
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Where it Begins

IT ALL STARTS with the weather.  
 Comes a day when summer finally gives in to the faintest freshest of chill and a slim new light and just like that, you're gone.  
Wild in love with the autumn proviso.  
You can see that the standing trees are all busy lighting themselves up ember-orange around the hemline, starting their ritual drama of slow-immolation -- oh, well, you see it all...
So begins Barbara Kingsolvers' short essay on our drive to knit as the weather grows cold. And let me tell you, she's the one that sees it all.

A wonderful wordsmith, Ms. Kingsolver gets to the heart of how and why we knit.  As I read, I felt like she saw the life pulse behind our working hands...the energy force that knits earth, heart and soul together.  It's lovely and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

You can read Where it Begins: Knitting as Creation Story in full here.  It's published in the November/December 2013 issue of Orion magazine.  

I'm casting on this scarf today...

Happy creating.


  1. Beautiful colors and lovely wool..
    Happy day to you x

  2. perfect colors for the season. i've started a knitted coat which will probably be ready for next winter.

  3. Oh, yummy: both the yarn and the writing. Happy knitting!

  4. What lovely autumnal colours!

  5. Beautiful photography and colours !

  6. Beautiful ~ love the colors!!

  7. Anonymous6:09 AM

    What gorgeous coloured wool!

  8. An amazing piece. I have crocheted forEVER. When Terry had a stroke, after he was settled in the hospital, the first thing I did was run home to grab hook and yarn. For three days I mindlessly crocheted, tearing it all apart when we got home. I never gave much thought to why I love crochet so much. Thanks for sharing such a thoughtful and artfully written piece.

    Love the yarn you chose for your scarf, too.
    xx, Carol

  9. these colors tickle me pink!

  10. LOve the colours in your photos, and love Barbara Kingsolver. THanks for the link.

  11. Love those leaves! Add a bit of green, and your yarn matches. Nice colours.

  12. wow that wool is beautiful, will keep you snug and warm come the winter

  13. Love,love,love the yarn.Can't wait to see the scarf. Ravelry is such a great site.

  14. saves9embroidery4:37 PM

    Thank you so.much for your your life enhancing posts. Each one adds something to my day!

  15. That's going to be a pretty scarf, Susan. And thanks for the Barbara Kingsolver link as I love her writing, too. Have a great Thanksgiving!

  16. It makes me is happy to see those fall colors, love that yarn!


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