I'm not sure when our ritual began...maybe eight years ago?
I know it started a few years before I began blogging, and I've been blogging for almost six years.
Every year for the Fourth of July, my extended family gathers together at the beach and we create some type of wearable art to express our passion for all things patriotic.
As many of you know, I have nine nieces on my side of the family and Jack is the only boy.

Jack used to participate when he was younger but lately he's taken to hanging out with the one other male in the building and trying to stay awake...

This year, jean shorts were on the menu...

In the past few years, the girls have gotten old enough to choose their own project. They also bring their own pieces of clothing which I love since it gets me off the hook for their individual size and style preferences. I just bring the art supplies...

Flag shorts were pretty easy to pull off since we used masking tape to mark off the stripes...
As well as stickers and stencils to make masks for stars...
A hair dryer comes in handy for getting paint to dry more quickly...
No one was more excited than me to see more of the girls using a needle and thread to create their visions...
They're beginning to realize that there are more possibilities with a needle and thread than with the fabric glue they loved as kids...
Hmmm... Do you think? Maybe? No. Let's not get our hopes up just yet.
Some chose white jean shorts...

And others blue denim...
And Shannon...she decided not to do shorts at all. She called and asked, "Hey Aunt Suz, I'm thinking of getting overalls. Do you think I can carry that off?"
Please. This is Shannon. The girl who rocked the yarn dreds on her hat in 2007 and thought her jean shorts were too short in 2008 so she lengthened them herself...
Yes, Shan, I think you rocked them (seen with her sister Moe above...both of them sporting their Patriotic Keds from 2012).
This is the second time we've done shorts. The first time was five years ago in 2008...
The kids have grown up a lot since then...
Including this one...
He had all four wisdom teeth out on Monday (he loved the milkshakes) and he passed his driver's test today. And next week we visit a few more colleges.
Jack is going to be a Senior this year.
I have just one question.
Do you think that red hat will be around in the Summer of 2014?
Oh my, Oh my!! Jack is growing up!! Wow- I see a big change just since I saw you last summer! The facial hair, the wisdom teeth out...a senior! Enjoy this last precious summer Susan...
"Your girls" are lookin' mighty fine too! What fun to do the shorts! They all did such a great job on them... Hugs to you and your two guys!
OK....I'm just a harmless old spinster, so please do not be alarmed by my next comment about your dear boy.
Hub. ba.
If I were 30 years younger (and much much smarter), I'd be on the next transportation contraption to the east coadt.
As it is, I will hope that he decides to go to Notre Dame and the entire Elliot clan adopts two idiot sisters from here in Hoosierville who think y'all are just swell.
I was waiting for this post and wondering what the project of this year would be. Shorts are THE thing around here right now and your girl's creations are too cool. Its amazing to watch YOUR family grow up. The years just fly by, don't they!
Been missing you!!
it is lovely to see another gathering of the clan, such a happy scene seeing all those beautiful girls in their bikinis and the shorts do them proud.
Not sure about the red hat, looks a bit like a pudding basin, bit don`t tell him |I said so! Hope the mouth is not too sore, big job removing wisdom teeth and to have them all out at the same time, brave young man
You've given the girls so many happy memories related to crafts that I wouldn't be at all surprised to find them taking to it more and more! And as for Jack - he must be able to turn his hand to anything by now, or have learnt from you how to research it!
You know I have been waiting for this post!!! Wowzers! The girls are growin into beautiful young ladies and Jack ~ well, are you having a hard time keeping the girls away from your boy!?! I loved Coni's comment!!!!
Ah Yes! You know that it is post July 4th, when the Elliot fans gather to see what new patriotic fun you've pulled out of a hat once again. Has it really been 6 years, Susan? Where has all the time gone? Oh, I guess into teeth, and bones, and making great memories.
I love your Erma Bombeck quote. That might be one of my favorites that you've posted, and you've had so many.
Good luck with school visits. It will likely be equal measures of wonderful and scary. ;)
oh yeah! I think the red hat is here to stay! maybe not all the time but that style, looks like a keeper on him!
they grow up so fast!
my eldest daughter just graduated H.s. and is trying to get a job to gather funds for college my son (22!) is still in afghanistan and will be till january sometime and DD#2 has just announced she would like to come out and live with us for her junior and senior years of H.S.(why not this year!) and my fiancée and I have decided to get married next year and, and, and whew! lots of changes coming!
what a wonderful tradition you have with your nieces! I bet they carry it on with there own kids when that time comes! but not too soon! ;)
What a fantastic-looking group of young people! They were certainly swimming in a good gene pool, both physically and emotionally. It's so heart-warming to see young people enjoying being with their family, and making things together. Can't wait to see the next family gathering. Jack seems to have matured all of a sudden. You must have such mixed feelings about your chick preparing to leave the nest.
Long live the red hat!! 8-)
xo Linda
Thinking of you and your family get-togethers. Such a beautiful family you have. The girls are growing. Congratulations to Jack on getting his drivers license. Milkshakes are the best for curing pain. Why on earth are they called wisdom teeth when we can't keep them as part of our bodies?!! Love the shorts and creative paint schemes. Summer Sunshine Smiles Dear...
Aren't kids great markers of the passage of time? So fun that they chose their own project this time. Congrats to Jack on the driver's license. (How are your nerves holding out?) Looks like you had a wonderful Fourth, and your project was a big part of that.
What a wonderful family fun get to gether and what a brilliant idea and result!
Such a lovely bunch of girls they are...and your handsome son. A beautiful family! What a great 4th of July tradition! Thanks for sharing it.
It's lovely to see your family traditions as the years progress and what a photogenic family :-)
I have loved watching your family grow up! Your collective joy and patriotism on the 4th is so great too...and I have to say, that first picture of Jack (second shot from the bottom) is a CLASSIC! ;-)
What a fun family tradition. These are the memories the kids will remember forever. You have good looking family. Good luck with the college hunting. :-)
Oh I love all of this, everyone will remember this fun time forever. Thanks for sharing does the heart good to see family time. xoxoxoxo
What a lovely family and what a great group project. Your photos are wonderful.
best, nadia
What beautiful kids and so lucky to have you as their aunt and Mom!! Have fun with the college tours- we start this fall with Becca- husband Tom is freaking out- so not ready to have her go anywhere!!! Sorry to have been so out of touch lately- getting ready to have my first solo show at Artful Dimensions opening On Sept 6!! Still lots of stitches to take!!!!!!
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