
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Secret Habit

OK. You know those memes that go around asking you to share something about yourself that no one knows??

Well, today, I'm going to tell you something that no one knows. I'm a regular reader of Martha Stewart Weddings magazine.

And invariably when I take it to the checkout, they ask, "Oh, are you getting married?" And, I blush and say, "No, I buy it for the photographs and the articles..." Oh.

But it's true! For me, Martha Stewart Weddings is one of the most inspirational magazines that's being put's not your typical bride's magazine full of page after page of just dresses...

It's chock full of great ideas for cakes, for favors, for special parties, for flowers...and, if you happen to love dresses, it's chock full of those too!

The Color issue comes out every Spring and this one takes the cake! It's got eight cakes that are designed to mimic the look of vintage fabrics...

It's got a ten-page spread on celebrating with cherry blossoms...stunning!

It's got another 14 pages of ballet, tulle, brides and ballerinas -- the pictures are wonderful.

And every issue they include a color palette section...where they work within a certain range of colors. I've saved these sections to my inspiration file many times. Vicki W of Field Trips in Fiber creates palettes too...they're very helpful when piecing crazy quilt blocks or making color choices...

This magazine is chock full of so many ideas that are applicable to all areas of your life...not just weddings. And this issue...was worth every penny...and I thought you should know about it. (And no, I'm not on Martha's payroll...but I would like to be *wink)

So now you know.

I have another reason why I have weddings on the brain...I'll show you that tomorrow...


  1. Martha does amazing things! Have you ever seen her baby magazines? I don't know if she still does them, but I have three or four (somewhere) from at least 5 years ago. They were fantastic!

  2. OK, spill it. Who is getting married. You must be doing something special for them. Can't wait to hear about it.

    Have a great day and enjoy your mag.
    xx, Carol

  3. Hurray for you! You are cherishing the little girl inside. Love the fact that you blush at the check out counter... I feel the same with those glossy lifestyle mag's. It just a world you can step into! Know the feeling...Dream on.

  4. I just love the purse on your header... I'll have to check out Martha Stewart's wedding mag.... I enjoyed Oprah's mag today at the doctor and it had a great recipe for blue cheese fondue...It's not my usual read....

    Gerry K.

  5. Welcome to the WOB club! We are in Chicago and will be heading north on Friday for our niece's wedding, and then it'll be just about a month till Catherine's big day. She wanted to decorate with cherry blossoms, but they're all blooming now......Can't wait to see what you're up to now!

  6. You are definitely a romantic - so why not a wedding magazine. I can just see you whipping up a gorgeous cake with one hand and beading the wedding dress with the other!

  7. Now I won't feel that I alone am indulging in this guilty pleasure although you seem to have a secret up your sleeve, if I'm reading between the lines....

  8. I love your blog question. I understand your addiction. I myself, a magazinaholic, threadaholic & a fabraholic.......but I think it really has to due with color

    I love Martha Stewarts magazines.

  9. I just got back from a celebration of 10 gay weddings in 5 hours in the District of Columbia, the first day gays can legally marry here. Six of the couples are members of my church. Our church house band made the reception a rousing expression of the joy of it all. The whole thing was planned within two weeks and our minister came in from her sabbatical to perform the LEGAL ceremonies. What a great day for fairness and family!

  10. Sorry, that last didn't mention the magazine. The planners could have used it, but they did a bang up job anyway in the historic Universalist National Memorial Church in DC.

  11. Such a guilty pleasure! ;0)

    She does do some beautiful things, doesn't she? When you love beauty just for itself, you find it wherever you can and sometimes that means wedding mags!

  12. That Lace Cake is a beauty to behold- Incredible!!! I wonder if Ace Of Cakes would do it????? Must leaf thru it next time I am at Border's !! Thanks for the great tip!!!!

  13. Ah....the secret is out. Too funny! My roomie and I like to watch "Say Yes to the Dress" and I keep telling her I'm going to buy her one of these just for kicks. Martha always has great ideas and so do you!

  14. I can see so much how this would appeal to you.
    You so could work for them....!

  15. Thank you for sharing the link to Vicki W's site of color palettes. Lots of wonderful palettes to play with.


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