Thursday, January 20, 2011

The 11 and a few decisions...

Some of you may remember the 11 bead journal pieces I completed last year.

I've decided to participate again this year because of how much I enjoyed the journaling/beading combination.

One decision I'm trying to make is the size of this year's pieces...All of these pieces were 5" square...maybe 4" would be more manageable...

But that's a small issue compared to the other decision I'm wrestling with...

I'm wondering whether or not it would be worthwhile to enter the group of them in the Woodlawn Needlework Exhibition in the Spring 2011??

I attended Woodlawn last year to see the Japanese Embroidery pieces that were entered by all the women I've studied Japanese Embroidery with...

While there, I realized that there wasn't as much original needlework designs as I would like to see.

Which got me to thinking...If I'd like to see more original designs, maybe I should think about participating myself. And so, I said to should enter your bead journal projects next year.

But here's the thing...
  • I still need to "finish" them all, mounting them on foam board and backing them with ultrasuede (ok, I should probably do this anyway...)
I would want to display them with the journal stories on display as well...not sure they would be open to that...but it's worth asking...

Since I have no experience with entering shows other than the two Japanese embroidery pieces I submitted last year as part of that larger group...I ask all of you for some advice...

What do you think? Is it worth entering your work into exhibitions? What are the down sides? The upsides? Is it worth the expense of entering, the time of finishing the pieces and getting them in a displayable format?

Thanks for any experiences you can share...

[Note: For those who may be seeing these pieces for the first time, you can find all of them under "bjp completed" in the cloud tag in the sidebar of my blog and by clicking here. ]

Have a great day everyone!

P.S. Since 11 is my lucky number, I made a conscious decision not to complete a 12th...


Shirlee Fassell said...

Susan I wasn't a follower of your blog last year so I didn't see your bead journal pieces. They are wonderful!! This would be a great chance to use your tambour hook!!! Mount your cloth on a frame... and bead from the top. As long as the hook fits through the bead you just pick up one or two or what ever fits onto the hook. I know it sounds like a lot one at a time but once you get the knack it goes a lot faster with more control than using a needle. This is cheating sort of but it works!!

Gerry Krueger said...

ENTER ENTER ENTER!!! iI must be in the woods on some days as I missed one or two of these... Someone (I think Robin) recommended backing them with the very heaviest iron-on interfacing and it works really well...not so thick if you want to use it as a journal cover.

These are soooooooooo gorgeous and you and your beadwork are soooooooo original... Hugs Gerry K.

Maureen said...

Go for it Susan!! Those little gems should be shown. Love that bird!!

Tina said...

Go for it! I think you would regret not doing this!

Anonymous said...

How definitely need to enter your work! It is to special not to share it with others!!

Happy Stitchin'

Cathy said...

Absolutely, DO IT! You have more originality and talent in your little finger than most of us have in our entire body. Not to mention good taste and a great sense of color and texture.... These are so beautiful.... would you consider releasing them as screen savers?!?!? Hugs, Cathy

Lisa Boni said...

How great to see these all together like this! I love how each one tells a story and how each is so unique! I'm so glad you've decided to do it again this year and eagerly anticipate the journey! Definitely enter! They are too beautiful not to share with others!

Vicky aka Stichr said...

in a really should because these are beautiful pieces Susan!

I am not one with any advice as I have never entered this sort of thing...but of course I have an idea for you...these are "journal projects" so display them like they are pages in a journal. On one side of the 'binding' would be the explanation page, art page on the other side of the 'open journal'...

Sheila said...

Hi Susan!

Yes, do enter. These are so lovely, and the stories are as important and worth sharing as the artwork. In fact they'd make a great book. A handmade foldable one would be wonderful. (Like an accordian fold, not a center binding kind.) It would be great to have the story right next to the artwork. The only tricky part would be allowing for the width of the mounted artwork, once the entire thing is folded, and you'd have to mount the beaded pieces on very heavy paper. Maybe 300 lb. watercolor is heavy enough to do an accordian fold.

Google handmade accordian fold and a bunch of sites will pop up. Wishing you the best! was an example of the accordian fold.

Emerald Window said...

Yes! Definately enter them! You are a talented and magical artist. Do the world a favor and let them get to know you.

Jane said...

I think you should enter, not only are you a very talented designer and maker but (if it's the same in the US at the UK) there are so few embroidery exhibitions out there that the more original work the better.
I can understand you not wanting to share all the thoughts behind your pieces maybe just a sumary would do.
Go for it - spread the embroidery and beading word.


Judy S. said...

Yes, yes, yes! Go ahead and enter. Your beautiful work deserves to be shared!

Ingrid Mida said...

Dear Susan,
Although I've never entered an embroidery/beading related show, I have lots of experience with gallery shows.
Before you enter, you have to ask yourself why you are doing it and what you want to get out of it.
Being in a show is a lot of work and often involves a lot of expense.
I'd hazard a guess that you are ready for it if you are thinking about it, but few people appreciate how much work is involved. Do you have time?
I'm less than two days away from the opening of my show at Loop Gallery in Toronto and I have to admit that there are moments when I wonder why I made that commitment.
Your work is beautiful. Do it for yourself when you are ready and with your eyes open.

Vicki Boster said...

Susan -
I have just reviewed the bead journal photos and I am in jaw dropping amazement! I have never seenanything so beautiful - ever! They are all spectacular - I could not choose among them - but that bird - oh my it is stunning!

I have never had any experience in entering a competition - so I will be interested to ready what your other readers will share. BUT - My thoughts would lean towards etering because I know you will win!

Thanks for such a beautiful post - it is a joy to see the things that you create!


Anonymous said...

I would tend to agree with Ingrid - I have a friend who has done two shows and I know that there is an extreme amount of work and expense involved. Having said that I think your work is outstanding, original and inspirational and would receive so much interest allowing you to share with and inspire so many people that it would not only be good for them but also good for you - I think you would get alot out of it knowing your work has reached out to someone. We are lucky because we get to see these beautiful creations and learn the stories behind them through your blog but to see them in person must be something else entirely - I would be hard to move from your stand :0) That doesn't help you at all I know... sorry lol.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Hi Susan
Well, you knew that we would all be so encouraging. Maybe you need the extra push. If I know you, you will investigate fully the pros and cons and decide if the work and expense are worth what it is you want from the show. You know that I have always told you that you should go for a career in your needlework so this would certainly help to establish a presence to a wider audience. Its exciting to think about, isn't it?
xx, Carol

Marty52 said...

You are an artist with originality and flair... time to get out amongst them and see what happens!!

allie aller said...

It is time for you to do this.

Sue said...

Enter Susan your work is beautiful and it is always wonderful to share beautiful things. But do let us know how you get on. Thanks for sharing and I love reading your blogg Thanks Sue

Rachel said...

There is a lot of work in preparing to exhibit, but as you say, if you wanted to see more of something at the exhibition, maybe you should contribute what's missing!

Padparadscha said...

Oh Susan, how nice that you are participating again in the BJP. Definitely enter the show !

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