
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Beginning by the Sea

Jim, Jack and I are down the Ocean again this weekend and are staying in my parents' condominium and closing it up for the Winter.

They bought this beach place over 13 years ago and this is where my family comes to spend many days in the Summer. It's also where my family chose to come two Summers ago to celebrate my Mom's 70th birthday and my parent's 50th wedding anniversary. And even though my Mom passed away eight months after that celebration, her spirit is everywhere down here.

Her beach house, her treasures, her pictures of her grandchildren everywhere. This is the view from the front door.

It faces the Bay side and frames the flower box that my father made for my Mom quite nicely. And it makes me happy to continue to tend her flower boxes on her porch.

Here's another shot of the view from the Bay side of the condo where you can just get a glimpse of the water...

Here's the view from the opposite side looking out over a canal where the boats are parked. This is also the sea side and if there weren't a ton of other buildings in the way, you could glimpse the beach.

We love it down here. And right now we're taking the time to relax and wind down our Summer...and I'm just getting started on my August bead journal piece.

The title for my August piece is A Daughter's Valentine. It was first inspired in March when I was visiting my parents' home in Naples, Florida, also near the beach. Since then, I've been slowly organizing the treasures I would need to stitch my valentine. I also decided to pull out that palette of colors I created from my trip to the Statue of Liberty.

I know some of you guessed that I would be using that in a future project...and you were right...

August has always been my Mom's month to me...because often we're at the beach (a place she loved) and we've always celebrated her birthday and anniversary at this time. And so, I begin with treasures from the sea...these green limpets whose shell interior is that beautiful aqua color my Mom loved so much...

And this clay colored ribbon she bought when she took me on a shopping trip to the Garment District in NYC for my birthday.

She loved the rows and rows of ribbons at Mokuba and bought this one because it was the exact color she wanted to paint her walls in her family room at home. When I was going through her things, I found it and decided to use it on this piece...

I also found these abalone shells that she collected, thinking that one day she would stitch them to a sheer curtain and hang them in a sunny window.

She never did use them for that; but I remember telling her how thrilled I was with the holes and I could just see beautiful ribbon flowers and jewels nestled in the curve of the shell -- and I could sew through the holes -- Oh, how her eyes danced when she thought of that idea. So, I set those aside too...

And I have to include some aquamarine...for it was her very favorite gemstone because it matched her eyes.

And so, here I sit...infused with her spirit, resting in the space that she so lovingly created, smelling the sea and beginning...

Beginning to piece it all together into something beautiful. Something I know she will love.

The first stitch is the hardest, right? I best get started...


  1. ...and woven into that piece I'm sure will be the tenderest of memories of your Mom. What a dear post. I am warmed by it. LindaSonia

  2. What a beautiful tribute to your mom. Your end result will be your most treasured piece, I'm sure.

  3. Such a lovely, lovely palette to honor your Mother, Susan, and a great idea to begin it where she so loved to be. She will be watching over your shoulder in delight, I'm sure.

  4. What a rich assortment of memories, sensations and supplies. Something wonderful is bound to result.

  5. Susan, what an absolutely loving post! I can tell you and your mom had a special relationship. Can't wait to see your August Valentine....

  6. It is going to be such a deep and moving experience, creating your Valentine.
    How fortunate we are to share it with you!

  7. What a nice remembrance of your mother!
    Marty S
    Crackpot Beader

  8. Sheila7:33 PM

    Memories keep our loved ones so close and near to our hearts. Happy stitching!

  9. What a wonderful piece this will be! May every stitch of this valentine be filled with loving memories for you. Hugs, Cat

  10. lavish of limpets
    discovered by
    dancing eyes
    of aquamarine

    clay-colored ribbons
    color of dreams
    color of memories
    color of connections

    abalone shells
    with holes for ribbons
    nature's jewels
    her delight

    every stitch a kiss
    a daughter's valentine
    beginning by the sea
    her spirit everywhere

  11. This post leaves me so sad for you and teary eyed. My first visit to your blog was the page you made of your mom's house. You have mentioned her so many times, but somehow this post leaves me feeling how much you miss her and the empty place in your heart because she is gone. Its so good that you celebrate her life the way you do. It takes a long time to heal a heart.

    Much love to you, my cyber friend.

  12. Hi,

    Just had a moment to catch up on all of your posts. Just wonderful and I voted for my favorite two pieces from Charm School, Serenity and Devotion.

    I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the materials that you've selected for a tribute to your mother.

    Windy Meadow


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!