Wednesday, July 19, 2006

More Details

A quick post today since my son is begging to go to the pool...
Here's Day 25 of Sharon's 1oo Details in 100 Days.

Day 26 -- I couldn't use the silk ribbon roses just yet so I used the fly stitch. Instead of the detached chain in the center, you'll note the cast-on stitch, which I have proclaimed love to in a prior post.

And, Day 2 7. Enjoy the day!


allie aller said...


I am going for extra credit today and using the "drizzle stitch" in one of my flowers (it isn't an official detail). The drizzle is a sister of the cast on stitch, so you must try it, too!

Heat waves are coming our way this week-end...good time to stich in a darkened room...too hot outside for anything else!

Susan Elliott said...

Drizzle sounds good right now in this 90+ weather. I'm off to look it up...

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