
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Unsung Heroes

Stitching heroes that is...

You'll hardly ever hear them sing for themselves so today I'm singing for them.

These are some of the ladies that are part of my local chapter of the Embroiderers' Guild of America (EGA), and if it wasn't for them, and the organization that they continue to develop, I would not be the stitcher that I am today.

This group of women has worked tirelessly to educate new members, to demonstrate embroidery at museums and shows, and to teach the next generation of embroiderers their skills and knowledge. They are one talented group of ladies and I am honored to be their student and co-worker.

Joining my local chapter of the Embroiderers' Guild opened up a whole new world of technique and expertise that I never knew existed. So, today, these ladies are my unsung heroes.

As many of you know, it's not always easy to keep the flame alive for embroidery, especiallyy when life throws you children, health problems, jobs and other concerns. But these women have managed to do it.

Last Thursday, we held our annual Needlework Showcase where we bring all of the projects we completed in 2009 to share with each other. There was WAY more to show you than I could fit in here but here is a glimpse of some of their work...

This crewel work is an original design stitched by Katie Franetovich which she has made into a vest...

And this improvisational beaded design was stitched by Carolyn Everly and inspired by our class with Robin Atkins.

I just love the big flower, the calla lilies, the shells with the holes where she placed the beads...

And this CQ block stitched by Marian Nozinski is the class project that Allison Aller taught last Spring -- with a bit of Marian pizazz stitched in!

Isn't it gorgeous? And Allie will be teaching on the East Coast again in Spring 2011 at Maureen Greeson's Adventures in Crazy Quilting! You've got to come!

I fell in love with this piece stitched by Mary Tod and designed by needlepoint designer Tony Minieri...

And so many others...

And I just love this little saying...

We're preparing for a HUGE snowstorm -- YEA -- that means our normally hectic life comes to a screeching halt and there is plenty of time to STITCH!!

May all good things happen to you today!


  1. Thanks for sharing these lovely pieces, Susan! Snow? Stay warm and have fun stitching. You must have had a great time with your nieces. What a nice auntie you are!

  2. wow...thank you for showing off the needlework, beautiful work! You have snow, we have sun....yipee!

  3. Wow, I can see why you cherish your friendship to these women! What a lovely work and the colours are all so vibrant! The flowers in each work really jump off the screen. I would just want to reach out and pick a bunch.
    The vest will look amazing I guess! Thanks to all for wanting to share.

  4. What a great idea to have one meeting where all bring in their finished projects for the entire year; I'm going to suggest that at my Embroidereres' Guild. Beautiful work- congrats to all the members...
    I'm SO looking forward to Sharon B's visit next year- I have signed up for her 3 day class...can't wait!! Hope I'll meet you there?

  5. Wow!! I can't wait to meet everyone. This work is beautiful. Maureen

  6. Anonymous4:20 PM

    What beautiful pieces!
    It's so good to have the chance of learning with such women!
    I'm jealous of your nice group! :)

  7. Delicious eye candy!

  8. HOly Toledo, Susan...that is a bunch of beautiful work. Makes me want to get my yarns & floss back out & get back into regular embroidery again. Love it all.


  9. Susan, you are so lucky to be a member of this talented group of needlework artists. The funny thing about needlework is that I can rarely pick a favorite. However, there is a special place in my heart for CQ.

    I have looked into the local guild chapter in my area, but they meet during the day.

    Well, you can bet one or more of yuor neices will be a stitcher!

  10. Very inspiring work! Thanks for the eye candy.

  11. Lovely work! Please thank your friends for being willing to share their work.
    Marty S
    Crackpot Beader

  12. What beautiful work! I like your idea of showing finished work once a year. I need to find a group of needlepoint addicts where I live. I'm in upstate New York, so I'm suffering with the snow and cold, as well.
    An encyclopedia of needlepoint stitches…

  13. Oh my gosh. I can see where you get all your inspirations. These pieces are works of art.

  14. What a lovely group portrait of all these wonderful ladies!
    The examples of the work shown are so inspiring...and I must say that Marion's block took my breath away!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Hi Susan,

    Thanks for sharing the projects of your EGA group!

    We had 24+ inches up here in central Maryland. It finally finished at about 2:45pm. Just waiting to see what the final snow count is going to be. LOL!

    Going back to my stitching after reading a few blogs! :-)

    Windy Meadow

  16. A lovely tribute! I'm finding your blog pure inspiration! Thank you for sharing your stitchy life as well as your day to day. Everything I've seen so far is nothing less than amazing!

  17. Oh, how fortunate for you! Our local EGA guild disbanded about 2 years ago. I was only able to afford the dues for one year, several years ago and was looking forward to rejoining. Now, I just drool online!

  18. I am fortunate to know these ladies too and they are amazing and talented. Kudos to you all.


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!