
Monday, October 7, 2013

Off the Loom!

My class with Erin Simonetti is over but the lessons she taught me will be with me for a long time.

Not only that, I have this great bracelet she designed as consolation until I can take another class from her.

We gathered again at Bead Soup in Savage Mill, MD for Part II of our class.  

A great bead store which I've only recently discovered.

This is Eunice my seat neighbor.  That bracelet she's wearing on her wrist was a past class that Erin taught at Bead Soup...

Eunice beaded the other bracelet choice that Erin offered, Autumn Leaves...

And this is Lisa...

She taught me the brick stitch so I could make this little mouse.  Thanks to her for my new friend...

She had such pretty nails that I had to use her hands for a close-up action shot...

And here is Nancy cutting her bracelet off the loom...yikes...

Nancy is an old pro so I was grateful to see her do this step because I was dreading it.

Thanks to Erin's method, it was not bad at all and I was able to finish my bracelet yesterday and add its clasp...

And, as if all that fun and goodness wasn't enough, Erin made us each a pair of earrings to go with our bracelet! What??  How cool is that?

 I got a set of lampwork pumpkins...others got leaves or candy corn...

When can I take another class from her??

 You can find Erin and her work at her website here or her blog here or follow her on Facebook here.

Happy Monday everyone.

 Believe it or not, I'm beading again today. When it rains, it pours...but I love rain.


  1. Oh my gosh much fun was that? Of course it looks like you had such a great time and made so many new friends. If only there were 3 of me....

  2. Good job I live miles from everywhere, where that sort of beading is concerned...or I might decide to have a weaving addiction after all! What beautiful results, and fun to boot!

  3. I have a bead loom that I haven't used in years. Seeing this makes me want to get it out and play:)

  4. While I've bead loomed before, I've never seen it done with the added dimensional elements and the wonderful borders! Love your bracelet - and especially that wee mousie! Looks like such a fun class!

  5. Susan, this is fantastic! We all giggled together, during those two days of class, didn't we? It looks like the cuff turned out to be the right size for your wrist too! That is one of the best lessons taught. I am also glad to hear you are beading again. After one of my classes, I want the students to never allow their new looms to be naked again. Next step, another will need an empty one for the other classes! I truly enjoyed you and sharing in your wonderful creative talents. Thanks.

  6. How wonderful! Erin's classes are on my someday list. Meanwhile I can live vicariously through you guys. :) Beautiful work, Susan. Something to which to aspire! thanks for sharing.

  7. Wow beautiful x

  8. Goodness, earrings as a bonus for taking a class - lucky, lucky you!

  9. So beautiful! May I ask what is the thread you used on the edges?

  10. Anonymous3:52 PM your little mouse! What a delightful class. Coming home with treasures made it even better.

  11. I always learn so much in Erin's classes and have fun to boot! Hope to see you again.

  12. Okay, my daughter was signed into Google, the previous comment was from the "other" Susan" (She is cute though)

  13. Happy Monday to you too!
    Super cute bracelet.
    Are you going to teach looming to your nieces?
    xx, Carol

  14. Such fun!! Love the mouse peeking at you!

  15. I wish there were a class in this area, it looks like it could become addicting! Beautiful job and love the little mouse. What a perfect touch!

  16. you have made a beautiful bracelet here Susan, can see more coming from you soon

  17. Wow! Fun and a nice surprise, too.

  18. Your pumpkin bracelet is beautiful and I am in love with the little mouse peeking over the top. Such a wonderful class and teacher you had. Very sweet to receive bonus earrings. Stitching Beaded Bliss Dear...

  19. Your bracelet came out just wonderul. You should enjoy it for many falls to come.

  20. What a fun bracelet! I love the mouse peeking over it. I used to have a loom like that and you've got me wondering whatever happened to it.


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!