New Year! Camilla

  8. i love the photos in this post! oh, and did you just add that oyster quote to the right sidebar? it's hilarious! and to think that while you were enjoying your after christmas tradition i was sprawled on my couch sick as a dog. :( so glad you all had a great time!

  9. What a terrific family gathering!

  10. I've never had an oyster but I love family and family traditions. Everyone looks so comfortable and ...loved. So glad your niece is home for the holidays. What a cutie! You are very blessed in so many ways. And it shows in all you do and all you share with us. I don't have time to read too many of my regular blogs as I'm home just for a short time but I always go to yours first. You make me feel so "part of it". Thank you!


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