
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Stitcher's Trousseau

I'm putting together a wedding present for a very good needle friend of mine who was married last August to the man of her dreams.

I feel such joy for her in finding her life's love.

And once I got the thought into my head of A Stitcher's Trousseau...I couldn't resist.

Because she's radiant and her beauty shines forth in every stitch of her embroidery.

I'm sending it off today. And I'm happy to report that I only used two-thirds of the year granted by the etiquette police for sending a wedding gift...

She doesn't know it yet...she's off studying at a class and won't get it until she returns home...

This was so much fun.

Fun to put together...

Fun to think of her receiving it...

And so much fun for me to photograph.

And it was all too pretty not to share it with you. Have a beauty-filled day!


  1. Absolutely feminine and beautiful, as well as useful.

    She will enjoy it and remember your thoughtfulness for years to come.


  2. This is beautiful ... the idea, the imagery, as well as the gift. Martha has nothing over you and your creativity.

  3. You are amazing! What a beautiful and love filled gift!

  4. LOVELY! I love your quote too! Where do you find them? I look forward to reading them every time I come to visit...

  5. where do you find all these goodies?? fantastic!

  6. Breathtakingly beautiful! Where did you find the Dorset buttons, polka dot tulle and that darling shell? What fun treasures! Hugs, Cathy

  7. I was just going to ask if they were Dorset buttons then read Kathy's comment. They are just beautiful and to have 4 the same.
    It is all beautiful and so clever to think of doing this. The nice thing is she will think of you every time she uses one of the pieces.



  8. What a totally brilliant idea and your photos are fabulous!!!!!!She will be over the MOON!!!!!

  9. My mouth is literally watering.... such beauty... you always come up with the most wonderous things, Ms. Susan!

  10. What a wonderfully thoughtful and beautiful selection of trousseau treasures.

    You are pretty sly and cunning too! You knew that a wedding gift received so long after the wedding, long after the shine of gifts received on the big day has worn off, would be the most memorable of all and a good story to tell for days to come.

    She will cherish the gift and the friend that has given it.

    This was just a wonderful gift. Better than a coffee mug!! ~lol~

  11. Awesome, Susan! It is SO much fun to see what you come up with next. Your friend will surely be pleased. Would you believe that Catherine's florist had already shown her that magazine? And of course, she loves it too.

  12. What a beautiful and lovely gift. I love the idea and I'm sure it will be well appreciated. Did you make the Dorset buttons?


  13. so pretty...I'm sure she will "squeal" in delight when she's sees all you have gifted!

  14. BEEEautiful! What a thoughtful gift.
    And indeed, the photos are scrumptious!

  15. Incredibly beautiful and thoughtful. I want one. :-) Gotta find that man first.

  16. Oh what scrumptious beauties - she's going to love this!

  17. white,pearl riches:)charming!

  18. Such a beautiful array of wonderful goodies! What a wonderful treasure trove for your friend!

  19. So beautiful, Susan!

    It's a gift that would make a girl - not mentioning any names - want to get married all over again!!!! ;-)

  20. This is a truly lovely gift, and I'm sure your friend will be touched by your thoughtfulness. Thanks for the tip about MS Weddings. I might even get over my mortification over buying a copy so I can check it out.

  21. Dear Susan,
    My wedding is plan for August:-))

    You have put together so beautiful things and your photos make them so precious!!!

  22. Susan, as you know, the parcel had quite a journey travelling back and forth across The Pond 3 times before finally arriving safely last weekend.

    It is hard to imagine that the treasures in the trousseau are even lovelier than your beautiful photographs suggest. The thought and care that you put into assembling it is astonishing.

    Everything said in the comments was quite true. I am thrill, delighted and humbled to receive such a thoughtfully and creative gift. I will cherish it and every time I see or use a part of it, I will think of the wonderful friend who gifted it to me.

    Although I have had my Trousseau for a week now, I waited until today, my first Wedding Anniversary, to leave this comment.

    Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

    Now, I am going to spend the rest of the day with my gorgeous husband :-D

  23. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Hi Susan I have tried very hard since you said you were going to post a present to Carol Anne not to look just in case I let it slip what she was going to get. Well I managed it and for me that is saying something as all my friends would say. Its beautiful and can't wait till I am at Jon and Carol's house to see all the beautiful things for really. Beautiful and what a wonderful thought and I know she will love ever bit of them Sue X


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!