
Monday, December 8, 2008

Bear Hugs for Christmas


Can't you feel that big hug coming your way?

That was how I felt on Saturday when I unwrapped this little wonderful new friend. Remember I was on my way to the Annual Crazy Quilt Christmas Ornament Exchange?

Well, truth be told, I ended up being the luckiest girl there! I HAD to contain myself because I couldn't, in good conscience, squeal too loudly. I mean, not when all the other girls are just dying because THEY weren't the one to get him! I couldn't bear it!

So here I am -- letting my love pour all over this screen, professing publicly my adoration for this tiny treasure. And, oh the personality!!

And meet Bobbi -- the extremely talented quilt artist and creator of this lovely friend... She's always making something new, inspiring and different.

Our hostess Maureen (she's seated in the group picture below) outdid herself once again by having a delicious homemade lunch of assorted tapenades, roasted vegetables and a mushroom/cheese polenta pie...

I know, it sounds very fancy and IT WAS!

We had many cups of Christmas tea, laughed a lot and just enjoyed being together. It's one of the most relaxing events of the season for me.

After exchanging our ornaments, Maureen gave us each a goodie bag which was overflowing with ribbons and trims from the Wrights Ribbon Factory which she had visited when they were having their "Going-out-of-Business Sale". Woohooo for us! Thank you so much Maureen.

This group of ladies is an absolute treasure and we have lots of fun together sharing our love of crazy quilting. All of these ladies will be taking a class with Allison Aller when she comes to teach and lecture about crazy quilting to our local Embroiderer's Guild Chapter in May. This group is BEYOND excited, Allie!

And here is Helen, proud owner of Audrey's Ice Skate.

She says she feels like she won the lottery...

That's a present in itself, isn't it?


  1. Great Post! Its so nice to see a group with a common interest come together and enjoy each other's company so much. Lucky You!

    Of course she won the Lottery! You all did!

  2. I was hoping you might share some pictures from your luncheon! The ornaments look like fabulous jewels of Christmas magic!

  3. That bear is just the cutest, Susan, you lucky girl! That was interesting to see your ornament with someone holding it as I thought it was a lot smaller....she did indeed win the Lottery, but then, so did you. It is fun having a group of good friends like yours, isn't it?

  4. Such a good match for the blue eyes of the new owner of Audrey's Skate!

    Cute little bear! very cute!

  5. How blessed you are to have group of stitching friends nearby! Looks like a wonderful time was had by all!

  6. I bet she felt like she won the lottery, I would have too. But who could lose, wtih all those lovely ornaments. I so pleased that you had such a lovely time.


  7. What a fun ornament exchange! That is very nice! The bear you got is adorable!

    I have to say, "THAT HELEN is one LUCKY LADY!!!". Yup, I just HAD to say that!!! It's true! I love that ice skate ornament; it's one of the loveliest ornaments I've ever seen!

  8. Your bear is so adorable! But the ladies are even more so...I can't wait to meet them. We're going to have a blast!!!!

  9. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Thanks for your kind words, Susan, and all the appreciation for the "tiny teddy." I need to give credit where credit is due. The pattern for the teddy is by Denise Ilmanen, copyright 1999. She offers it for free at her website:
    Happy Holidays. Bobbi Pohl

  10. I love your bear! It's absolutely fabulous ,and you can tell she put a lot of time and thought into it. Judging by the bottom picture, you all did, and everyone got an terrific ornie.

    How lucky you are to have Allie coming! I know you'll have a wonderful time!


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!