
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Peace Goods and an Extra Wish

Today we had our annual Holiday gathering for my Crazy Quilt group. It's always a fun day where we gather at my friend Maureen's and she makes us a fabulous lunch. It's an event that I look forward to all year long. Normally, each one of us makes an ornament to exchange. And, this year, for some reason, none of us had the time to make one so we didn't have the exchange. *sniff

To be honest, I missed it. So I vow to never say I'm too busy again. Heck, I could have made an ornament in August for goodness sake! Ah well, there's always next year...

What I didn't miss was the chance to put together these little tins of seasonal sprinkles...just a little something...little bits of this and that for embellishment -- to share the joy of the season.

And, in turn, they shared a piece of themselves too...a bit of lace, a piece of kimono fabric, a vintage hankie, an oya flower...

Not buying anything new...just sharing from our stashes...

And their treasures blend with mine...and a piece of their spirit intermingles with my own...and one day, they arrive in my work.

It's that simple -- as often the most beautiful things are...a bit of my friends always a part of the work I do...and I, a part of theirs.

And, Oh the Joy!, when I recognize a bit of me...a button, a thread, a bead, a their work. I love that.

Piece goods. What a great old-fashioned term for all those items that we treasure...goods sold by the yard or the piece. After all, as needlewomen our primary commerce is in piece goods, is it not?.

But perhaps I prefer the idea that they are peace goods. Because certainly, the co-mingling and the sharing that goes on between needlewomen seems to add a great deal of good and peace in this world.

I know it's not much but I do have one tin to give away...a peace extra wish...small sprinkles of my share with one of you.

I wish I had more than one but I don't...So, as a consolation prize for everyone that comments, I promise to send a special wish out to each one of you...a little prayer of hopefulness, and grace and if you have any special requests...let me know in the comment. *wink

And, whomever wins, just know that it will pride me greatly to have a bit of myself go live with your stash...and perhaps, if I'm lucky, show up in your work one day...

Just leave a comment on this post by Tuesday, and you will have a chance to win. Oh, and please remember to leave me an email address so I can reach you when you do win!

And a special thank you to my Crazy friends for a really beautiful day. Can't wait until next time.


  1. What a wonderful pile of little sparklies! It looks pretty just like that! That picture would make a great notecard!

  2. Wow!!!!Lovely!
    Yes, I have a wish, but it's a secret wish, *wink.
    Do you think it's fair counting with me without revealing the secret?

    my English sounds so bad...:(

  3. I loved this post - the pictures AND your words!!

  4. What a lovely post. I agree that piecing is a psychologically important way of achieving peace. We take shards and bits and create harmony and wholeness. We're real magicians when we do this.

    Thanks for the great thoughts.

  5. Sheila12:14 PM

    Oh! What a lovely idea! I'm in! I'm commenting... Merry Christmas to you and your family and a may you have a whole 'nother year of wonderfulness arrive every day.

  6. How nice to have a meeting with friends who have the same passion for fabrics and beads etc...
    I don't need anything, have all what I need but I would like to get a prayer in the coming week...
    Thank you!

  7. This world needs all the peace it can get, sprinkle a little here, glue one there, sew another one, and package it up with a great big wish, that sounds good to me.


  8. That's a wonderful exchange of goodies. I, too, like to use contributions from friends in my art as well as finding bits of "me" in theirs.

    I hope your holidays are stress-free and there are many happy moments.

  9. I don't know what is better...your consistently beautiful photography that I always relish to see, or this gorgeous set of wonderful needful beads and baubles.
    Thanks for constantly sharing a piece of yourself throughout the year. I look forward to it!

  10. I am a magpie, who collects sparkly things.
    *squwark* *

  11. What a super idea. I love to share with my stitching friends and when I get little bits of pieces from them it makes me feel happy and excited. These little beads,trim,lace etc.are more precious than jewels because these are gifts from people who care about their art and love to share their art with others. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Lise

  12. I love reading your thoughtful posts, Susan. Peace. What a great idea for the coming year. Bless you and your family in the holiday season.

  13. Maureen8:38 PM

    As a recipient of one of these sweet little tins of treasures I didn't realize what wonderful little treasures it actually contained until I had a chance today to look through it again. There are some wonderful tiny treasures whoever receives it will enjoy.
    Good luck!

  14. World Peace Through Needlwork!
    Amen to that, my sister of the needle. What a lovely post...

  15. I thought your little tin was an ornament! I made an ornament the other day, I will post it for one of my Advent days as it too is unusual!

  16. What beautiful little treasure tins of needlework flotsam and jetsam! And I love the thought of sharing bits of "peace" goods with each other rather than exchanging purchased gifts.

    As for that special consolation wish, I could use a little extra hopefulness right now. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and beautiful photos.

  17. What a great concept.. I am sooooooooo jealous of anyone with a CQ group.... I'm always adding Spokane, WA to my signature in hopes I will hear from at least one person (I'd be happy with a group of 2) will respond that they live here... Do we get to pick the hanky if we win??? LOL

    Gerry K.
    Spokane, WA

  18. Susan, you express so well the joy of sharing we have in our group. And, in the larger crazy quilt community as well. I had a great time sorting the goodies in the tin yesterday and thinking how they might be used. Have a wonderful holiday. (And don't include me in the drawing, please.)

  19. Hello, my friend. As usual, I thouroughly enjoyed your post. What sweet little tins and such a great idea. I can't believe its been a year since you posted your beautiful skate!

    I have a tendancy to read quickly then go back and re-read. At first I read prayer and special wish and thought you were going to say a prayer for our special thought...please do...for my friend Jeanne who recently lost her grandson.

    Then I re-read. Silly me. Great idea Susan. Glad you are having so much fun this holiday season.

    XX, Carol

  20. Your CQ group sounds like they have a lot of fun together. I'd love to get one of your goodie packages. Happy stitching!

  21. Oh that's awesome! I love the little wishes.

    nycbookgirl at gmail dot com

    BTW, I loved your post on your son's hat. Too cute :)

  22. I have to admit that I will miss seeing one of your fabulous ornaments this year! But the Wish and sharing pieces of yourselves is pretty wonderful too! I feel that you share yourself with us every time I read one of your lovely posts!

    Sounds like you had a fabulous cruise! Loved reading about Jack and his Mojo!

  23. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I check your blog more than any other online! You and the work you do are quite an inspiration!!

  24. I think this type of exchange is even better then an ornament. what fun to see all the goodies. that one hankie was sure a beauty.



  25. I would be honored to share a bit of your stash. Please count me in.


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!