
Monday, December 7, 2009

The Tale of Two Tiaras

I needed to figure out a way of making a miniature tiara for a project I'm working on...

In my first attempt (the top one in the picture above), I stitched the tiara onto ultrasuede and sandwiched it with another piece of ultrasuede and a piece of template plastic for stiffness...

I liked it OK but I didn't like the fact that I could see all of the gray ultrasuede around it...

I wanted the tiara to look more like a piece of jewelry...settling into the hair...and allowing you to see the hair through the crown.

So I went to an arts supply store and bought some of this aluminum mesh that sculptors use for sculpting stuff...I picked the tiniest grid I could find...1/16"

And guess what?? It's sew-able! Eureka! I think you could stitch all kinds of things onto this mesh where you needed a mold-able shape.

I used transparent thread and yes, you need to bring your patience to this task because the thread does get stuck on the tines of the metal very frequently...a glass of wine helps...

The other great thing about it was...After you're finished stitching, and you trim around the shape, the little extra "seam allowance" bends over very nicely -- locking in your stitches and giving you a prettier edge.

Needless to say, I was delighted to have figured this out.

And though I liked my first tiara a lot...but...

My second tiara takes the crown!


  1. Sheila11:17 AM

    OH Yeah! That's perfect, Susan! I didn't know there was such a thing as the wire mesh. What a great material to add to a tool box. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Cute tiaras! You might try cutting the mest a tiny bit bigger and taping along the sides to keep your thread from snagging. I used this mesh years ago when I used to sell handcrafted items at local shows.

  3. You never fail to amaze me with all the neat tricks you come up with!

  4. WOW, you are clever!
    I'll keep the trick for when I need to make one for my barbie...

  5. You sure are clever, Susan! It's always fun to see what you come up with next.

  6. Oh that mesh is cool! I am going to tell my Stephanie about this....or maybe just get her some to play with for the holidays!

    Thank You Susan!

    Oh....the tiara is perfect! For a tiara, I suppose. I would need a whole crown after all...sniff..sniff....

    hack hack hawk patooie....see what happens when I try to be snotty...

  7. I thought the first one was good the way it was until I saw the pictures of them on the doll head. Wow! Very clever of you to think of using the mesh, it made all the difference in the world! Great job!

  8. I had heard that there was one that you can sew through. I believe they said on your machine. Could this be it? Either way the tiara was worth re-doing. It looks great.

  9. Way better! Ultra great! Where there is a will there is a way...

  10. tangoandcha6:08 AM

    That wire mesh has always been filed under "I'm sure I'd find it useful if only I could find something to use it for!" and I am so impressed that you found something. Well done!

  11. You are a genius!

  12. You brilliant, brilliant lady.

  13. Wow! I do love to see all the different things you make.
    Marty S
    Crackpot Beader

  14. It was the best of tiaras, it was the.... oops! (giggles). Couldn't resist the reference. It is definitely the BEST of tiaras, and you are the Most Clever One!! Congrats. BTW, I love your little tins in next post (no I am not entering, although someday would love to swap some little goodies with you). Big hugs, Cathy

  15. I would have never even thought this possible! but you showed me...again!! Very nice

  16. Hi Susan.So cute! You have the most nimble fingers. I can't wait to see what you came up with re fur (wonder how much that dress ended up going for...incredible embroidery!) Best wishes, Trish

  17. I had suspicions before, but now I'm convinced - you are a genius!

  18. I used your photo of your crowns on my blog cuz it was such a cool idea, If that is a problem...just let me know and I will remove it!! Hugs. Gerry K.


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