
Friday, December 2, 2011

Sneak Peak

Here's what's on my work table right now...

I'm busy making a crazy quilt ornament for our Crazy Holiday Gathering at my friend Maureen's...I've posted about these annual celebrations before here and here. We each make an ornament to exchange and, oh boy, it's one day I look forward to all year long.

Well, par for my course, I have lots still to do plus...

Grab the smelling salts, Jim asked me out on a date tonight. A date!

I don't think we've been on one of those

Well. I guess we'd better get another one on the books so I'd better not mess it up by needing to stay home to finish an ornament. Can you imagine if I had to tell him that?

OK. So I'd better skedaddle...

But did I mention that I'm SO excited about this ornament? Hint: It's inspired by this post.

I'll tell you about it after tomorrow. Today I have to keep it a secret...

Happy Weekend!

Oooh, and Happy Date Night!


  1. Oh a surprise! I will be back to see this ornament! Enjoy your date night.....

  2. Candida12:34 PM

    Susan... have you seen this.. thought you would like to know:

  3. Anonymous12:45 PM

    It looks tantalising - and Happy Date Night too!

  4. Well, can't figure out what you are doing from your clue!

    A date! Yay. Where ya goin?? You better tell us tomorrow when you reveal the ornie mystery.

    Happy date nite!

  5. I hope it's FUN!

  6. The Royal Wedding is clue. White lace, pearls and red me!

  7. Happy Date night indeed! Hope it is magical for you both. And I look forward to seeing your ornament.

  8. I hope you and Jim had a wonderful "date night", and that you finished your ornament before going out so you could relax and enjoy.... Can't wait to see the pics from tomorrow's get-together. Please give Helen, Maureen and Bobbi a big hug from me - wish I could see you all again... Have fun!

  9. Enjoy your date night. Now that I've seen the inspiration for the ornament, can hardly wait to see the ornament itself!

  10. i'm holding my breath to hear all about your date and the ornament of course.

  11. Well if Kate's dress has inspired your ornament it will be well wroth the wait!! Do so hope that you had a marvelous date night!! Whooo Hooo!!


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!