
Thursday, February 25, 2010

I am tired...

of making leaves.

It takes a lot of leaves to make a tree.

I think I just might have gathered enough...

To make some branches...

So that I might lie down in the shade and take a rest.

Though I don't suppose that I should expect a tree to grow overnight, now should I?


  1. Well your pile of leaves certianly is beautiful!!! you do such fabulous work in miniature, can't wait to see what happens next!!

  2. WONDERFul post, Susan! And I totally lovelovelove that rake!! I just can't wait to see where you are going with all of enjoy *leaving* us with all this anticipation, don't you?! :>]]

  3. Beautiful post.

    Tho the same issue is what has always put me off making a stumpwork tree.

  4. I'm fainting here! I hope you will tell all of us how to bid on your purse when it is ready for the fund raiser. I'd love a throw my two cents at it...

  5. O Susan! I am so glad to see that RAKE! You might need it ~lol~lol~lol

    xx, Carol

  6. Ohw... what a sweet rake you got! It wouldn't surprise me if you could grow a tree overnight... You are marvelous at these things.

  7. Susan, I think you have taken leaf of your senses. At this rate you will have an entire forest!

    Give yourself a b-rake and leaf off making leaves.

  8. Lovely rake you have!
    At the rate you are going, I would not be surprised if you grow a tree overnight...

  9. They are lovely leaves, so worth the effort, I feel!

  10. Susan, You are a hoot!! I love the way your mind works.

  11. I love your photo with the little rake. Making so many of the same objects can be a little tiring and joke lightens things up.

  12. I can just picture a little Kelly doll jumping into the leaves, with Skipper waiting her turn....

  13. Holy Moly, this is going to be a masterpiece!

    After seeing all of this gorgeous-ness over your last few posts, I am beginning to think you made the rake too!?!

    In any event, someone should alert Southeby's - there's a breathtaking piece of art in progress here.

    Crystal xo

  14. You are my absolute hero....again


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