
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Changing Course Mid-stream

I've been busily beading away on my April bead journal piece...

And I feel pretty good about my accomplishment but I'm beginning to sense that something is wrong...

Like fingernails-on-a-chalkboard-wrong...

Sometimes your go-to palette, those colors that attract you over and over again...

just don't work...

It's sad, but true. I'm off to re-think this piece a bit.

But don't miss this post by Dancing on Temple Tops called A Mother's Touch -- about an exhibit she saw that focused on the interaction of sewing and mothering in China, Korea and Japan. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did...


  1. That happens to me all the time....LOL
    However, sometimes what might initially look like a mistake can take you on a new and beautiful journey if you can work through it.

  2. Sheila10:15 AM

    Thank you for the great link, Susan. I really enjoyed the article, especially the picture at the end with the shoes and the animal faces. BTW, wanted also to say thank you for the heads up about Salley Mavor. I checked all her books out from the library, and am delighted at all her details. I also found a great post by Mimi Kirchner about Salley's visit to her studio, and she posted some pictures of Salley's new book. They look BEAUTIFUL. That sent me off to Etsy to look at Mimi's little teacup houses and her tatooed men. Hilarious! And very cute. Anyway, thank you for sharing the discoveries! I'm so inspired!

    Good luck with the do-over!

  3. You will find your way...and the beading looks terrific!

    I forwarded the "Mother's Touch" link to my niece, whose twin babies are due any minute now. It will be a lovely diversion while she is waiting. Thanks so much for the link.

  4. The beading looks great, Susan. To me it's the orange that isn't quite right...too much maybe? Oh, I wish you didn't live so far away...the local quilt/bead store has a trunk show of fabulous stuff!

  5. Actually I like it a lot. I wonder what it is that bothers you.

    It's funny how we each have our own ideas about what works and what doesn't work. Good thing. Otherwise our projects would all look the same.

    I do understand your feeling. One of my mottoes is, "A seam ripper in every room." Ok, maybe not in the kitchen. I must have eight or so in various places around the house.

    I enjoy your blog and seeing your beautiful work.
    Marty S
    Crackpot Beader

  6. It makes me think of Australian Aboriginal artwork both in design and colour scheme (tho perhaps without the metallic pink beads),

  7. It does feel off, but sometimes that happens. You should see some of my failures. Man when they happen they are big!!!!!!!!

  8. Keep on trying and you will find your way. Good luck !

  9. Hmmm.. . I read my blog list from the blogs I follow from my dashboard. As first pic on your blog came into view, I thought WOW, WHATS THAT!! Its going to be interesting to see what you finally settle on since the first version is pretty darn pretty!!

  10. It will come to you, Susan. There's no sense in continuing on with it if it feels off. It doesn't look off to me but I'm not the one working it!


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Have a wonder-filled life!