I got up at 4:30am to ride the Megabus to NYC...
The morning was rainy and foggy and the bus driver, Yvette, informed us that she was sick, had spent most of yesterday in the E.R., and had been driving for 12 hours overnight without any sleep...What?! Not what you want to hear from someone who will be driving you the 3.5 hours to New York...
So I made it a point to sit up front. And Yvette became my new best friend...I was going to keep that woman awake no matter what. At one point, as I asked her if she wanted another Red Bull, she gave me a sly look and asked, "What? You're worried about me, aren't you?"
Uh. Yea-uh...
Luckily, I made it to New York without dying, met Shirlee who took the train down from Massachusetts and we were off.
Now. You're going to be really mad at me. But I just have to face the music and get it over with. I only took ONE picture.
Okkkkkkkk...I know.
I hear your pain.
I know you don't like to hear excuses either but since it's my blog I just have to write them to make me feel better.
It was raining. A grey day makes the light terrible. I didn't have my good camera. I have to be in the right mood to want to photojournal my day. I like to photojournal my day when I'm alone (so I can take my time). Or, I like to photojournal when I'm in a large group (then no one knows I'm missing). It's hard to haul bags, hang with Shirlee, manage an umbrella and try to think about photos. So...I dropped the photos.
But I do go often so I promise one day to be better at pictures.
I do want you to understand what it feels like for two needle friends to be let loose in the Garment district of New York.
So here's the best analogy I could come up with...it's the 8-year and 5-year old British Youtube stars, Sophia Grace and Rosie on a shopping spree courtesy of Ellen Degeneres and their singing idol, Nicki Minaj:
Now. You know how we felt.
I find it's easier to go shopping with a few specific projects in mind. So, Shirlee was looking for fabrics, sequins and flowers for her current project (you can see here) and I was looking for tiny beads, some gold ribbons, and other "goodies".
We hit Schmalberg's flowers where Shirlee placed a flower petal order, then we hit Mood, Elegant Fabrics, and Lace Star. I had never been to Lace Star -- the place is floor to ceiling with exquisite, expensive laces. I wasn't in the market for lace but I loved finding out what was available.
I'm in a bit of a netting and bobbinet phase of my life and would like to explore this material more so I bought some gold and silver silk tulle and peach cotton bobbinet at Mood...

And I have a Heart of Gold project I'm starting when I'm finished with Audrey so I picked up these gold ribbons at Mokuba...

We hit Joyce trim and a few of the bead stores recommended by Anonymous (I don't know how you're supposed to thank Anonymous but thank you!) We didn't eat until around 2pm (we forgot) and when we were done there, we headed over to Tinsel Trading as our last stop of the day....
We hit the mother lode!
Marcia, the owner had just bought out the entire stock from another store and old boxes were piled all over the floors and tables. They had just brought it in. No one had yet gone through it. No one had even gotten to look at it.
Shirlee, quick to sniff out the best loot, asked, "Is this for sale?"
The clerk answered, "Not yet. We haven't gone through it yet, we just..."
Then Marcia walked out, interrupting her by saying, "Sure, it's for sale!"

OMG! Now you know why we felt like Sophia Grace and Rosie!
See all those boxes piled on the table? There were at least a hundred to look into...Most of the dust-covered, age-rotten boxes contained sparkly little cabochons and sew-ons wrapped in these paper packages...

We opened and squealed and hunted and found!!! It was glorious! Both of us use these sparkly bits in our work so it was a true goldmine for us.
If you live nearby or can plan a trip to Tinsel Trading, you should go soon.
But for those of you who can't...And because I feel so terrible that I didn't take any pictures...
I'm having a giveaway.

One shell full of New York treasures to one of the friends who comments on this post. Just leave a comment by the time I wake up on Tuesday morning. About 6am EST. I'll choose a winner and let you know who it is in my Tuesday post.
And if you want to see more enthusiasm and unbridled joy, watch these clips of Sophia Grace and Rosie's appearance on the Ellen Degeneres show:
All the treasures in the world aren't worth as much.
If they could only bottle and sell that!
Happy weekend everyone!
That sounds like it was wonderful! Good thing the owner was there.
Looking forward to seeing what you do with the sparkles!
Sounds like a fabulous trip - makes me wish for a second that I lived closer to NY - those sound like my kind of stores :) Can't wait to see what you do with your new items.
Sounds like you had a lot of fun, and the best was saved for last. Those sparkles are beautiful, and so many possible uses for them.
OH MY GOSH...what a wonderful trip you had with your friend. My two sisters and I are going to plan a trip to NYC and hit up the Garment District. They are very talented needlewomen too and I know we'd have a blast just like YOU.
Those two pink darlings Sophia Grace and Rosie are simply over the top adorable and talented. Oh the JOY.
Thanks for sharing a shell full of treasures!! Have a great weekend!!
What fun! I'm glad you had a fabulous shopping day, especially with treasures unearthed with a friend.
I would love to have something from Tinsel Trading Co. Used to think I wanted to go to NY to see Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, now years later garment district speaks to me...probably never see any of this but a gift from there would be wonderful!
OMG what fun!!! I'm always inspired by vicariously enjoying your creations and trips. Thanks for sharing in such detail.
Ooooooh Susan, count me in for the draw... I KNEW you'd be at Tinsel Trading at some point in the day, and was thinking of you with fond memories of our time there last April, and my visit in June. What a great spot to spend some time...and money!! lol SO glad you and Shirlee had a good day. And don't worry about the photos- some days you just can't do it all.. we understand
Just re-read your post and noticed your "Audrey" shopping bags!! HOW perfect!
What a wonderful trip you had to NYC. You are so fortunate to live close enough to visit every now and then. I would love to go someday and tour all of the places I see on TV shows, like Mood. Looking forward to seeing where your sparkley bits finally show up. Thanks for all of your hard work on your blog and your photos are beautiful!
Susan...leave my name out of the bowl, because I am not a CQ and I would not want to take that away from those who are...
That said...wowowowowowowowowow....you are soooooo lucky! what a fantastic day that had to be, starting with your care of the bus driver, i can so see you doing that!
I'm originally from NY but now live in Texas. went to NY a few years back and just loved spending time in the garment district. maybe will go back in another few years to satisfy the craving. will have to jot down that lace store you mentioned. do they have a website?
wow NYC what a fun trip. never been and at 54yrs probably won't ever get a chance. very pretty sparklies. I havefollowed your Audrey post she is lovely and shares my name. I always was gratefully my Mom gave me that and part of my Dads name for the middle! Thanks for Giveaway
Audrey Cecilia
Calif USA
I am very jealous of your NYC trip. I will have to get that list written down so I can do the same one of these days!
I have been a secret admirer for a long time of your blog.....and am a needle embroiderer all my life.
Your blog lit a fire under my quiet needles this past year...thank you for that!
I've been following for some time, from around the Alice period. You often make my day with all the beautiful handwork and the insight you provide as to technique and historical background. Thank you so much.
You're quite welcome for the shopping tips. I try to make it to NYC at least once a year & stay for a week. Some of those stores are like old friends, and some are new finds. I missed Mokuba last time around & am kicking myself. I do splurge on French ribbon at Hyman Hendler Ribbon (38th near Lord & Taylor), each time, though. And I pop in at the little So-Good Ribbon store across the street there.
Had to laugh at the part about forgetting to eat lunch. I lose 5 lbs. every time I go to NYC, just from all the walking & the forgetting to eat! Nothing like dozens & dozens of stores to distract you. Easiest diet in the world! :)
I don't need to be in the running for the Tinsel treasures. I'm just glad to see that they are restocking! I hope that means they plan to stick around (forever?). How fortunate your timing was there.
Enjoyed this blog post!
(I posted as Anonymous, because I don't have a Google account or a blog.)
I am sure that the squeals of delight are still reverberating around the garment district!!! What a delightful trip and a wonderful tale!!! The sparkly fairies were s=certainly riding on your shoulders!!!! Some times it is just too much to enjoy it all take it all in and take the type of pictures that you would want to put up on your blog!!! You are forgiven!!!!
OK - I'll be honest here - I'm posting for a chance to win the loot!
Would love to be close enough to go---but I can 'feel' your excitement!
Ann adv@nbnet.nb.ca
OMG! You must have felt in heaven!
I think I would have forgotten taking pictures, and I know we will see the items somehow, someday!
Btw, I'm watching TV, and guess what? They were showing the wedding in Bhuttan. Beautiful! But I would heve missed it if you had not posted about it. So thank you!
What a wonderful trip and oh my what a great find of the treasures at Tinsel Trading! I would love to be able to visit that shop, but oh I doubt I will ever make it to NYC :)
Thanks for sharing a shell-full of sparklie treasure...who ever wins it is sure to have a ball!
Well, I guess since you are doing a give-away like this I will HAVE to forgive you! What a wonderful find you have made. I wish we had amazing places to go to like you have there.
What a wonderful shop full of treasures, you two look so excited. It will be nice to see what you create using these. Your work always astounds me.
It would be a real treat to be your winner. Time will tell.
Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady
no matter there was only one photo of the shopping trip, you've managed to photograph the excitement thru your words. wish i could get there but sigh, Aus is way too far away.
What a wonderful post!!! Those little girls are wonderful! I can just imagine you there and how you must have been. What a riot!!! Where did you get the Audrey bags, they are just perfect!!
You really cracked me up on this one.
See you soon.
Maureen in Maryland
My oh my what a wonderful trip. Being from a small city and having a hard time finding things for fiber art this fun trip would be a dream come true. Can't wait to see what you make with these treasures. Lise
Oh, My Gosh!!!! Wish I lived in New York for just a day. I live out in Arizona. They are just beautiful and you had so much fun. Hope I win.
Sounds like you did some serious stash enhancement, Susan. What fun! Glad you had a good getaway. Where'd you find the Audrey bags?
Oh what wonderful sparkles and a wonderful trip you had!!!! I wonder if I could be lucky?? Maire
A shell full of sparkle...is there a more gifty thing?!
Thanks for your wonderful, funny, thoughtful, and inspiring blog. Your Breakfast story is so much fun.
You are already one of my heros. I adore your stories of family and the artistic endeavors that they share. The crazy quilt work that you do is exquisite and your imagination is awe inspiring.
I have a few of these old treasures and I hoard them more than I should. But I would love to win this shell full of jewels and I would promise to use them to the fullest extent!
Oh, I want to go shopping with YOU sometime! :)
I'd love to win those pretty shiny bits - I'd make a new doll to match my other one (but for myself, not a gift)!
:) Linda
Gorgeous!!! Bit far to head to New York though. Those search and find sparkly bits would be perfect on my memorial to my grandmother (slow stitching/vintage/op shoppy) embroidery project
Oh what a great day!
There is nothing better than peeking in fresh boxes! Awesome!
Sounds like you had an awesome time in NYC .. and what a wonderful surprise to find those vintage goodies. I need to go to NYC too ... Hunt for trims and beads and pretty fabrics
I wish I had been there to discover all those sparkly bits! I'd love to win some. Thanks.
Wow, you had such an awesome time! And how wonderful that you hit that store at that moment in time! Lucky you! Wish I lived close enough to shop in NY, but alas I live down here in the deep south and its just not possible.....Will be expectantly waiting to see how you use all your new finds and I know it will be amazing.....Glad you had such a good time.....and thank you for the giveaway.......
What a fun day! Scary about the driver! Count me in for a chance at a shell full of treasures!!
I LOVE Ellen
I LOVE those little Divas
I LOVE reading about your excusions
I LOVE your Holly Bags
Oh heck! I just Love!!!!
BTW, what's the Heart of Gold project, huh? Huh? HUH?
xx, Carol
Sounds like a wonderful trip and looking forware to seeing what you do with your new treasures!
Sophia Grace and Rosie are simply too cute for words! And all of that pink and enthusiasm for life!!! :-)
I was laughing when I saw your Audrey bags. Almost as much fun as the pink car!
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! I thoroughly enjoy the videos of the two little girls!! Hilarious!
How wonderful of you to share your bobbles and bling with a winner of your giveaway! I truly hope it's me!
I am so glad that I stumbled upon your blog from Craftgossip.com. I love going to NY and looking in the shops of the Garment district and am going to check out the last shop you visited. so excited!!!
Glad you had a nice trip,The sparklies are really pretty. I for one would love to have them.Just looking at the pics I have ideas swirling around in my head. Thanks for the chance to get some.
I have been wanting to take a trip to NYC for a long time now. I have not had the opportunity. It sure sounds as though you found a lot of really cool treasures!!
Great idea for a give-a-way. Can't wait to see what you create!!
That looked like a lot of fun hunting for treasure.
Love the idea of treasures in a shell. Living near the beach, even the shells are treasures. Make sure to show the results of the gorgeous gold ribbons as well.
Thanks Virginia T in TX
that's so lucky! isn't it great how something unexpected can give us such joy? :)
i hope i win this! I have been looking for embellishments to dress up a plain white cardi i have. xoxo
That store sound like trouble!!! But totally the good kind ;)
I hope to win this! Not much of an embellishment selection here in El Paso,Tx. Reflectbydesign@yahoo.com
What a perfect day. So great to dee you two like minded artists on the hunt in NY...so glad you went to Schmalbergs too! Great post, wish I had been with you...
what a wonderful find! love the sparklies
If I ever find shops like that in the uk I think I'd die from excitement!
Wow! Sounds like you had a blast :D and your finds are gorgeous!
Sounds like you and Shirlee had a wonderful day! Glad the bus got you there in one piece!
Thank goodness for blogging and the internet so we all can hear about your day, go to each shop with you and feel your joy at discovering all those treasures!
Looking forward to seeing what you create with your purchases!
Thank you for offering such a generous giveaway!!
It sounds like you had an amazing time. I would love to go shopping in NY one day, will have to start saving the pennies now from the sound of it, I have no self control when it comes to fabric, ribbon, lace and sparkly things.
Thank you for this post :)
It makes me smile in the early morning. To see you two in that store with all !! the nice embellishments and those boxes. Just wonderland to me too ;)
What a great day to go shopping with a friend who likes the same goodies :)
Thanks also for the movies from the little girls, adorable, they made me laugh!
I'd love to hear more about New York's garment district. I once went with my beading teacher to an antique market and found some old swarovski beads in their original packets, so I can just imagine your emotion !
It sounds like you ladies had a brilliant day. You know, it breaks my heart to see other people's shopping trips in New York. I was there about 4 years ago - before I'd taken up sewing and crafts in general. I went to a few papercraft shops, but that was it. I've missed out on so much!! And it costs a few thousand pounds for a trip to New York, sob sob!!
Would love to win the sparlles.
what a beautiful day in the city with good friends and crafting, what could be better ?
I enjoyed reading about your trip,hunting for treasures(and finding some!)would be a lot of fun!!
Thanks for sharing:)
cyclona66 at aol dot com
sounds and looks like you had an awesome day, thanks for sharing. Julie
That place sounds so great! Your day in NY sounds awesome. (: When I'm back in New York in a couple months, I'll have to check it out.
-Rachel :)
That place sounds so great! Your day in NY sounds awesome. (: When I'm back in New York in a couple months, I'll have to check it out.
-Rachel :)
It's always great to find hidden treasures but it's wonderful to find them with a friend who understands. Glad you had a wonderful time in your search.
what a wonderful trip!!!!! thanks for the fantastic giveaway!! and sharing your wonderful trip with us. You make me jealous!!!
What a blast! I can't wait to plan a trip of my own, thanks for naming all those great places to shop! Of course,notions and findings are always the most fun.
my kind of shopping trip. I would love to see what I would make with the sparkles you found
What a fun trip, I can't wait to plan my own. My husband and I watch Project Runway and I've wanted to go to Mood every since! I love vintage buttons and bling...so fun.
What a fantastic trip. I am okay that you only snapped one shot because I hadn't seen Sophia Grace and Rosie before and laughed until I cried at the clips. Sounds like you and your friend had a Sophia/Rosie experience and that is priceless!!!
I love N Y. Your trip sounds so fun. I would be thrilled to go to Tinsel Trading!
Please add me to your giveaway.
What a fun day!!!
I am sooo green with envy right now . I would love to share vicariously in your treasure trove and hope you send this gift my way !!!
I love anything that sparkles!
I would love to have the flat backs! They look amazing! Jealous of your trip too!
I'd love to win the sparklies.. but even more I would love to repeat your trip!! It's been a billion years since I was last in NYC !
I LOVE the megabus! Glad my drivers have all been awake and healthy, though!
I'd love to go for a NYC stitchy shopping spree, but I need a shopping partner who knows their way around and where to go... I'd spend the entire day in one store touching everything.
Thanks for the shell full of magic! I hope I win!
What a wonderful trip. YOU TWO are grown up Sophia Grace and Rosie~ Your stitching is the most amazing that I have EVER seen..not because I'd like to win your giveaway, but because it's true. I am in awe of both of you~ Thank you for your talent and wonderful JOY!
Cynthia/Pooh <3
I can't even imagine what it must be like to make a trip like that!!! I hope to one day, but for now I'll just have to wait and see if I can win a few sparklies from your trip. Thanks for offering the giveaway!
So much fun and all so very interesting. My on line selling name is spakleize, so you can see why I am here to enter into the giveaway for the sparkles. I love bling, what can I say!!!
Didn't see my first post, so here I am again. What a generous giveaway. I would love to win these little treasures. They would look great in my fabric books. Thanks you for the chance to win.
Wow, sparklies. I am such a magpie that I would to have brought a truck to carry it all home.
Very fun time you had! Love the sprinkles!
Sparkly things!!!! I love sparkly things! I also love New York but I haven't been there since I was in high school and sang at Carnegie Hall. These sparkles remind me of my grandma. She liked sparkly too!
Love your shoes and the matching bags.... but for full effect you really needed to coordinate your outfits... Am sending you a photo! Ger
It seems you had a wonderfull trip & all those boxes to look in must of seemed thet xmas came early.
I would love to win these goodies to at sparkle to my work
What a fun day! I love trinkets that sparkle and shine....
Thanks for the chance to share some of your treasure!
Those sparkles are so cool. Just love them! So many possibilities!
Wow, sounds like your trip was really fun!
You two are so funny. I would have been jumping up and down and squealing if I were lucky enough to find such a treasure trove.
I would be so lucky if I were to win this babbles.
I love NYC! Thanks for the chance at this amazing giveaway.
Susan,OMG I would love to go to New York with a blank check. Please enter my name in your give-away. fun, fun, fun! Debbie (Maine)
WOW!!! Drooling over the sparklies :)
OH, My, I Love these things !!! Ask my family , I am so happy to have a chance to win these glitters and sparkles !
Love those sparklies! I wish I could get to NYC but I can't leave my 90 year old Mom and quadriplegic husband. I sew and craft to keep my sanity!
WoWzA, what an amazing haul o'sparklin' goodness!!
I would love to win your treasure shell.
Thank you
Finding undiscovered treasures sounds Squee-lisious!!
So Exciting!
I'd like to enter to win this give away and have a little piece of NY and treasure-found!
Thank you for sharing!
What a wonderful find. Rare treasures and to be the first to dig into the boxes....WOW! Thanks for the opportunity to share in your day and your goodies.
I would love to win this....
oh I so love this post.. every little thing about it!! now I must make a trip to NYC for shopping
OMG, I have had to read so many comments before I could get to the comment box!
Saw a tiny snip of Sophie Grace and Rosie on TV this morning and am thrilled that you had all the clips lined up for me to see.
I think Grammy Aqua is to you, what Pink is to those little girls. I can imagine you zoning in on anything aqua in those boxes.
I have been to NYC once and didn't get to shop. What a fun trip and fabulous finds! It appears I am not the only one excited about winning this plethora of sparklies! Wishing...wishing...hoping!!!
Take care,
Just found your blog, and I'm so inspired by your stumpwork!
Tinsel Trading is definitely on my list of places to stop the next time I'm in NYC.
What a fun trip! Good friend and good find, what could be better? Thank you so much for having a sparkly giveaway.
I'm all the way on the opposite coast from NYC and will prob'ly never make it to the infamous Garment District I've heard so much about over the years.
Online, I've scored a few vintage treasures from newly unearthed dusty/moldy/rotted boxes, but I've not — myself — had the thrill of "the hunt" through those wondrous boxes. That opportunity would be well worth the sneezing!
Thanks SO much for the vicarious "hunt" — AND for this giveaway. The shell-full of "pretties" is thrilling and inspiring on its own…
It would seem it was a great trip, and now you have put up a great giveaway. I love all those sparkles, I do hope I am the winner. Thankyou.
What a wonderful find! Too bad I'm 3000 miles or so from New York, I could go crazy in there. Those sparkly bits would look great on a pastel, girly quilt.
What a dream trip! to be able to just hop on a bus and go to all those wonderful shops!
Could you please post a blog about some of the places you visited in New York. I would use those beauties for embellishment on my new black felt barret!
P.S. I leave near Chicago, do you know of great places for beads, lace or fabric here?
What a wonderful day you had and may I say brave too going out in such yucky weather, I tend to hibernate during our English winter. How I would have loved that lace shop and the net you bought is gorgeous. What can I say I'm a needlework, any style and type fanatic. As to finding all those boxes, it must have felt like Christmas had come early. I would love to win your sparklies, would you send them to England I wonder? Looking forward to seeing the projects you make from your purchases. Regards Mandy Currie (mandycurrie@googlemail.com)
Glad you had fun, amazing you got there with the bus driver and all! Put me in the draw, I'd like a little magic from New York, it's a bit far away from me to visit.
I always wondered if there was treasure at the end of the rainbow. Now I know there is! How exciting for you! I must admit I am totally jealous living in the Pacific Northwest so far away from the treasure hunt but it was fun to read.
I love shiny things. I would love to win them. You sound like you had a great time.
They are SO pretty! I would be SO delighted if my name was picked as the winner!!!
what a great find. I ould love to win
Oh, I love treasure-hunting! Sounds like you had an amazing time and a wonderful day!
Love, love the sparkles!
What a find!!! How cool would it be to win this giveaway!!!
I love those little girls...SO cute, and they remind me of my granddaughter Destiney. She is 2 1/2 and also loves music, and sings Nikki Minaj songs to me!!
Thanks for the chance to win the shell of sparklies, I would love to use them on some cards!!
Sounds like you had a great time!
april @scrappingthemagic.com
Missed my chance to go to NYC last spring but after seeing you two having so much fun in those boxes I'm making it a goal of mine to get there soon! I'd want to spend a week just in that store!
Love love love the sparkles!Must go to NY!
First, I want to know which of you is Sophia Grace and which is Rosie?
I have a 24 year old daughter that acted exactly like Sophia Grace!! We can't get over the similarities.
Second, good idea on keeping that bus driver awake. You were working up some good karma there with that bit of helpfulness.
Third, you have got to be the luckiest well one of the two luckiest girls, to hit that motherlode of bling! How fun to dig through box after box!
Fourth, I like those shoes you had on....now, did you get those boot makers from the previous post to make you up those??
What a great day you girls had! I am happy for you and even without photos I have a smile on my face.
What a wonderful trip...it is on the list! Great finds, thanks for sharing.
I oh so covet your shopping trip and your treasures. Please throw my hat in the ring for the shell full of goodies.
So pretty!! I love that you are generous enough to share a whole shell full!!
that sounds like a great time. Something I will have to do with my mom a girls day out.
Thank you for sharing - I had heard of Tinsel Trading before but it is more than a little far from Bendigo, Australia.
I have researched enough places that if I ever do get to NYC I should be busy for weeks and the garment district, especially Tinsel Trading and Hyman Hendler Ribbons, would be right up there. To actually visit in person and get to search the trove, to touch the glamour, to smell the boxes as they open and to squeal with delight as you found treasure would be so exciting.
Love hearing about and seeing your finds, your journeys, your handwork and your life - rates highly for me. Thank you for allowing complete strangers from the other side of the planet to share.
Wow! I'd love to win the treasures, but feel like I've already won by watching those 2 little gals. Pure joy ..... not often you see so much joy in one place. It made me smile a mile wide!!
swolfe44 at verizon dot net
What a blast you must have had! I would love to share in the loot and glitz up my next cq project!
Wonderful trip and hunt for tresures! I know I will never make it to NY. Love to win a piece from NY.
Thanks so much for the opportunity
to win this great bling.Your trip
sounded like great fun.
I just found your blog and totally enjoyed it. The trip to NYC sounds wonderful and crazy. I am determined to visit Tinsel Trading someday soon!
Even though sorting through dusty boxes would have wreaked havoc with my allergies - it would have been sooooo worth it! Looks like fun!
thank you for the giveaway. :)
debra (dot) womack (at) gmail (dot) com
Hello, I am a new follower. It looks like you had fun! Craft shopping is ALWAYS fun! I absolutely LOVE the sparklies are absolutely gorgeous. They would look great on a dress, or hat, or pocket... so many possibilities! I hope I win them! Thank you for the giveaway!
Would absolutely love to win these - and looking forward to seeing what you do with all your treasures! Thanks for the opportunity!
I would love to go to New York but I can't drive any more and the cost of flying is out also. I so want to see what you doe with all your winnings, that's what I would call it anyway. Thanks for sharing with us and good luck to all who enter.
I'm loving these little charms :)
I have heard about that place on several sites and wished that Louisiana were nearer to NYC. I would probably think I had died and gone to heaven in a place like that. Thank you for sharing with someone lucky!
Dang, I'm jealous. I have always wanted to go to Tinsel Traders, but I live in Oregon. A shopping trip to NYC garment district sounds like lots of fun. Love the work you have done on the Tiffany piece--it's a true work of art.
This looks like an awesome find! Thanks for a chance to win! :)
Wow, what a find! It's rare to find such vintage pretties in Australia (at least in my experience)!
Glad to have found your blog! :)
What a wonderful day! I'm not in the least surprised the photography fell by the wayside - the same thing happened to me recently on a day out with my cousin!
OMG Susan, what a treasure trove!!! You are so lucky....And you are so generous to share. I cannot wait to see what you make with your finds. Good luck to all who entered. Just dropping in to see what you are up to is like a prize to me.
Sounds like an awesome trip. Can't wait to see what you make with all your new treasures.
P.S. Love the Audrey bags! Just too cute.
I'm not even close to NY - I'd love to find some of the treasures you found!
WOW - these are wonderful… Good find :)
mcintosh dot kimberley at gmail dot com
Your trip sounds awesome! Love sparkles,too!
Oooh how wonderful! I've wanted to take a trip to NYC for years and may just have to go ahead and do it! Thanks for the opportunity to win the goodies. I'm like a crow and love sparkly, shiny things.
Those are some beautiful treasures! I'd love to win a few :)
Forget the sparkly bits, send me Sophie Grace and Rosie !!!
What a great trip you had. Tuesday is my birthday - hint, hint, wink, wink.
What a fabulous trip! You gals really scored!!! I would love some NYC love so please pick me! lol Thanks for sharing!
What a fabulous trip! You gals really scored!!! I would love some NYC love so please pick me! lol Thanks for sharing!
I'm working on learning how to incorporate embellishments of all kinds into my needlepoint.
These will be absolutely perfect additions and will inspire many lovely pieces.
Keep Stitching,
I've always wanted to ride the MegaBus, and a trip to NYC and the fabric district give your trip a real destination and purpose! Thank you so much for sharing this.
How does one find out about the different fabric stores in the district and which ones to go to (in priority order)?
Oh, be still my heart... boxes and boxes of sparklies!! Oh, you lucky kids, you. Yummers.
Fabulous! Fun storytelling of urban treasure hunting - thanks for sharing. : )
I am jealous that you had so many fun shops to go to. Those sparklies are just fabulous and it's so nice of you to share!!
What an absolute treat for the 2 of you! Truly a day to dream about for those of who love fabric, fiber, and bling. I'm sure you'll soon have new creations to show us - complete with sparklies!
Katherine (stitchkat@gmail.com)
Wow! I want to go shopping with you some time. What fab finds. Thanks for the chance to win.
Sounds like you hada great trip. I love the way you write about your adventures. Thanks for sharing.
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