Our crazy quilting group, the Crazy Ladies, got together this past Saturday at my house.

When my friend Irene pulled out her fan blocks...the picture was too pretty to resist.

And, while I had the camera out, I just couldn't resist a few pictures of women stitching.

I love pictures of women stitching.

I also love pictures of their work...

Happy November everyone.
P.S. Jack ended up being Jason on Vacation. Unfortunately, you'll have to imagine Jason(Jack) wearing a fake hockey mask and carrying a cardboard machete while dressed in a tropical shirt, flip-flops and bathing suit and wearing a flower lei around his neck. Hey, even axe murderers need a vacation every now and then.
He had no time for pictures. How could he? Evidently, his social calendar at 14 is more important than catering to his mother's need to shoot him...I mean, photograph him...
I always enjoy your pictures, Susan, and with such beautiful subject matter, these could hardly fail to please the eye. Looks like you all had a lovely day.
Now, we'll have to have a word with Jack. Much as we love him, he has to get his priorities right and allowing you to take photographic evidence to delight us is vital :-)
Hope he had a great Halloween.
It is a beautiful crisp autumn day here and the colours this year are magnificent. But we have to enjoy today, the forecast for the rest of the week is wind and rain. I think the leaves will be down by next weekend :-(
Love all of your photos! Looks like a fun time!
O wow! love the ladies a stitchin pics!
O thank you! Got my first geehaww of the day. Visualizing Jason On Vacation was WAY better than any pic you could have taken!!
Happy November
what a fun time! my crazy quilt lust is growing :)
I am inspired!!! Keep loving stitchen and keep loving each other!! Life is Good when we are surrounded by love and creativity!!!
I am so jealous. I want "crazy ladies" for friends so bad... I fell in love with the 4th photo down... Perfect for my suffragettes... I do have my thrift store friend and she is coming today and I'm have suffragette colors on my brain. Your treats look yummy!!! Gerry K.
Gosh .. I always love to look at your post there is always more and more beautiful crazy quilting , I can't get enough, so I am going to look at some older ones .
Wish I had a group gathering here too. Maybe I need to see if I can find a group of ladies that like to do emboridery work and not just quilting.
Oh how i wish i lived near you!!! To come over and see the Crazy Ladies stitching IN PERSON would be so wonderful!
I would ooh and ahh, and sigh...
Oh, who am i kidding?! I'd be cussing, trying to do the lovely stitches they're all doing! But i'd STILL love to be there.
Какие восхитительный работы!! Ничего подобного не видела !! Восхитительно!
O, Susan... beautiful table scape and beautiful stitching all in one post! You have some very talented friends, lady. I especially love the fan with the blues, browns and creams.... YUM! Do any of these ladies have blogs?? I'm trying to find my mojo and it keeps evading me. :(
Lovely pictures of some beautiful embroideries, thank you for sharing this:) Oh, and the cup cakes look fantastic too!
please tell those ladies that i don't remember seeing such beautiful hand stitching ever before, i was enthralled by them all. wonder/full...k.
Oh, their stitchings are breath-taking. Sooo very beautiful! What fun to have a CQ stitching group- I too am envious...
And I am so glad you have put your profile back on your sidebar as I enjoy visiting some of the other Blogs you follow. Thanks!
I think you are off playing with Maureen and Candace Kling this week. I'm sure you're having loads of fun. Can't wait to hear all about it, with photos of course...
OOOOOOOOOO..... your blog is quite yummy!
What beautiful pictures and what talented friends you have. Each block is gorgeous.
You are not only a talented textile artist but a talented photographer.
Well done!
So beautiful, worry I am about to be seduced by yet another style of patchwork seeing your photos.
Such gorgeous stitching! How blessed you are to have friends near you to stitch with!
Very nice to see embroidered ladies .. These stitches are beautiful ... You are not hard to make a button to transfer your blog?
Gorgeous work !!!
Oh, how gorgeous - the work and your photos! :)
Wow! What wonderful pictures! Love your blog! :)
Just getting into CQ. I am going to have to look for some CQ ladies in my area. It would be fun to have a get together now and then. Lovely pieces of work and wonderful photos! Connie
Such beautiful photos! Oh my gosh - the quilts and the stitching is lovely! Wonderful that you get together to share your talents~~
What a fantastic group to have - kindred spirits for sure! Wish I lived closer - this would be one party I would try to sneak into :)
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