
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer Knitting

I wasn't going to post today. I'm only on 93 teeny-tiny flowers sewn and I have over 100 more to go. Too busy to post, much too busy...

EXCEPT, Distractasaurus came along and put the latest issue of Knitty in my inbox! And, in honor of Jacques Cousteau's birthday, I had to show you this crab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, go ahead, make yourself smile and check out all of his photo-shoot pics here...

And my friends, it's a great issue. For those of you who don't know about Knitty, that's why I HAD to post today. It's a FREE online Knitting magazine (they also have a free spinning one too) and the directions, the projects and the photographs are wonderful.

This issue they're kicking off the Holiday Headstart there are tons of smaller projects included in this issue, here are some of my faves...

And I'll take one of these in every color...

But, this month, I loved reading the article Stitches in Time by Franklin Habit which discussed methods for reading vintage patterns and the popularity that lace knitting samplers enjoyed in history. He decodes a vintage pattern and give us directions for our own lace sampler--

It seems like a great way to sample new lace knitting stitches in small swatches -- a perfect idea for Summer short attention-spans -- not that you have one of those...

I was also really intrigued by the review of this book and I loved this excerpt from the reviewer...
My favorite story was of her trip to Scotland where she bought a ball of yarn in every town she could find a LYS and knit one mitered 12-inch square per day with the yarn she found. The Square-a-Day Blanket pattern is the best take-along project I’ve ever seen! I can’t imagine a more fun way to travel than seeking shops, buying that one special ball of yarn and then the fun of knitting each unique square. This is a spiritual, introspective book as well as a great knitting pattern book.
That's a great idea no matter what type of needlework you do...what a beautiful way to commemorate a trip...

Anyway. Knitty. Chock full of great stuff! All FREE today... Check it out...

(All pics in this post are from Knitty -- not me)


  1. OOhh I love the crab, wonderful! Love the blue knitted-lace scarf too with the little beads, beautiful!

  2. Ah-ha! I just took up knitting again as a time filler for when I don't have to be out of the room my DH is sitting in and don't have to not be busy. Sometimes my brain gets tired of jigsaws, crosswords and sudoku or solitaire and I just need to do something with my hands. Have a wonderful day and bead like crazy.

  3. J'adore le crabe :-)!!

  4. I love the crab, and the beanie. A shame I don't have a man to wear it...

  5. As Muriel said 'J'adore le crabe' !
    And I NEED the olive jumper with beads, and the lace shawl with beads.
    What a wonderful magazine!

  6. Thanks for the Knitty reminder,
    Susan, and hello from

  7. I am really loving that crab -- I downloaded that pattern yesterday. I'd love to have an entire menagerie of sea creatures.

  8. Thanks Susan for the intro to Knitty. I was pleasantly surprised that it is from Toronto (my original home town) where everyone of my generation and older knit. My children never wore a baby sweater, mitts, hats, etc. that were not knit by some family member, friend or myself. I still have some of the little 3 piece sets (bonnet, booties & sweaters) packed away with the hand smocked nighties they wore. Pleasant memories. I did sign up and like the beaded cuffs.

    Good winer knitting.



  9. Everything is connected in this a complicated spider web. This was the week for me to try to learn to knit. My Reader's Digest Guide to Needlwork wasn't helping. I signed up for an online course where someone would actually help me but they never answered my email about the fact that their link didn't work. And posted about knitting! I'm going to check it out. Becuase, so far, I can't even cast right!!!


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!