Who is this woman?

And why is she covered in mud and wearing a cereal box....ah-hem...a Spartan war helmet on her head?
Well, folks, this is my friend Carole. And Carole is turning 50.
And, good friends that we are, we decided the best way for Carole to greet her 50s was by fully participating in a crazy, mud-filled 5K race called the Warrior Dash.

The birthday girl is self-evident. The Spartan war helmets are self-explanatory...
The Diet Coke one is Abby's...she's a little addicted to Diet Coke...and yes, she even knows that it's a neuro-toxin...
All the pink, as well as the bras, are to honor our friend Jill who signed up to be with us but couldn't...
And, the armpit hair...yes, the armpit hair...
That was because the race was holding a contest for the longest, most scraggly beard.
Obviously, being women, we couldn't grow beards, but we could grow our armpit hair.
When the race began, we scampered...







I mean...Commando-Crawled...our way to the finish line.

And for all her effort, all Carole got was One Free Beer.

(Hey, we're big-spenders)
So, we toasted...

And Maura showed us what happened to her armpit hair...(I know, you were dying to know...)

And Jill's sister, Stacey, and her husband Scott, hugged (because that's what they do...they can't keep their hands off each other)...

And then the birthday girl lost all sense of propriety and wrestled a turkey leg into her maw...

I'm sorry. It's disgusting, I know.
Carole is honestly, a brilliant scientist with lots of charming qualities. It's just not her fault.
It's the folks she hangs out with...

And, in case you want to make one of these amazing helmets for your next milestone celebration...

You can download the pattern here.
And lest you think that this blog isn't a needlework blog...

I give you a knitted version of the warrior helmet on the cutest little model at the party.
Tomorrow, I'll be posting about dainty ribbonwork.
Don't worry, the fireman washed me off before I touched any of the stuff...

Happy Birthday Carole!
I think it is absolutely glorious that you can think crawling through mud is fun... And better an armpit hair contest than pelvic hair contest... and will those sneakers EVER come clean.... Go Girls.... Gerry
You are hilarious.
I'd like to say I wish I could have joined you, but I'd be lying.
When I was about 25 I broke a fingernail playing volleyball and it was all over for me. I went camping once till I found out there was no electricity. And I love to fish as long as I don't have to bait or remove the hook.
I am glad that you and your friends are such free spirits.
OMG!! You are having just too much FUN!! What a wonderful group of close friends you have/are. How lucky you all are to have each other. And I'm sure Jill was right there with you all, in spirit.. Go girls go!!
You guys are the best and I seriously wish I was there with you's. You make me want to go out and PLAY.... come home scruffy dirty and happy as heck! Happy Birthday Carole x
As so many times you made me laugh with your story and the photos!!
Please never stop telling us such stories. It is wonderful to have a bunch of friends who have the same crazy ideas and have so much fun with!
I have been away and catching up. Nice start ;-D
Golly, what a party!
Oh, if I could only have half the amount of fun you and your friends always seem to have!!
Inquiring minds want to know - what did the fireman look like? ;)
what an extraordinary day, i definately would have loved to have been there, and i do have genuine armpit hair so i could have qualified. thanks for visiting mine recently, i often visit yours but don't always comment. k.
Sure hope it was as warm as it looked for all that frolicking! That will be one b'day you all will remember for a long, long time. (Although I'd have to say, 50 is looking really good about now. Or the new 40 as my DS claims.) Thanks for the update on Jill; I'd been wondering how she's doing. (Can't believe how much she and her sis look alike.) Not only is she positive, she's COURAGEOUS! Keep up your zany fun, Susan; you are an inspiration!
Fabulous! Love it! One b/day she'll never forget.
What an absolutly fabulous day you girls had. So much fun and freedom to just be the he-man women you are. Such a great day I have a smile on my face just from reading this, so I know you had a great time.
Just a fabulous fun way to turn 50!
Thanks for taking us along for all the fun... ;-)
You girls are fabulous! I'm still laughing at the pictures (however, since I'm very much like Carol, I'm not sure I would have enjoyed it myself, but still...)
It looks like you all had a ball and I don't think Carole will forget that birthday in a hurry but I'm still hoping for lunch at Le Manoir aux Quat Saisons for my 50th :-)
I've changed my mind!! I don't want to meet you!!!!!!!!
WOW WOW WOW! You sure know how to have fun.
I'm going to show this sight to my son, an Michigan State Spartan, whom I'm sure can find a way to incorporate a cereal box into his Halloween costume.
Oh, man, you look like you are having sooooo much fun! I'd like to think I could still do that but I'm not so sure it would be a good idea. ;0) You and your friends do some crazy stunts!
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