
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

An Embroiderer's Travel Journal: The Beginning

Lately I've been immersing myself in the history, culture and literature of Scotland...

Not to mention the weaving, knitting and needlework of Scotland as well...

I wanted to bop in quickly to let you know what I've been up to...

It's a Travel Journal for an Embroiderer...and I'm having such fun dreaming it up.

Jack and I are off again to another college visit today.  I actually enjoy seeing all the different colleges and listening to all the pitches.  

But my Journal has me eager to get back home.  Happy day everyone.


  1. We are going to Scotland in September as well, and Lady Evelyn's is the very first needlework I ever bought - weird... I'm not sure if I'll get to see any of her collection but we will be close so maybe.
    I look forward to seeing your journal unfold (mine is still in the planning stages, having just completed making 14 Christmas books!) and also to reading about your journey. I know I have high hopes for mone!

  2. My great-great-grandfather Alexander Rennie and his bride, Margaret Gillies, left Kilsyth, Scotland for Canada in 1826, settling in SW Quebec. I count it a great blessing to have visited Kilsyth in 2007 and have plans (and savings started!) to go back in 2017...and to visit my cousin on Skye. I will be eating up everything you write about your Scots explorations in stitch!

  3. Oh Susan, how rich and delicious!
    Thank you for bringing us all along...and I just have to say, how I love your photographs!

  4. aww i love it too.
    hugs x

  5. Just back from Scotland last week. One of the things that amazed me were all of the flowers everywhere. Roses as big as dinner plates with the most wonderful scents. Petunias in hanging baskets and windowboxes. Wildflowers on both sides of the (very winding) roads.

  6. OK, I'm intrigued Susan, can't wait to see the finished project!!

  7. What, no Ian Rankin?

  8. Look again Kim! Ian Rankin is there "Knots and Crosses"!

  9. You are going to have SO much fun! And I will enjoy your trip virtually.

  10. Oh! Cannot wait to see this journal!!!

  11. This is going to be so interesting!

  12. Off to a great start. Thank you for taking us along!

  13. Dont miss seeing the Burrell collection - its one of the best for samplers and there are William Morris stuff too .

  14. Visiting Scotland...creating your embroidery journal...and enjoying your amazing posts! I am so happy for you dear.

  15. Anonymous3:47 AM

    That looks wonderful. Can't wait to see what you create!

  16. How intriguing - I'm really looking forward to reading more!


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Have a wonder-filled life!