
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Scotland: The Quiraing, Isle of Skye

Mist-filled, mystical and magical...

The Quiraing was the most amazing, other-worldy place that  I visited while in Scotland.

Located on the Trotternish peninsula on the North Isle of Skye, the Quiraing is a supernaturally beautiful world of ridges, pinnacles, peaks and plateaux.

Created when hundreds of feet of lava rock crushed the softer, older sedimentary rock underneath, causing the terrain to collapse on itself.

The area is still slowly slipping toward the sea...

Requiring annual repairs to the twisting road...

In the timeframe when we visited, the fog was blanketing the ridges and the wind threatened to blow us from the Trotternish Ridge on which we stood...

There's a great hike in this area but we didn't have enough time.

I hope to go back one day so I'm tracking all of that in my Scotland journal...

The Quiraing is one of those areas that are best captured in a panoramic shot.  Lucky for me, my new camera took beautiful panoramic photos.

I was trying to find a way to share it with you so you could see the picture pan across the screen.  

I learned that this is called the Ken Burns effect in an iPhoto slideshow, allowing you to add movement to a still photo.  

It's named after documentary filmmaker Ken Burns who used the effect extensively in his films, giving life and motion to archival photos by zooming and panning around a still photo and splicing it with film.  Who knew?

I share it just in case you were having the same problem today.

I know, I know.  You get such value when you visit here.

Have a magical, mystical day with a Ken Burns effect thrown in for good measure...

Quiraing, Isle of Skye from Susan Elliott on Vimeo.


  1. How BEAUTIFUL!! Thanks for sharing!


  2. Breathtaking photos as always, Susan! Thank you so much for sharing the beauty and majesty of this beautiful place. I enjoyed going to Scotland with my morning coffee today :))))

  3. What a gorgeous view - I think the fog even enhances it! Maybe that's my Scottish blood speaking...

  4. Beautiful vista...thank you for sharing...

  5. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful place. Your photos are marvelous! I am thrilled to have "visited" the Quairaing through the lense of your camera. Look out, Ken Burns!

  6. Such a beautifully rugged land! Thank you for sharing.

  7. oooooh, OOOOOH, Susan, I want to go with you next time and I want to do that hike with you .... ohhhh my, want to drink in all that beauty in that mystical place. I could look at these photos for hours!!

  8. It does look you three are the only people on earth too. Lovely!

  9. Beautiful photos, Susan. Years ago our GS Mariner troop was The Skye Boat, so these were extra special. Thanks!

  10. More inspiration! My cousin lives near Portree on Skye; I am saving like mad to visit in 4 years' time. Your photos have simply sharpened the longing -- and the motivation. Thank you!

  11. Emerald green and lush breathtakingly beautiful. To actually be there in person must truly be magical. Great panoramic video...thank you and Ken Burns. Your journal must be amazing dear...

  12. how beautiful and a lovely video too. My Mum was a McLeod whose family came from Skye, from a previous generation so good to see these, have never been there but so so enjoyed your photos.

  13. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Oh yes, I remember that area - I cycled it with my soon to be husband, back in 1996, well, he cycled and I mostly pushed my bike! A very eerie place and just the same weather when we went too.

  14. Love your blog. Visited Scotland 3 years ago and long to go back. Skye was a favorite. I would love more detail on your embroidery and book. How did you put it together? Each page looks to be fabric. And I love the length of crossstitch that travels through it. Can we see more of that. Fascinating.
    Pam Bustamante

  15. Sheep finally. I knew they had to still be there!!!

  16. What a beautifully magical place!!!


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