
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The End of Charm School

I just couldn't resist. I had to see them all together in one picture. And I've pasted their names and links in case you missed a post.

1. Poise
2. Finesse
3. Charity
4. Serenity
5. Perseverance
6. Devotion
7. Enthusiasm
8. Modesty

extra credit (I don't know why I didn't name this one??)

Here's what I learned from Summer Charm School:
  • I LOVE seeing them all together at the end and remembering what I learned -- which was a lot. I feel like I accomplished my original goal of getting to know some of those dusty books on my shelves and actually getting some stitching done while Jack was home this Summer. Once a week was a good idea and was manageable.
  • I learned that finishing the bits of needlework into little charms took the most time. Next time, I might come up with a simpler charm idea -- All charms would be the same size cloth rectangles, for example, this might simplify things a bit...or, I might do a summer sampler and forget the whole charm idea...
  • I fell in love with stumpwork all over again. I really enjoy this technique because it combines so many types of needlework.
  • I did not enjoy whitework one bit. I enjoy pulled work better I think. Plus, I didn't have the right supplies for whitework...
  • It was a lot of work to gather the supplies for one technique and then use completely different supplies the next week -- this made for extra prep and clean up time. Next time, I might explore multiple books within one technique and spend the entire Summer on goldwork or stumpwork, for example...
  • The deadline every week worked for me. I was successful in spending lots of time with Jack but at the same time, the structure of having to post something every Tuesday was very helpful.
Which are my most/least favorite charms?? Least favorite, by far, is Charity. I'm sorry, Charity, but I just see my mistakes when I look at this little charm. And, I didn't like how I finished that charm. In hindsight, I wish I had made it into a small puffed heart shape...

My most favorites are much harder because I like many of them -- but that's a cop out -- so, my most favorites are Devotion, Serenity and Modesty, in that order.

Devotion because I loved working with the tiny beads and exploring the Berlinwork patterns...and the finished charm just really works for me.

I love Serenity because it's inside the seashell and I think that turned out beautifully. I could see shells used in lots of creative ways with needlework to make charms...hmmm...

And, the only reason that Modesty is my third favorite is because I don't like the flower floating on the piece of lace but I LOVE the flower itself.

So, there you have it. My top three faves and my least fave...I put a poll on the sidebar so we could see which one you liked best. I am curious what you all think...and I fixed the poll so you could vote for more than one!

Now, what to do with them??

I think I'm heading to Finishing School to learn how to make them into necklaces. In my head, I imagine putting them together in groups of three and making three different multi-media necklaces from them...

But, I have no idea how to make jewelry and, I guess there's no choice but more schooling...Finishing School that is. I just have to find some books, websites and magazines that can teach me the basics.

Thanks to all of you for following Summer Charm School and for all of your comments along the way. Your attendance and encouragement made my Summer of stitching lots more exciting...


  1. Yummers! Every one of them is gorgeous; however, Serenity steals my heart. I voted, too!

  2. How lovely to see them all together!

    I think this was a brilliant concept and we all have benefited from your efforts. Thanks again, so much!

    And wouldn't you know, I voted for the Extra Credit. I think it is because I have been concentrating on leaves lately, and I truly love what you have done here, including how you finished it.

    Wonderful success!

  3. All the charms together are quite impressive, not that they are not impressive singularly. I don't think my vote registered on the poll. I have definite likes, and some that I don't like so much but only because I am not very victorianish. But when I look at each and every one, the techniques you used and the skill that you have are amazing. Each charm is beautiful, and the names you chose do not surprise me at all. Wonderful gathering of itsies.
    xx, Carol

  4. Thanks for the composite, Susan, that was a grand idea! Hmmm...I also love that thistle and dragonfly. Your charm school was a fun idea; I learned along with you but vicariously. One thing I relearned was the depth of your talent! Finishing school is a good thought as well; for me, that's the tough part. The creative part, for me anyhow, is done and what to do with what's left? And BTW, I think a sampler is the perfect solution....a CQ kind of thing, maybe? (I don't ever remember your EC one....did you really post it?)

  5. Love Devotion & Serenity and oh my the Extra Credit did get to me also as I love those colors. Why not make a necklace...I'll "pop" right over to help you. LOL...wish I could

  6. Every one of these charms is delightful! I'd be hard pressed to choose a favorite from them! I've looked forward each week this summer to see what you came up with next!

  7. They are all charming! What a great summer project. Reading your blog always makes me happy, thank you!

  8. Thanks for taking us along to school. I've enjoyed both your needlework and your writing.
    Marty S
    Crackpot Beader

  9. They're all so pretty! I look forward to see what you choose to do with these and future challenges. Maureen

  10. I just found your blog. I love your charm school, I wish I would have been reading your blog as you posted each installment, I would have really looked forward to it each week. I will definately be back to see more of your beautiful work.

  11. Charm School was most certainly MY pleasure! Such a treat to see them one week at a time, explore the techniques with you and now to see them all together!!!! Thanks for the opportunity to vote. Your least favorite, Charity, is one of my top three, just a close second to Modesty which holds top place... that cosmos just calls to me in its apparent simplicity. I also voted for Finesse because I love the ribbonwork so much! Great summer fun, Susan... Whatever you decide for next summer, I'll be here.

    Saw your comment on Marty's blog that you might not join BJP 2010... Oh how sad that makes me... Couldn't you just make much smaller pieces? See if you can say what needs to be said in 2" square???? Puleeeeeeezzzzeeeee...

  12. Oh, I almost forgot...

    You've accomplished your goal. You revisited books and techniques, played and created. That's the important part.

    You don't have to do anything more. If they were mine, I'd put them in a baggie or box and think of them as part of my embellishment stash to use in the future if/when the need arose.

  13. I've really enjoyed attending your charm school. Thanks for doing all the homework.


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!