
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Blizzard 2010

Throughout the night, the wind was howling and there were huge claps of thunder! We woke to a house covered in snow. It was quite the storm blowing through Central Maryland. In fact, it's likely to be the largest single snowstorm to ever hit our State.

All of our neighbors were out trying to do the first clearing of snow.

These pictures were taken this morning and the snow was about 27" -- it's since snowed another 6" or so and just about stopping at 3:30pm.

I love my neighborhood! Everyone comes out to help each other. And we always clear the driveways of our neighbors who aren't capable. Nobody quits until all the work is done...and with this much snow...we had a lot of work to do...

And it's back-breaking work...That's until Snowblower Bill comes along -- what a sight for sore backs to see his plume of snow making it's way up the street! And he's smiling that big smile because his back isn't hurting and his snowblower was a great investment this year -- we've had one of the snowiest winters ever in history with over 60"!

The snow is too deep for the snowblower, so we still have to use a combination of shovel and machine.

It's still back-breaking work but it gets done a little faster! *smile He's also making sure that all the neighborhood paths are clear for his Superbowl party tomorrow! What a guy!

The kids are absolutely loving every minute of it!

After four hours of shoveling and fighting the elements, we came inside to get hot cocoa, dry our clothes, and settle in for a long winter's nap.

I just woke up and, finally, I'm going to hole up in my sewing room. While I was asleep, Jim put a brisket in the oven for tonight and a big pot of chili in the crock pot for tomorrow. The guys are scoring major points today! Now it's his turn for a nap...

Life doesn't get much better than that! And so far we have electricity which is better than some.

I'll give another update soon! Hello to all of you in sunny, tropical climates -- that would be my Dad!


  1. I have been watching the snow storm from here in Texas (where it is a brisk 61 degrees). I love all of the snowy pictures, they make my heart long for life back in New England and my days skiing in Vermont.

    Stay warm!

  2. We're snowed in here in Annapolis. I don't know if we made the 30" inch total we had in 2003, but we're close. Snow blowers are the greatest, even if our sat in the garage for 3 years with no use :)!
    Enjoy the snow!

  3. Holy wow! Here in Birmingham we've sat at 34 degrees almost all day without the benefit of the beautiful snow. Thank you much for posting the pictures of the gorgeous white.

  4. Anonymous8:44 PM

    And I thought my Missouri 8 inches was bad yesterday...guess the storm was just warming up for Maryland. It's beautiful, but stay warm & safe.

  5. While we cannot expect to have the huge snowfalls you are having, there is snow forecasted for Houston this week. We may be losing our palm trees if it keeps up.

    Brrr, stay snuggled in!

  6. Yikes! That's a heap of snow! Glad you've still got power. Take care of that back! We'll be enjoying chili with our football tomorrow too.

    Great weekend for stitching!

  7. I've been thinking about you and our MD relatives today, wondering how you were faring. Thanks for the update and great photos. I'll bet you sleep well tonight! Isn't thunder-snow strange? We've had that too but not recently. In fact it's looking like the Olympics are in the wrong spot this year! Stay warm!!

  8. Wow! Thank you for sharing those wonderful pictures! Be safe and stay warm!

  9. Hi Susan!
    I was thinking about you as I followed news on the storm today. I had heard you received about 3'. This is your memorable snowstorm that you will talk about for the rest of your life!!.. Ours happened in 1978. Its known as the blizzard of 78. Started on Thursday and never stopped until Saturday. We had drifts that covered our windows totally. Could not get out the front door. Luckily Terry pushed his way out the back. Our road never saw a plow until the next Wednesday. Rural area side roads were not a priority.

    Our neighbors got together and plowed, blew and shoveled out our drives. Some had blades and plowed our road up to the highway, but it was still snowed shut. We all spent a lot of time at each other's houses playing cards, aggravation (that crazy marble game as we like to call it) and euchre. What a memory!

    xx, Carol

  10. What gorgeous pictures, though i'm sure the snow isn't so attractive when you're shoveling for 4 hours. Stay warm and dry.

  11. Oh Susan....I know you will think I'm wacked when I say I'm so jealous! It is beautiful! And I didn't hear that it was that biting horrible cold. Which is of course a good thing and makes being outside such an "alive" experience. Yes, shoveling is back-breaking but so...rewarding and healthy and right! And it seems that you guys made a neighborhood party out of it! I only realized today that the super bowl was tonight. Bad American, living so out of touch with such American things. I tracked the storm over here to see how it was going to hit PA where my family is. They had a decent amount of snow but no where close to what you had. Dad got to play out in the snow though on his gator that has a plow. And you are just doesn't get any better!

  12. Hi Susan, 60" of snow this winter? Now I know where all of our Wisconsin snow has gone. I don't think we've had more than 20" this year. Have fun!

  13. What a lot of snow around the country this year! We had over 5 feet of snow a couple weeks ago and another 8" last night, so I can relate to all the shoveling! Hope you stay warm and safe and your power stays on!

  14. Good to see that the neighbours are helping each other.
    Yes, the snow is both beautiful and awful, depending on what you have to do, and of the damages...
    Keep warm.

  15. What a fun time, in so many ways! It's great when a neighborhood comes together. A perfect weekend, in my book... lots of snow, a great guy to do the cooking, a snuggly nap and then I'll bet some creativity happened in there somewhere!

  16. Great pictures Susan!! We got a bit less than you at 24 inches but that was plenty!!!
    You have a wonderful neighborhood!!! I am sure taht Snow Blower Bill was thrilled to ehar of yet another big storm on it's way after he had purchased his new toy!!
    So glad to hear that you never lost power!!

  17. AAAA- mazing! The berms you all must be hiding behind. The snowmen created. The snow cones! And to think I sat here in sun looking at my green green lawn...darn it!

    I think El Nino is responsible for more than just sending rivers of rain to southern CA [and northern Mexico]. It has to be the reason for all this pure driven snow you all are getting.

    [Don't worry, we will get ours next winter....the jet stream will work its way back to the NW and slam us like a freight train.]

  18. Amazing & unbelievable photos of snow in your neighbourhood. I am from Melbourne, Australia and where I live we don't have snow, we have to drive a few hours to the snowfields. Today's temp is 35c and very humid, with a storm brewing.
    Your work is very beautiful. I do visit your blog, but I don't think I have left a comment before. from Jenny McH


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!