I'm cleaning and organizing.

I know.
It's boring for you all to watch.
I'd rather I be working on something new too. But I have to clean up and put everything away so I can find the supplies I need for new creations...
I finally am taking those old unfinished cross stitch projects that I have piled up...that I started over 15 years ago...that I'll never finish...and moving them to my fabric bins...

And it feels great. Converting them from a UFO to a new possibility.
And I'm hoping they get a new lease on life in a future project.

Because I have no intention of finishing them as they are.
Back to cleaning...and dreaming of this day last year...
Hi Susan - I've got 20 years of cross-stitch kits and projects that I know I will never complete - not to mention the 30 odd books :-( I look at them and close the drawer on them feeling somewhat guilty. I have been using some of the stranded cotton that came with the kits I really no longer like and the half finished ones remain together for the simple fact I have no clue what to do with them. LOVE your sewing room - it looks so cosy and inviting. I don't like working in clutter so I'm always tidying and rearranging until it's 'just so' lol. Good luck with your sorting :0)
I also have old cross stitch projects that I have no intention of ever finishing.
some day they will find their way into a piece but for now are sitting patiently at the bottom of a box of like minded things.
I peeked at last years post and I love looking at your space! I covet the wood drawers and cubby-hole shelves! I love the little things peeking out here and there to say, in a chirpy voice, HI:)
You and Pat are both dragging out the old... I am about to finish my next-to-last RR and then I can get to my pile of neglected projects that I do want to finish... The good part of winter.... time...
Gerry K.
Good to know that you are planning to do new things with old UFOs - more power to you!
And then there's the kits that haven't even been started......Sigh!
What a great idea for making use of those projects and they look so good sewn into the blocks...just adds to the whole texture....you might be able to add some embroidery over the top.
I need to tidy TODAY!!!! Wish me luck
I am so like you. I have unfinished projects in tubs every where. One of these days I'm going to get them out & make dolls with them or wall hangings, or jewelry....yikes! Even my brain has UFOs in there.
An me, I can't believe that post was a year ago. Where the heck did this year go!!
Sometimes ya just gotta move on with projects! Can't wait to see what those cross stitch projects might become in the future.
I too spent the day organizing my studio. I resolved to spend 10 minutes at the end of the day putting stuff away instead of what I usually do - leaving it any old place and then wasting way too much time looking for it the next day!
I was just thinking about cross stitch today and the possibility of using it on a non-textile type backing. I'll be off to the library.
Have a great weekend.
I have been without the internet until today. Wouldn't you know the day you post something I wouldn't be lusting after, I'm offline!!! It feels so good to have a good clean out. While they were here installing new phone and internet, I had to move things out of the way. I pulled everything out of my sun room (where I stitch and blog) and cleaned it all. Feels so good to go in there now!
i have one that ive been working on for over 20 years...well, actually, i started it that long ago, but havent picked it up in ages, and its almost done. i would like to finish it though...its one of those nagging projects. i certainly like your idea better though :)
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