Playful Patty posted a pile of pretty parcels.
If Playful Patty posted a pile of pretty parcels,
How many pretty parcels did playful Patty post?

(pssst...I know some of you are going to start calling me Patty but...I just needed to use an alias to make the tongue twister twist your tongue.) [Sorry again to my non-English speaking friends...I bet the translator is saying some very strange things...Thank goodness for pictures.]
I'd been saving up these padded envelopes and cutting them open...hoping someday to figure out how to re-use them.

I had the perfect opportunity when I needed to mail off the books from the giveaway last week.
Only trouble was that I didn't really like the torn up, previously-addressed, puke-y gold color of the envelopes. And I had to cover up all the previous labels.
So I ironed two sheets of freezer paper together....plastic-coated sides the same size of my envelopes to cover up the old labels.

This made a great crinkly sandwich of white paper that I then sewed to the old padded envelopes. Now the envelopes have a really quilt-y feel to them.

I had to use polyester thread exclusively because the cotton kept breaking. And the feed dogs had trouble feeding the different thicknesses of the bubbles through at a consistent rate so the stitching was a bit wonky.

That was OK. I like wonky for a padded mailing envelope.
And then I sewed on some pretties and sewed around all four sides of the envelope to seal it...

And posted them.

And now the padded parcels pass to the very pleased playmates who prospered from this post...
Wishing you all a Good Mail Day,
(aka Playful Patty)
Wow! That is the best recycling idea I have seen!! LOVE IT! I would be just as excited about the envelope as the goodies inside!
Perfect, Playful Patty! Your re-Purposed padded parcels will please the participants! Play on Patty!
Do you know Ray Bradberry?
He starts his shows with a scan of his office and desk. Then he says something like "People ask me where do I get my ideas".
This question usually pops in my mind when I read your posts ~lol~.
Gosh, I wish I had seen this recycle method last week before I sent out my Halloween Tricks.
Great idea Susan! They're not going to want to open these.
You are crazy Susan (but good crazy!!) I know popping bubble wrap is therapeutic but sewing it?!? too much fun! Was there much popping? Please say there was :0)
What beautiful envelopes for the winners of your books to receive.
Not only playful, but super creative! No one will want to recycle those envelopes... frame 'em, maybe?
So not only where they lucky enough to win the books, they get these fab-u-lous envelopes too. Some girls get all the luck :-)
(Not complaining because I got a whole barrel full of luck when you sent me the Stitcher's Trousseau)
What a cool idea! And I have 2 sadly smooshed envelopes on my desk waiting to be re-addressed and no time to pretty them up.
Lovely idea! I'll use it sometime, if you permit, because just like you I keep used envelopes to be recycled...
Is it nuts that I now feel like I'm getting two prizes?
:D Just awesome.
This is so sweet!
What a joy it would be to receive one of those!
WOW! Your talent knows no bounds. Those envelopes are works of art.
Neat idea, I may have to steal it to mail some of my swaps. OK?
Oh Playful Pattie you are Positively Perfect in your design and reuse of some unattractive used envelopes now turned Pretty Amazing and Fabulous! Brilliant of you my dear. Happy mailing...
Beautiful, Playful Patty wiahed my postal book club had envelopes like yours. Sue
Oh how lovely! I usually cover my bubble envelopes in sellotape to secure them, but I think I'll be stitching them up from now on!
they are simply the best mailart envelopes i've seen Miss Playful Patty. just what will you think of next? k.
Ack! What a fabulous idea!!!
resourceful susan sewed sacks for sending secrets, all on a sunlit day.
with stitches and snippets all sewn by machine, they be parceled and posted and sent on their way.
What a great idea!
Hi Susan, just a fan of your blog here. My husband is very into recycling and I showed him your blog. He wrote a response... Started off ok, but ended up kinda nutty. Hopefully you have a good sense of humor.....BTW his name ends in
When Playful Patty posted a pretty parcel
& proceeded to provide plenty
of pulchritudinous photos for patrons
of her penultimate posts,
How many Polish poppas perused her panoramic
portrayals, w/ piques of passion & pride,
Pragmatically planning a pasting of parts pried
Periodically from primates, privately
WoW..thanks for sharing such a fun idea. Just imagine all the creative packages that will be sent now......
What a neat idea! I agree with Catherine! I would be just as excited about the envelope!!
Amazing - is all that I can say! These are the most original thing I have ever seen! Love these!
Verry nice too. Excuse me for my english language, I live in France, on ocean atlantic ... my town is an historic town : La Rochelle.
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