
Monday, June 8, 2009

Summer Charm School

Jack has finished school so Summer has officially started at my house. So, naturally, I began to think and plan -- what do we want to do this Summer...

We've begun writing our lists...and I'm combining a couple of ideas I've had on my list for sometime...
  • I've always wanted to make 1"-2" charms from various needlework techniques that could be worn as charms for necklaces or bracelets
  • I've wanted to get re-acquainted with some of the needlework books in my personal library. Over the years, I have amassed quite a collection of books -- I tend to read them when I first get them or use them for reference, but the large bulk of them have remained unopened for some time...I'd like to get to know them again.
  • I want to play more in my needlework...I want to try new techniques that I've read about in books and magazines and see what happens...I don't want to start a big project in the Summer because stitching-time isn't as something smaller, like a charm, seems like a good idea...
"Hey," I thought to myself, "I could go to Summer Charm School!" I would put myself through Summer school, using my own library, working on sampling small techniques from books I already own...with the intention of making them into charms.

So, my friends, I've begun Summer school. I intend to make one charm per week and I will post the charm on all will be my Charm School Guardians -- That's so those two forces that live within me -- Procrastinatrix and Distractadon will not overpower me! I..must...not...falter...

My method of selecting the book from my library will be random. Today, I picked the number 11 and counted 11 books in from the left on the shelf that is right near my computer. Here's the book that was sitting there...

So this is my book to study for this week. At first glance, many of the items are made with large ribbons so I know I will need to do some shrinking by using smaller ribbons...

Tomorrow I'll show you where I am with my color change for my bead journal and next Monday, I'll post my first charm. Gotta go...Distractadon has already won his first battle...

We're off to the library so Jack can sign up for the Summer reading program. Have a great day!


  1. I cannot wait to see what you are going to be doing this Summer in "charm school". I'm going to be taking felting classes from a gal over in the Dayton area. I hope to get over there at least once a month. dot

  2. What a great idea. I can't wait to see what you do!

  3. I love it! BTW...we were roaming around Chez Elliott last evening and peaking at the deck!

  4. Oh, can't wait to see what you come up with.


  5. Charm school, I love it! Making goals for summer is a great idea as I seem to be plagued by those same two evil spirits.... Tomorrow we're headed for a month in Chicago, but when I get home I will follow suit. (See what I mean about the evil twins?) LOL

  6. Great idea! Don't we all have books that we wish we could delve into and take the time to do some new technique! And charms are absolutely THEEE thing right now. I have always wanted to make some so I am super interested in what you come up with.

    Our school district is having summer school on line for high school kids so I have a feeling I am going to be learnig SOMETHING new too. The Kid has got to get the jump on 48 credits to graduate.

  7. Oooo... great idea! All those weeks to fill with new, fun ideas and skills... can't wait to see what you come up with.

  8. What a fabulous idea!!!
    I too have a stack of fashion/craft books that have hardly been opened.
    I bought a book on making flowers with ribbons but it is in Japanese. The store clerk told me I should be able to follow the photos without trouble but so far, I've not been able to make a thing.

  9. I love the book you are using. It will be fun to see what you make and use. Yum!

  10. What a great idea! Have fun playing!

  11. leilani8:11 PM

    I'm not too sure what you mean by "charm" in this context. The only thing that comes to mind is the charms on charm bracelets.

    Soooo, I shall wait until next week to see your first charm then I will know exactly what you're talking about.

    But, taking one book a week from one's personal library is a fantastic idea. I need more than a summer's worth of weeks to go through all the books I haven't looked at in too long but it's a start!

    I've told you before but it bears repeating, I love your blog!

  12. I want that book!!! DROOL!!! :)

  13. You're so clever! Such a great idea!! Looking forward to your Monday posts...I'll be checking every monday so no evil forces allowed! lol

  14. This is a wonderful idea. I look forward to being charmed!

  15. You will be charming us, indeed! And how lucky for us to have what I know will be an in depth look at a new book with you each week.

    I was just wondering, though...could you make your charms 2 1/2" square, or even 3"? You might need that extra territory, you know....

  16. Brilliant idea! Now if we could all just use our craft books the way we've done our 1% challenge....


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