Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Morning Visitor

This morning when I was sipping my first cup of tea and enjoying the sunrise,

I found this visitor at my woodpile...

He's a Pileated Woodpecker and they're so "enthusiastic"! If you've ever seen one you know what I mean...they are almost two feet tall and can shake an entire tree with their "searching"... According to Wikipedia, it looks like this visitor is not a he at all but a she...

Note: Thanks to Cheryl of Cheryl's Chatelaine for pointing out that this bird was probably the inspiration for Woody Woodpecker...

If you have no idea what we're talking about, you can check out an episode of the cartoon here.


Cheryl said...

I have only seen a pileated woodpecker once. Once you see one you never forget it. It must be the one that was the inspiration for Woody Woodpecker!

Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

I remember that show - I loved it! And I always thought that my BFF (who is a sweetheart, but very odd as well) sounded like Woody's trademark sound when she laughed. ~LOL~

Chris Daly said...

I love to see these woodpeckers. I see them in flight and in the distance. My husband is always seeing them by the house. I keep waiting for my turn.

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