
Saturday, August 29, 2009


I have finally reached the green stripe on my summer rainbow shawl...and I'm sitting down here at the beach for our Family's Farewell to Summer weekend. And, I'm ready to transition to the structure and routine of Fall.

This summer has been beautiful and busy and full of good feelings.

We've had all kinds of Summer adventures but I must admit that I'm looking forward to having a more predictable week.

The days are getting shorter and my mind is eager to begin Fall projects. I guess I'm restless. Which makes me feel a bit guilty...that I should be enjoying the last days more -- trying to be more present -- rather than looking forward to the next season.

I guess I'll be tucking this shawl away again until next Summer. I only like to work on Summer projects in Summer and Winter projects in Winter. Go figure. Is there anyone else like that? I suppose next Summer when I take it out, I will finish this rainbow shawl and it will finally get it's day in the sun.

Here's hoping your transitions go smoothly...


  1. It makes perfect sense to work on Winter projects in Winter. The fibres are wool etc - warm. Using them during summer, you get all sweaty and scratchy.

  2. Is this what you are ready for, this what you are feeling????
    Are you sure? ;-)

    "I awoke today and found the frost perched on the town
    It hovered in a frozen sky, then it gobbled summer down
    When the sun turns traitor cold
    and all the trees are shivering in a naked row
    I get the urge for going but I never seem to go

    I get the urge for going
    When the meadow grass is turning brown
    Summertime is falling down and winter is closing in

    I had me a man in summertime
    He had summer-colored skin
    And not another girl in town
    My darling's heart could win
    But when the leaves fell on the ground, and
    Bully winds came around, pushed them face down in the snow
    He got the urge for going
    And I had to let him go

    He got the urge for going
    When the meadow grass was turning brown
    Summertime was falling down and winter was closing in

    Now the warriors of winter they gave a cold triumphant shout
    And all that stays is dying, all that lives is getting out
    See the geese in chevron flight flapping and a-racing on before the snow
    They've got the urge for going, and they've got the wings so they can go

    They get the urge for going
    When the meadow grass is turning brown
    Summertime is falling down and winter is closing in

    I'll ply the fire with kindling now, I'll pull the blankets up to my chin
    I'll lock the vagrant winter out and bolt my wandering in
    I'd like to call back summertime and have her stay for just another month or so
    But she's got the urge for going and I guess she'll have to go

    She gets the urge for going when the meadow grass is turning brown
    And all her empire's falling down"

    "Urge for Going"
    by Joni Mitchell

  3. Nice post, Susan. I love, love, love the last photo. Your dad? As for the shawl....keep going till Indian summer's gone, eh?

  4. Once I put a project away I seldom come back to it so it's best for me to finish the last project and then transition. Great pics for Summer's Goodbye.

  5. That last picture is a heart stopper, Susan... I love it to pieces... How beautiful and poignant can you get?

  6. I would think working on something as cheerful as that shawl would be good winter fodder. Unless your fodder is in Arizona with your mudder, where there is no winter.

  7. Your family sure knows how to enjoy summer. That is wonderful.

    Is grampa giving gd a dance lesson or the other way around? Beautiful picture.

    I read Allies comment and the poem. I guess Harv and I are like the geese. We know when to fly be fore the first snow.



  8. That last photo is priceless. You captured a special moment.

    I think we're just looking ahead to new adventures in the future when we come to these transition times.

    Marty S
    Crackpot Beader

  9. beautiful - family, generations, Jack growing up, transitions, it's all beautiful.


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Have a wonder-filled life!