
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bora Bora and the Search for Blue Green Beaches

Picture via Pierre Lesage

Why, you ask, am I thinking of Bora Bora today? And what, you might ask, does Bora Bora have to do with my most recent bead journal project?

I know what you're thinking...but, no, unfortunately, I have no immediate plans to visit Bora Bora...*sigh

But, Jim and I have always wanted to go there. Every time we see another beautiful picture in a travel magazine...we cut it out and save it in the "some day maybe" Dream file...See these above-the-water cabanas?

Picture via Pierre Lesage

They have see-through floors...That's what seals the deal for us...It's absolutely breathtakingly beautiful...

But I had completely forgotten about the Bora Bora dream...until yesterday.

Yesterday, I was putting together my blue-green palette for my bead journal project and I was using Lady Liberty's colors as my guide...

Often, when I'm stitching a particular subject the thistle I did a few weeks ago...I will go to the Flickr website and search for images that are related. Yesterday, on a whim, I searched "blue-green beach" and, of the thousands of images that popped up, the ones that were closest to the palette in my brain were from Bora Bora!

And, when you search for "blue green bora bora" -- every picture that comes up is unbelievably gorgeous. So, you know the place must really look like that. And that, my friends, is incredible.

I was curious, of course, so I found this wonderful visual description of Bora Bora from Above on Environmental Graffiti. Oh, go ahead, treat yourself today, and learn a little about this beautiful place in French Polynesia.

The barrier reef island has an extinct volcano and a coral reef and this beautiful blue-green lagoon with white beaches.

And the water in this picture looks very much like the color palette from Lady Liberty, doesn't it?

So, I decided to print out some of the pictures and to create a little beading space for myself -- a place for all of the inspirational pieces I've collected to meet each other and hang out together.

I cleaned up all the messes from Charm School and put away anything that wasn't related to my Daughter's Valentine...and now I'm ready to go. I've started using the blue-green beads but I'm only a couple of rows into it. Not worth sharing yet.

I think this one might take me a while. So I'm grateful for a beautiful place to sit and bead.

And I'm also grateful that I traveled to Bora Bora, without ever leaving my home.

And I'm grateful to have shared it with all of you.

May the beauty and spirit of Bora Bora be with you all.


  1. Oh my, what a fantastic place. The colors are awesome.
    I am sure you are inspired now to make the most beautiful bead item.

  2. Can you hear the screaming from my sewing room? There's a piece of fabric that's been nudging me since your liberty post, and now it's postively hollering. If you can't quite hear it, that's because it's in an envelope about to head your way. Hugs. Great post, BTW!

  3. Oh WOW...I too have a dream place. I want to go to New Zealand with a stop over in Tahiti, but now I might have to change that stop over to Bora Bora. Nice to think that we can go places without leaving home.

    ps...did you see Robin mentioned a BJP retreat in Washington? I'm interested!

  4. When I was in fifth grade I had the most wonderful geography book. The story about Tahiti was the one that has inspired a lifelong desire to go to the South Pacific and a lifelong love of anything Polynesian. Seeing those photos made me catch my breath and just reinforced to me that my heart's desire is to visit those beautiful islands. Any project that is inspired by the wonderful colors of the photos will surely be beautiful.

  5. Your set up with the pictures and supplies looks very much like a well it should.

    I would travel halfway round the world just to worship those Divine Colors that our Creator has made....

  6. Such stunning colors in that water! I see your Mother is watching... told you she would!

  7. Breathtakingly beautiful water. I just want to float it in, with the sun on my face, and daydream. I love how you create a setting for your work, it's a visual context for what you are striving for. Very cool.


  8. Hi Susan...of course you would think of the water (since you're a swimmer) experience in the midst of the hydrangea bushes was similar. Simply astounding what beautiful colors there are in nature. Trish

  9. oh that clear can that be so clear? i will enjoy watching you bead this one.

  10. Beautiful! The pictures of Bora Bora are something... hard to believe that such a place truely exists! It's a place my sister has always wanted to go too.

    My muse has been sadly absent as of late, but viewing your pictures, such lovely vignettes of supplies and inspiration, it makes me long to start fresh, find some new inspiration and put together a tray of supplies! Now if I could only come up with the time to simply sit and create!

    Already, it's easy to tell that this new project of yours will be stunningly beautiful! Can't wait to see it take shape!

  11. Beautiful photos of both Bora Bora and the pretties you set up to start your project!! Have fun! I can't wait to see your final creation.

  12. Well, I never thought much about Bora Bora, well really, I never thought about Bora Bora at ALL. Not sure I want to go there. I'm a see America first kind of person so I think my beach may be in Hawaii. But one of my forth coming BJP will be about Serenity and the pictures you have posted today certainly left me feeling Serene. They make me want to day dream my morning away on a sunny beach with glistening water and not a care in the world. I don't think I will get much work done this AM...that's OK. I worked too hard yesterday!!!

    Have a great day Susan, I know my morning will be!

    XX, CArol

  13. WOW. what an incredible place! I'm a stay in America with ventures into Canada girl, but this is worthy of a few dreams! I love how you set up a space with the pics and everything to inspire. No wonder you create so beautifully, you ARE actually wherever or whatever you are beading! fabulous.

  14. Oh, what wonderful memories you've triggered for me! We were lucky enough to be able to travel to five French Polynesian islands for three glorious weeks in 1985. On each of the 30 days prior to departure, I added a travel brochure photo to a wall collage above my office desk.

    Love your Lady Liberty palette, your plans for the valentine, and the lovely area you've set up for beading.

    And yes, Bora Bora really IS that gorgeous; and the water IS that beautiful and clear!


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!