
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Crazy Heart

I've had my head bent over the computer for the last few days composing our mailing for An Adventure in Crazy Quilting which is being held April 2011 in Glastonbury CT. (Currently full -- but you can still get on the waiting list.)

I'm self-publishing the mailing and have had fun building some of the digital components that will be included. The thought occurred to me that some of you might be interested in a bit of the process of how that is done. If so, I'll share some of my process over the next few days.

I love love love how this crazy heart turned out so I'm sharing it with you.

I scanned an antique piece of crazy quilt into Photoshop using my All-in-one Epson NX400 printer. And used the measuring tape heart that I purchased a few years ago from Shabby Miss Jen Designs as part of her Love Shack kit, a digital scrapbooking package for Valentine's day --

Happy 1-11-11 !


  1. You get two of these special days this year 11-1-11 (as we say in the UK) and 11-11-11.

    For a long time after I lost my Nan every memory was like a stab in the heart. Now every memory is like a loving hug.

    I hope you have a day filled with loving hugs :-)

  2. What fun this will be and is probably why you have been soooooo quiet these days.... I've decided for the adventure I only have room in my luggage for clothes.. Hugs Ger

  3. The heart is great...

  4. I can't wait to receive my info, can hardly contain myself.. so glad to hear it's "in the works". The anticipation sure will help pass the winter. Love the heart!

  5. Yep, you know I'M interested. I knew you must be busy with the retreat prep. Love the heart.

    Wondering if you are getting hit with any of this snow that is crossing the nation.
    xx, Carol

  6. Happy 11111 to you. I wish I could join you :)

  7. And here I thought you were buried in a snowdrift somewhere, but nope, you were off being creative! I hope you had a great 1/11/11.

  8. Your creativity knows no bounds and this one is crazy good. I really love hearts.

  9. You and your '1's..."you are the one", "no one but you..ewe-ewe-ewe"

    I can't wait to see more of this.

  10. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Hi, Susan:
    Just letting you know that I have closed my blog for awhile,and it won't be visible to anyone in the meantime. You're on my followers list, and my last post didn't appear to update everyone with this information.

    Hope you have a great 2011!

  11. has vintage crazy quilt blocks ready for printing, for free, if you want to check them out as an additional source.

    Lovely heart! I don't even like hearts..(I think they are a bit over-used) but i like this one. :-)

    Are you staining for age? Coffee/tea contain acid and will 'eat' the piece eventually. It depends how long you want it to last.

    Walnut ink is the safe alternative. John Neal booksellers (which is actually a calligraphy supply place) is one on-line place that sells it. It's cheap. You can dilute it to various shades of sepia.

  12. The idea of making multiples of these things for mailings . . . You have my wholehearted admiration!


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!