
Monday, December 21, 2009

Making Snowmen

Over the weekend, the mid-Atlantic region of the United States was hit with a big snowstorm and we received about 2 feet of snow!

I went outside this morning to try to take a few pictures...and I had to wear Jim's large yellow rubber boots since they were the only boots I had that were tall enough not to be completely overcome by snow --

It didn't matter...right after I took this pic, I stepped into a snowdrift and snow poured into my boots. What I didn't tell you was that I was wearing my pajama bottoms which definitely weren't snow pants! Brrrrr! I got wet and cold pretty quickly since I was completely inappropriately dressed -- all in the quest to get a good picture in optimal light before the sun got too high in the sky...

I aborted my mission when I stumbled again...more afraid for my camera than myself really. If I dropped that in the snow~ that would be tragic!

Instead, I went back inside and took this picture out the back door...

Over the weekend, instead of being outside building real-life snowmen, I was inside working on a less heat-susceptible version...

Which included lots and lots of "snow"!

And one of our favorite characters -- Frosty the Snowman -- sporting Jack's Mojo hat!

And even though it is a lot of work to produce all the little details...

It's also a lot of fun. Nothing makes me happier...

I guess maybe that's the feeling that some of those ladies had at the Santa's Sweatshop and Cookie Party I went to a few weeks ago? Perhaps they like baking cookies as much as I like making cards? Maybe I can begin to understand them...

And I just love the sight of this army of cards all standing at attention...ready to be sent on their mission of spreading love and joy to family and friends.

And now I send one to you blogging needle friends...

May the JOY of this season surround you and keep you all the year through! Mojo hats for everyone!


  1. That is the sweetest card I've seen in a long time! Glad you didn't turn into a snowman out there in your "jimjams"!

    Merry Christmas!

  2. The snow looks so beautiful and your house is decorated so pretty. I never thought I would rather be in the sun then in the snow. Growing up in Canada all we did is skate and play in the snow all winter. Of course thats all there was to do in those days.

    Your card is wonderful. What a great idea to follow thru on - Jack's mojo hat. I just LOVE it.



  3. Wow! You are SO creative - I have people say that to me and I always think about my "friends" on the internet and think about how people like you eclipse me!

    Love the hat, LOVE the cards.

  4. Gorgeous! Thankyou!

    Can't believe that shot of snow up against the door. Really brings home how deep it is (I've never seen snow)

  5. never fails, whenever i try to sneak outside real quick in my pj's for something, i get snow on me somehow :)
    Love the Christmas card!

  6. Oh man, toooo cool, want ME a Mojo hat, like pronto!!!!

    Top o' the season to you & your family!

  7. Lovely cards, they will give joy to the receivers :)
    Merry Christmas Susan!

  8. What great cards! So fun to see the Mojo at work even here!

  9. Love the cards! I love that you're a paper artist as well as a fiber artist! Me too!!
    It was quite a storm for December, wasn't it.
    Have a wonderfully merry Christmas.

  10. You NEVER cease to amaze me!! I know when I see you in my blog roll I am in for a treat and a smile.

    I love how you create your Christmas Cards around Jack. Certainly that is one memory he will look back on and relate to his children.

    You are leaving a footprint on this earth, Susan. A gift to the Universe.

    Merry Christmas, Friend.
    Much love and good luck to you and your family in the coming year.


  11. What a gorgeous winter wonderland Mother Nature gave you! love Frosty and his mojo hat, too. Have a very Merry Christmas, Ms. Susan!!

  12. Sure glad you didn't get locked out, Susan! Your card is wonderful and so creative. We heard about your snow from our nephew who lives in Forest Hills. Stay warm, and Merry Christmas.

  13. What joy you bring, Susan, with everything you do.
    These cards are so great...

  14. What a clever and creative card! You fill me with awe and inspiration.
    Best wishes to you and your family for a Merry Christmas!

  15. So cute! I have been such a slacker about sending cards. Maybe new years cards next week!

  16. Merry Christmas, Susan!

  17. The promised Christmas Day snowstorm here in Iowa didn't live up to that one in Maryland. It seemed plenty as I helped my neice scoop out her driveway, though. Sorry, I'm a snow-jaded ex-Iowan. My trip here by train on Sunday and Monday was 4 hours late out of DC but made my connection in Chicago and was only 2 1/2 hours late into Osceola and the driving conditions were good for my sister and neice to pick me up. Lucky us. Our family get together was small, though, because driving was bad on Christmas eve and day.
    It's good to catch up on your doings. Great card!

  18. Loved getting this dose of Mojo and holiday play, and am very glad I didn't see this post before the card arrived. You are a joy, m'dear!

    PS... Back to the subject of the moon (your current post), you might want to check out the poem in my current post, here!


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!