
Friday, July 16, 2010

Becoming Blue

This morning I finally had time to wake up slowly.

Woman at the Window by Salvador Dali

To re-play all the events of the past week and process them. To take stock of where I am and where I need to go. To breathe again. To gain perspective.

And four cups of tea later, I discovered that I was surrounded by the color blue. Slowly, over the past month or so, Blue was making itself known to me.

Three weeks ago, those harbingers of happiness -- the bluebirds -- returned to my yard and laid three beautiful blue eggs.

I hadn't remembered to check on them until this morning. So, in between sips, I crept down the back hill in my pajamas and knocked on the box.

No mama answered. And there was no "peep" from inside. And for just a moment, the tiniest note of fear sounded in the air...

But when I looked inside, all was well.

Two sleeping blue the shape of a heart.

Call it what you will. A smile from heaven. A breath of new life. A sense that all is well in the world.

And when I returned to my cup, I relaxed and took stock of where I am with my Summer projects. And I realized that all of them involve Blue.

I've almost finished the light blue stripe on my rainbow shawl...and next is an even deeper blue.

My final bead journal project is on a blue background, as is my next Alice in Wonderland block...and well, there's that block of Tiffany blue...and the haute couture beading challenge which is primarily blue.

I suppose in a year that began with a blue moon, I shouldn't be so surprised to find myself surrounded by blue.

Since I'm not in the habit of feeling blue, I'm off to make blue while the sun shines...


  1. Blue in all it's hues and tints is such a wonderful color! You are definitely having a blue summer! Love those spools of buttonhole twist... vintage?

  2. This is such a lovely post. The baby bluebirds in the shape of a heart is so inspiring. Blues are my favorite colors and make me very happy. I do hope you will enjoy your becoming blue. Happy creating...
    P.S. I have never seen such wonderful spools of buttonhole twist.

  3. Love all your blues!!! I have some antique colbalt blue glass pieces that I love, along with a set of salt/pepper shakers that my grandfather gave to me when I was little because I love bluebirds!! The picture you took of the babies looking like a heart is priceless - would you allow me to save it to my computer as my desktop background? I get bluebirds here, but the swallows always manage to kick them out of their home!

  4. Re-read my comment and forgot to say that the shakers from my grandfather were bluebirds!

  5. And I know all your friends will say "as a friend you are true blue!" Blue not a color I've gravitated to in the past but learning to love. Except for some blue dishes there is not a blue thing in my house (or any house I had) or in my closet that is blue... I wonder why... Lots of red, green and yellow... must mean something deep and mysterious... Hugs Ger

  6. Blue must be in the air or something. My current "big" knitting projects are mostly blue-green. Love the photos, especially the bluebird babies. Now I am wondering what happened to #3? Sure doesn't look like there would have been room.....

  7. Susan, you always open my eyes to something new. Salvador Dali, has slipped under my radar, the work I am familiar with freaks me out, but seeing this painting, I see that I must look beyond the obvious and rediscover this artist.

    Maybe I should do the same with blue. It is my Mum's favourite colour. While I tend to overloook it, I realise that I use it a lot in conjuction with my preferred greens and purple.

  8. How WONDERFUL! I'm so glad the babies are safe and sound! Aren't the bluebirds just beautiful? I also posted just yesterday about mine. All of your blues are just gorgeous. Everytime I think I've picked my all-time favorite blue, I change my mind. I think this "is this my favorite? or is this it?" situation has lead to my paint chip obsession!

    Thanks for sharing!

  9. Lovely post ~ we all need to take the time to take stock of things... and I love your words about taking time to breathe again, to gain perspective. It's so easy to go bumbling through life, bobbing like a cork on the ocean with no direction if we don't. For me it was a needed reminder.

    As always your gorgeous photographs are amazing. But the nest with eggs and then the baby bluebirds... they just fill me with peace! Thank you!

  10. Hummmm. Blue. I always wondered why if someone is a little down they say they have the blues. Don't you think, though it wouldn't sound so good, they should say they have the grays?

    Funny, there is music they call the blues. Its mostly about crappy things that happen. But I always find the Blues pretty sexy. I LOVE a good blues song.

    Of course, there's Blue Monday and Blue Moon. Ever had Blue Moon ice cream? Yummy!

    Or more good blue...Blue Chip, Blue Book and of course Blue Man Group.

    Wow, I LOVE blue. Look UP. Its all Blue!!!

    Have a great weekend.
    Blue Bells...True Blue...Blue Grass..Blue Eyes....Bye Bye

  11. Doesn't Holly Golightly have "the mean reds"? When I feel "blue", I feel calm, well rested and with any luck, cool. I really like your pictures today -- I think they've just cooled me off! Thanks.

  12. blue is the gentlest colour of all, and i seem to have made a feature of it this year's so soothing...k.

  13. Thank you for the beautiful pictures. The Bluebirds are wonderful.

  14. Isn't it amazing what a look at a bird nest will do for you. Simple pleasure, it's great.

  15. Love your blue post (but did you say your "last" bead journal? hope you just meant the one you finished, not that you're done making them!)

  16. Oh, I love the painted bluebirds on the china plate too!

  17. Blue is one of my favourite colours!! Your photos are glorious!!

  18. What beautiful babies, and what a beautiful photograph. Blue is such an uplifting colour. A lovely post.


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