
Monday, January 20, 2014

Looming Snow

We're expecting a little snow tomorrow with Polar Vortex II.

Jack has two hard exams tomorrow, Calculus and AP German so he's praying for LOTS of snow.

This past Saturday I was back at Bead Soup in Savage Mill to continue my education on bead looming.

The incomparable Erin Simonetti was back, once again, with a spectacular design...
a snowman cuff bracelet.

Loomed, designed and copyright by Erin Simonetti
What I love most about Erin's work is all of the three-dimensional elements she adds to her loomed pieces.  Like the fringed scarf, 3-D pompom and flower on the hats.

And the ICICLES!!

I am trying to learn her looming tricks because I see a real possibility with adding textile and embroidered elements down the road.

And learning from Erin is an absolute HOOT!

First of all...the woman knows how to embrace a theme.  Her fingernail polish always coordinates with the class project...

Here she is helping someone with their first row.  Just like knitting, the first row can be a bit tricky and Erin doesn't want anyone to go away from her class feeling frustrated.

She dressed for snow with her shirt and her handmade necklace...

And then she gave each one of us a necklace with either a bottle of snowflakes or snowman face parts...

I kind of like my emergency snowman kit!

Thanks to my neighbor for letting me use her shirt as the backdrop for the photograph...

Check out how neat and organized her beading set up is...

Something for me to aspire to!

Everyone always has fun in Erin's class...

And, as if all of this wasn't festive enough, Erin cranked it up about ten more notches when this guy showed up about halfway through our class...

His name is Rick Wright and he is a caricature artist and friend of Erin's from high school.

He drew a caricature of each one of us to take home, all courtesy of Erin.

I know, right?  It makes you want to move to Maryland just so you can get in on the fun. 

I was heading to our annual Tea with the Nieces and Jack right after class so I was wearing a tea cup sweater, hence Rick's version of yours truly...

Thank you Rick and Erin.

This morning, I finished the basic looming on my bracelet...

I chose a two-snowman version and a colorway that uses Miyuki's new Luminous delica beads.

That's yet another thing that I love about Erin's designs.  

She provides lots of options for customizing her designs.  Smaller design options for smaller writsts, different edgings and fringes to choose from, different methods for modifying the clasp, etc...heck, at the December class, she even provided a chocolate and vanilla version of Santa.  It's just great.  

You can follow Erin's work on Facebook here or on her blog, Beads Beading Beaded.  If you read back through her older posts, she provides tons of information on her loomed beading approach.

As for me, I'm a fan for life.  I'm off to add noses to those snowmen and figure out which 3-D elements I'd like to add.  We have class again on Saturday so I'm hoping to finish my homework today.

Happy Monday everyone.


  1. OMG, yes, I would love to move just to get in on the learning and fun. What a wonderful design. I checked out the links you provided in the previous post so I knew what you were going to make but to have variety is just the icing on the cake. (along with Rick and his caricatures, of course)

  2. Love that you are using your signature aqua for your bracelet! How blessed you are to live in an area with so many fun class options! Looks like a wonderful time was had by all!

  3. It sounds like a hoot and a half - great fun and much to learn!

  4. Love, love, love getting to see all the fun and details of the classes! I would never be able to loom while in the class, because I would be too busy talking to everyone! And, of course, peeking inside Erin's brain for inspiration!

  5. Sounds like a fun class. Fantastic designs - love the icicles. Just wish her patterns were available online.

  6. I adore your posts and Blog, Susan! To be a part of your postings makes me feel so special. Thank you for this and supporting me in my classes. I look forward to meeting you, anytime.

    Your thought of adding some fiber to these pieces, is spectacular. I wonder if you have thought about such a feat on this cuff too :D

    I'm looking forward to see you again on Saturday.

    Cath, I do not sell the class patterns, as they are exclusive to the students. I do have a few on hand that are sold at BEAD SOUP. My selfish mode is: The store sells the patterns and must use the money to stock Delicas....I too would love a place for hands on buying <3

  7. WOW! I feel like I missed so much being in the front of the store all day!!!!! I can't wait to see everyone on Saturday and see some finished snowmen. Looks like everyone will be home loom-ing tomorrow with snowflakes in the forecast.

  8. I really enjoy seeing all the people in Erin's class. This is a woman who loves to share her knowledge with others about bead weaving on a loom. I love to watch all the students in the class. They are all having fun learning. The smiles in the classes are very contagious. Bead Soup is a wonderful place for this class. Kathy did great getting Erin.

  9. Oh how amazing Erin's works are. I was entranced from your previous posts and now I am really turning a not-so-becoming shade of envy green. How fun to also have your caricature drawn while beading. Beautiful beading dear...

  10. This looks like so much fun! Wish they had classes like that here in MI. We too are going to suffer through this new Arctic Vortex. This January has been wicked cold!

  11. can see what a good time you all had and productive too.

  12. Like Sherry I am a bit green with envy too! What great classes and stitching opportunities you have in your area. I love the clasps on the first bracelet!!! The colorway you choose is fun.
    Snow is falling here!

  13. Susan,
    The beading class looks like just too much fun! I'm curious about the beading loom, I am interested in getting one for myself!


  14. How fun! And yes, it does make one want to move to Maryland just to go to one of Erin's classes.

  15. Anonymous12:15 PM

    What a GREAT write-up! Sounds like a wonderful time, lots learned and a super experience all around! :D
    ~ Sheila

  16. I'm so glad you're blogging your very own 'polar vortex' of interesting classes, techniques, new friends, and beautiful works from the heart!! Love, love, love all of the work you do!!

  17. That looks like so much fun. I went and looked at her blog...amazing stuff. I have a beading loom but not as nice as the one you were using. Mine is from the 1980's...LOL

  18. Wow! That's one impressive bracelet. I love snowmen, and these are so cute. Haven't done any beading since I was a kid; I am so tempted, but there are all those other UFOs screaming at me.

  19. What a fun class! Love those little necklaces and the caricatures! Any photos this year from the annual tea?


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!