
Monday, November 7, 2011

Finishing Touches

Hello everyone and thank you for all the butterfly love. I think it perked up just from hearing all of your wonderful comments.

I've been spending the last two days adding the finishing touches to this piece.

This is the fun part.

It's like getting to put the sprinkles on the cupcake.

And I'm almost finished.

When I looked at the piece as a whole, I thought I needed to bring the chandelier forward a bit I punched it up by adding more rows of tiny "crystals" in between the bigger rows.

I also added ribbons to tie off the black lace bouquets...

And added a few organza petals in between the lacy petals to soften their edges a bit...

And I'm working on finalizing the seam treatments...and adding these little gray pearls to my silver mesh leaves...

The end is very near. *sniff* The only thing giving me a bit of trouble is my "signature"...

Before I took this class with Canby Robertson, I never gave my signature much of a thought. In fact, most times I was finishing something under a deadline and I forgot to even put signatures on my pieces (*gasp*).

It's true.

But Canby said that if you've put considerable time and effort into creating a beautiful piece, then you should put equal effort into your signature. Your signature should reflect you and reflect your work.

*Gulp*. No pressure.

She's right though, isn't she? And I guess, just like any new task, I'll get better at it the more I do it. It's just my first attempt today was a real flub. (I'll try to take a picture of the flub...)

I'm going to tackle it anew in dawn's early light.

An embroidered signature isn't as easy as it looks...unfortunately.

Happy Monday y'all.


  1. As always, what I think is already perfect, you see the tiny details that make it just a little more perfect.

    How is it possible for you to keep pushing the bar higher and higher?

    Your art simply takes my breath away.

  2. I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas. It has been so lovely watching all of the parts be created and put together and added touches making things all the more special. I cannot wait to see the finished piece in its entirety and I know you are going to make that signature work.

  3. All those wonderful embellishments. One beautiful thing after another. I never thought of signing needlework.

  4. Being the wonderful, creative artist that you are, I know your signature will be lovely.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  5. Looking forward to the unveiling!
    Hmmm, I sign my paintings, but I only put my initials and date on a few of my stitched pieces. I'm thinking on it, now.

  6. The details here are amazing!!! The flower petals are wonderful- I can't think of enough adjectives to express my awe!! and to think that this block is only 8 inches by 8 inches!! i'll say it again =YOU ARE A WONDER!!!!

  7. I am getting so excited to see the finished piece. So far beautiful as ever.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  8. You always find just the right finishing touches that add that extra spark to your pieces. If I know you, you'll be practicing your signature until its just right.

    You are really building our excitement to see the entire piece!

  9. It seems like we are holding our collective breath, waiting for the grand reveal! Can't wait to see the WHOLE thing with the added signature....aren't you glad you have a short name! Beautiful down to the last tiny detail, Susan. Bravo!

  10. Your photos are absolutely perfect! I'm in awe!

  11. All those little finishing details are magic!!

    Can't wait to see your signature.

    What will you make next????

  12. Such a tease post!lol.....I cannot wait to see all these gorgeous elements together...thank you for taking us along on your journey of making this wonderful block.....waiting with anticipation for the full reveal....have a great day....

  13. Une vrai beauté ! Et j'ai hâte de voir ta signature. Bisous et bon mardi

  14. Looking forward to see the whole block :)
    It is unbelievable what you have put in here.
    It has said many times, but here is one more: the butterfly is awesome !!!!

  15. Che meraviglia!!!!!!!!!!
    E stupendo questo blog, complimenti
    Io amo tantissimo il ricamo, se ti va vieni a trovarmi nel mio blog, a presto

  16. I am getting so excited to see the finish!! And YES YES YES to signature!! Once again...amazing !!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. OH
    So much Beauty in one place!
    It's breathtaking Susan.
    I can hardly wait for the "final" photo...

  19. I am just breathless with anticipation at getting a glimpse of the final piece....
    Hope your signature comes easily.

  20. *dribble* - the finishing touches you are adding are just perfect!

    What if you did a small hemmed (and maybe in a scalloped shape or something) section on the back, with your name embroidered on that. Like a 'signature' panel? I've seen it done and it looks very neat and professional - one just has to assume people can still see the back after the work is finished. (ie not in a frame etc)

  21. beautiful :) hope you get your signature sorted .. can't wait to see it all as one piece :) love mouse xxxx

  22. OOOH!
    Pretty parts!
    there's a lot more there, there, than there was the last time you posted.
    you've been a busy beaver!)
    I am aquiver with anticipation to see the whole thing!
    it's a learning curve, not a flub!)

  23. Oh, Oh, Oh, this is so beautiful.
    And so inspiring.
    Can't wait to see the whole piece.

  24. I have seen you stitch over wire time and time again, now I have found something I need to make that this technique (thought not done with the precision you exhibit) serves perfectly. I am in the process of making flames for a beaded doll. It will be a little while before they surface for everyone to see though. Thank you for sharing your process.

  25. I'm going to be sorry when you finish this piece. It's been very enjoyable watching your process. I wonder what you'll do next:)

  26. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I am sooooo looking forward to see the end of this piece... and what you'll do next:-)

    Michela, from Geneva, Switzerland (P.S. I'm currently finishing Level 7 Haute-couture at Lesage, so you might guess how much I love embroidery and I admire your talent)

  27. I am following your amazing work from Argentina, such a femenin beautiful piece, I just LOVE it!!!!

  28. The first thing that came to my mind as I read about difficulties with your signature was to have a stamp made of your handwritten signature and using a light gray ink stamp it where you want to sign and then embroider over it. And/or you could use that for a sampler to work on developing a stitched signature.

    Audrey and her block are all so lovely! I can only hope I will be able to stitch almost as well in a few years.

  29. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Yes, embroidering a signature is hard - that's why I use Morse Code!

  30. The details are gorgeous! Love, love, love the chandelier...what I can see of it. I can't wait for the reveal.

  31. The details are exquisite. Beautiful and inspiring work.

  32. It has been such a pleasure to watch the creation of such an amazing piece! I love the level of detail you strive for!
    Thanks so much for sharing the experience - truly inspiring!!!
    Cheers, Denise

  33. This piece is inspiring!! The level of detail is fantastic! I love the beauty and the story and the level of detail that goes into your pieces!
    Thanks so much!
    Cheers, Denise


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!